
MCDB-1030 (3) Plagues, People, and Microorganisms

Discusses the biology, history, ecology, and social impact of human plagues, including Aids, smallpox, polio, bubonic plague, tuberculosis, leprosy, the impact of the Irish potato blight, and emerging human pathogens. The biology of pathogens and the human immune responses are treated in detail. Discusses the impact of molecular biology on curtailing the impact of diseases. For nonmajors. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

MCDB-1041 (3) Fundamentals of Human Genetics

Covers the basic principles of genetics, human pedigree analysis, and how genetic diseases affect DNA, RNA, and proteins. Considers implications of this research for medicine and society. For nonmajors. Recommended prereq., good background in high school chemistry and biology. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

MCDB-1150 (3) Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology

Covers biologically important macromolecules and biological processes, together with an introduction to cell structure, function, and physiology. Provides the foundation for advanced MCDB courses to majors, and a rigorous overview of modern biology to nonmajors. MCDB 1151 must be taken concurrently by MCDB and biochemistry majors and prehealth science students. Prereq., high school chemistry and algebra. Coreq., MCDB 1151 for majors. Credit not granted for this course and MCDB 1111. Meets MAPS requirement for natural sciences: lab. Approved for arts and science core curriculum: natural science.

MCDB-1151 (1) Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Lab

Offers one two-hour lab per week designed to acquaint students with research techniques and concepts in molecular and cellular biology. Topics include cell structure, function, physiology, and recombinant DNA. MCDB 1150 must be taken concurrently. Credit not granted for this course and MCDB 1111. Meets MAPS requirement for natural sciences: lab. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

MCDB-1152 (1) Problem Solving Co-Seminar for Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology

Uses problem solving and other interactive group work to aid student learning in co-requisite course MCDB 1150. Students will work in small groups on learning and practicing how to solve difficult conceptual problems, as well as using hands-on activities and concept mapping to help learn content. Coreq., MCDB 1150.

MCDB-1161 (2) From Dirt to DNA: Phage Genomics Laboratory I

Provides laboratory experience working on a bacteriophage genomics research project. Students will study novel bacteriophage they isolate from the environment. Topics covered include phage biology, bacteria and phage culturing and amplification, DNA isolation, restriction digest analysis, agarose gel electrophorosis, and electron microscopy. Coreq., MCDB 1150 or successful completion of 2 semesters of General Biology AP credit.

MCDB-2150 (3) Principles of Genetics

Introduces the behavior of genes and chromosomes in eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. Covers three areas: transmission genetics, molecular genetics, and population genetics. Attention is given to genetic mapping, recombinant DNA procedures, and gene expression. MCDB 2151 must be taken by MCDB or biochemistry majors and prehealth science students concurrently or when next offered. Prereqs., MCDB 1150 or 1111 or EBIO 1210 or general biology. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

MCDB-2151 (1) Principles of Genetics Laboratory

One two-hour lab per week. Provides hands-on experience with principles introduced in MCDB 2150. Topics include mitosis, meiosis, classical genetics, complementation, mutagenesis, DNA replication, natural selection, and evolution. Prereqs., MCDB 1150 and 1151. Coreq., MCDB 2150. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

MCDB-2152 (1) Problem Solving Co-Seminars for Genetics

Uses problem solving and other interactive group work to aid student learning in co-requisite course MCDB 2150. Students will work in small groups on learning and practicing how to solve difficult conceptual problems, as well as using hands-on activities and concept mapping to help learn content. Coreq., MCDB 2150.

MCDB-2161 (2) From DNA to Genes, Phage Genomics Laboratory II

Provides laboratory experience working on a bacteriphage isolated during the previous semester. Topics include bioinformatics, genome annotation, open reading frame and RNA identification, BLAST analysis, phylogenetics and submission to a genomic database. Prereqs., MCDB 1150 and 1161. Coreq., MCDB 2150.

MCDB-2840 (1-3) Lower-Division Independent Study

May be repeated for credit, but only 8 hours of MCDB 2840 plus MCDB 4840 can be counted toward graduation. Students with adequate prerequisites should take MCDB 4840. Prereqs., instructor consent and independent study contract. Coreq., MCDB 1150.

MCDB-3135 (3) Molecular Cell Biology I

Examines the central dogma of biology by discussing the most important molecules in cells (DNA, RNA, and protein) and how their synthesis (DNA replication, transcription, RNA processing, and translation) is regulated. Incorporated into the discussion is how recombinant DNA techniques are used to discover and dissect cellular processes, how to design and interpret experiments, and understanding the limits of experiments to draw conclusions. These principles are the foundation for subsequent examination of intracellular mechanisms in MCDB 3145. Prereqs., MCDB 2150 or EBIO 2070. Prereq., or coreq., CHEM 1133. Recommended coreq., MCDB 3140. Credit not granted for this course and MCDB 3120.

MCDB-3140 (2) Cell Biology Laboratory

One four-hour lab per week. Provides experience with and exposure to modern cell biology laboratory techniques. Topics include microscopy, immunocytochemistry, Western blotting, Southern blotting, and flow cytometry. This course does not use vertebrate animals. Coreq., MCDB 3135 or 3145.

