
ENGL-3553 (3) Geoffrey Chaucer

Selection of Chaucer's works, including The Canterbury Tales and other shorter poems. Includes an introduction to Middle English. Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

ENGL-3563 (3) Early Shakespeare

Shakespeare's works through 1600. Prereq., junior standing. Restricted to English, humanities, and theatre majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) English (ENGL), Humanities (HUMN), Theatre (THTR or TBFA) majors only.

ENGL-3573 (3) Later Shakespeare

Shakespeare's works after 1600. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) English (ENGL), Humanities (HUMN) or Theatre (THTR or TBFA) majors only.

ENGL-3583 (3) Milton

Milton's poetry and selected prose. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) English (ENGL) or Humanities (HUMN) majors only.

ENGL-4113 (3) History and Culture of Medieval England

Explores the major historical, literary, and cultural developments in England from the Anglo-Saxon period through the 15th century. Prereq., junior standing. Approved for arts and sciences CORE curriculum: historical context.

ENGL-4503 (3) Continental Medieval Literature

Intensive study of the major literary works of the Middle Ages in Europe. Prereq., junior standing.

ENGL-4513 (3) British Medieval Literature

Intensive study of the major literary works of the Middle Ages in Britain. Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior). May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours provided the topics vary. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

ENGL-4523 (3) The Renaissance in England: 1500--1600

Selected prose and non-dramatic poetry from Skelton and More through Shakespeare and his contemporaries.Prereq., junior standing. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

ENGL-4533 (3) The Renaissance in England: 1600--1700

Selected prose and poetry by Donne, Jonson, Bacon, and their successors. Prereq., junior standing. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

ENGL-4583 (3) Elizabeth I and Her Times

Interdisciplinary course explores different aspects of the reign of Elizabeth I: social and political history; literature; theater; and music. Explores the role and impact of a female ruler on English culture. Restricted to juniors and seniors. Same as HIST 4134 and THTR 4091.