
FRSI-1010 (5) Beginning Farsi I

Provides a grounding in basic Persian Farsi grammar. The morphological and phonological nuances of the language will be introduced, along with Persian culture. Basic conversation is re-enforced on a daily basis with strong emphasis and reiteration upon the homework and covered grammar.

INDO-1010 (5) Beginning Indonesian 1

Provides a thorough introduction to the modern Indonesian language, emphasizing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. This course is proficiency-based. Activities aim to place the student in the context of the native-speaking environment from the very beginning. Students will be provided opportunities to participate in local Southeast Asian cultural events. Students with previous experience with Indonesian or Malay should contact the instructor for placement.

FRSI-1011 (3) Introduction to Persian Civilization

An introduction to the history, literature and art of Iranian (Persian) civilization with a focus on the social and cultural aspects of contemporary Iran. Taught in English.

INDO-1011 (3) Introduction to Indonesian Civilization

Provides an overview of the past and present of Indonesia, the people, and their cultures. Discussions with guest speakers, and on films, music, and images, will allow them to get acquainted with important issues and values in today's Indonesia. A closer look to the five major islands in the archipelago will introduce them to the diversity of this nation's 234,693,997 people. Taught in English.

FRSI-1020 (5) Beginning Farsi II

Continuation of FRSI 1010. Completes the presentation of basic structures of Farsi. Continued acquisition of vocabulary and practice of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Class conducted largely in Farsi. The second half of the course will introduce authentic texts of Persian prose literature. Some poetry may be included. Prereq., FRSI 1010 (min. grade C) or instructor consent required.

INDO-1020 (5) Beginning Indonesian 2

Continuation of INDO1010. Provides a thorough introduction to the modern Indonesian language, emphasizing the context of the native-speaking environment from the very beginning. Students will be provided with opportunities to participate in local Southeast Asian events. Students with previous experience with Indonesian or Malay should contact the instructor for placement. Prereq., INDO 1010 (min. grade C).

CWCV-2000 (3) The Western Tradition

Encourages a historical and critical investigation into the formative influences on what is often called Western culture, including religious, political, social and economic factors, and contemporary interpretations and critiques of these developments and concepts. Designed as the foundation course for the Center for Western Civilization. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: ideals and values.

CEES-2002 (3) Introduction to Central and East European Studies

Examines major themes in the history of Russia and East-Central Europe since the early modern era, introduces the literature and arts of the region, and presents current political, social, and economic issues. Same as HIST 2002. Approved for arts and sciences CORE curriculum: historical context.

INDO-2010 (4) Intermediate Indonesian 1

Aims to increase the students' proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in modern Indonesian. Students will use only Indonesian in class. Evaluation based on classroom performance, homework, tests, and final project. Students will be provided with opportunities to participate in local Southeast Asian cultural events. Students with previous experience with Indonesian or Malay should contact the instructor for placement. Prereqs., INDO 1010 and 1020 (min. grade C). Meets MAPS requirement for foreign language.

INDO-2020 (4) Intermediate Indonesian 2

Continuation of INDO 2010. Aims to increase the students' proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in modern Indonesian. Students will use only Indonesian in class. Evaluation based on classroom performance, homework, tests, and final project. Students will be provided with opportunities to participate in local Southeast Asian cultural events. Students with previous experience with Indonesian or Malay should contact the instructor for placement. Prereq., INDO 2010 (min. grade of C).

FRSI-2110 (4) Intermediate Farsi I

Provides an intensive introduction to cultural and literary texts of Iran, along with an introduction of the grammatical and rhetorical complexities of Persian prose and poetry. Students continue to develop speaking, listening, and writing skills through activities based on the readings. Prereq., FRSI 1020 (min. grade C) or instructor consent required. Meets MAPS requirement: foreign language. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: foreign language. Formerly FRSI 2010.

SNSK-2110 (3-4) Intermediate Sanskrit 1

Continued study of the grammar of classical Sanskrit and translation of selected readings from the literature. Meets MAPS requirement for foreign language. Prereq., SNSK 1020.

FRSI-2120 (4) Intermediate Farsi II

Continuation of FRSI 2010. Incorporates more readings in Persian literature, both poetry and prose, and cultural readings. Students continue developing speaking, listening and writing skills based on the readings. Prereq., FRSI 2010 (min. grade C) or instructor consent required. Formerly FRSI 2020.

INDO-3010 (3) Advanced Indonesian 1

Develops students' proficiency in language skills in modern Indonesian. Emphasis is on students' command in leading discussion and writing in formal Indonesian. Students read classic and contemporary authentic materials. Evaluation based on classroom performance, essays, and final project. Students will be provided with opportunities to participate in local Southeast Asian cultural events. Fluent Indonesian or Malay speakers who wish to learn more about Indonesian cultures should contact the instructor for placement. Prereq., INDO 2020 (min. grade C).

INDO-3020 (3) Advanced Indonesian 2

Continuation of Indo 3010. Develops students' proficiency in language skills in modern Indonesian.Emphasis is on students' ability to lead discussionand write in formal Indonesian. Students read classic and contemporary authentic materials. Evaluation based on classroom performance, essays, and final project. Students will be provided with opportunities toparticipate in local Southeast Asian cultural events. Fluent Indonesian or Malay speakers who wish to learn more about Indonesian cultures should contact the instructor for placement. Prereq., INDO 3010 (min. grade C).

FRSI-3110 (3) Advanced Farsi I

An intensive introduction to both Persian philology and the contemporary novel. Textual analysis of texts ranging from complex to very complex will enable the students to gain a strong grounding in Persian literary texts. Students continue developing speaking, listening, and writing skills through activities based on the readings. Prereq., FRSI 2020 (min. grade C). Formerly FRSI 3010.

FRSI-3120 (3) Advanced Farsi II

This course is the continuation of Farsi 3010. The focus will be on textual analysis and discussion of authentic texts in a wide variety of genres and a wide range of topics. Students continue developing speaking and listening skills through activities based on the readings and develop the ability to write short papers (3-5 pages) in Farsi. Prereq., FRSI 3010 (min. grade C). Formerly FRSI 3120.