MCDB-3145 (3) Molecular Cell Biology II

Examines intracellular mechanisms, including transport of ions and small molecules across membranes; protein targeting to organelles; membrane trafficking between organelles; signal transduction; the cytoskeleton; and the cell cycle. Analysis of these activities is from the experimental perspective established in MCDB 3135. Prereq., MCDB 3135. Recommended prereq or coreq., MCDB 3140 concurrent with either 3135 or 3145. Students may not receive credit for MCDB 3145 and 3500.

MCDB-3150 (3) Biology of the Cancer Cell

Highlights dimensions of the cancer problem; cancer as a genetic/cellular disease; chemicals, viruses, and radiation as causes of cancer; cancer and diet; cancer epidemiology; cancer risk factors; proto-oncogenes, oncogenes, and cancer suppressor genes; and prevention of cancer. Prereq., MCDB 2150 or EBIO 2070, or instructor consent. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

MCDB-3280 (3) Molecular Cell Physiology

Analyzes cellular mechanisms from a molecular perspective. Examines molecules as machines that arethe basis of cellular mechanisms. Uses animal systems' physiology as examples. Prereqs., MCDB 3120 and CHEM 1133.

MCDB-3330 (3) Evolution and Creationism

Intensive lecture/discussion course on the interrelationships among science, religion, and social policy. Includes historical and scientific development of evolution theory, social Darwinism/sociobiology, and the public perception of science. Prereq., MCDB 1111 or 1150 or instructor consent. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

MCDB-3350 (3) Fertility, Sterility, and Early Mammalian Development

Describes the production of germ cells, ovulation, fertilization, reproductive cycles, controls of reproduction, early development of the embryo, methods of contraception, and causes and treatments of sterility. Recommended for students planning careers in the health sciences. Prereq., MCDB 1150, EBIO 1210, or instructor consent.

MCDB-3650 (3) The Brain - From Molecules to Behavior

Examines the molecular basis of the brain's role in thought, action, and consciousness by exploring issues such as relationship of cognition and localized brain function, sensory systems and their role in cognition, learning and memory, and behavioral neurochemistry. Prereq., MCDB 1150 and 2150 or equivalent.

MCDB-4110 (1-3) Special Topics

Presentations of special topics in molecular, and/or cellular, and/or developmental biology, usually given by visiting faculty, alone or in conjunction with MCDB faculty. Prereq., instructor consent.

MCDB-4111 (3) Experimental Design and Research in Cell and Molecular Biology

Learning molecular and cell biology experimental design and approaches through independent research projects. Students, working in pairs, will explore the research process and gain extensive first-hand experience in: hypothesis formation; experimental design; solution preparation and experimental methodology; proposal presentation and defense (oral and written); formal presentation of results and conclusions (oral and written in a publication-style format); the publication process; critical reading and evaluation of primary scientific literature. Prereq., MCDB 1150 or equivalent and instructor consent. Recommended coreq., MCDB 3135 or 3500.

MCDB-4201 (3) From Bench to Bedside: The Role of Science in Medicine

Demonstrates the breadth of research in the life sciences and how such research (not just in medical schools) can lead to medical applications. Lecturers from life sciences, the medical school and biotechnology, discuss drug development and the transfer of research into the clinical arena. Students also prepare a paper and presentation on the development of a commercial drug. Prereqs., MCDB 1150, 1151, or 1111, and MCDB 2150, 2151, 3140, and 3120 or 3145.

MCDB-4202 (3) The Python Project

Studies how python hearts grow after they consume a meal. Understanding the molecular processes of growth and regression in the python heart could lead to development of therapeutics for heart disease. Students work in groups in the laboratory and generate novel data by using modern molecular biology and bioinformatic techniques to clone and sequence candidate molecules of the python genome. May be repeated once. Prereqs., MCDB 1150 and 2150. Recommended prereqs., MCDB 3120 and 3500, or MCDB 3135 and 3145, and CHEM 4711 and 4731.

MCDB-4234 (3) Research Methods

Presents a rigorous and pedagogically coherent introduction into the experimental process used to collect data, formulate hypotheses, and answer scientific questions in general, and biological questions in particular. Includes a detailed consideration of the elements of experimental design, data collection and analysis, and the interpretation of results in the context of effective science teaching. Part of the CU Teach course sequence for teacher certification in science and mathematics. Prereqs., completion of freshman/sophomore major requirements, MCDB 1150 or 1111, MCDB 2150, 3120/3140, or 3135/3145, or instructor consent. Restricted to students enrolled in School of Education. Prerequisites: Restricted to MCDB majors or School of Education undergraduate students only.

MCDB-4300 (3) Immunology

Emphasizes cellular and molecular mechanisms by which organisms protect themselves from pathogens and the experimental basis for our understanding of these processes. Discusses development, function, and misfunction of t-cells, b-cells and other components of the immune system, focusing on the human immune system. Prereqs., MCDB 3120 and 3500, or MCDB 3135 and 3145. Same as MCDB 5301.
