
PSYC-2012 (3) Biological Psychology 1

Surveys biological bases of learning, motivation, emotion, sensory processes and perception, movement,comparative animal behavior, sexual and reproductive activity, instinctual behavior, neurobiology of language and thought, and neurophysiology and neuroanatomy in relation to behavior. Prereq., PSYC 1001. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

PSYC-2022 (3) Biological Psychology 2

Continuation of PSYC 2012. Integrates knowledge and facts presented in PSYC 2012 into current topics in biopsychology. Course no longer taught after fall 2003, except through Continuing Education correspondence. Prereq., PSYC 2012.

PSYC-3102 (3) Behavioral Genetics

Inheritance of behavioral characteristics. Prereq., PSYC 3101.

PSYC-4052 (4) Behavioral Neuroscience

Intensive survey of the morphological, neurochemical,and physiological aspects of behavior. Prereqs., PSYC 2012-2022 or EBIO 1210-1220, or CHEM 1111-1131, or PHYS 1010-1020, or PHYS 2010-2020. NRSC 4052 and PSYC 4052 are the same course. Same as NRSC/PSYC 5052.

PSYC-4112 (3) Behavioral Genetics Laboratory

Provides laboratory experience in behavioral genetics. Students train in one or more aspects of data collection and interpretation, read research papers, contribute nine hours per week to a research project in behavioral genetics, and write a report. Prereq., PSYC 3102 or 4102.

PSYC-4142 (3) Brain Injury, Plasticity and Recovery: From Neuron to Behavior

Traumatic brain injury is prevalent in all aspects of society, with incidence rates varying according to age, gender, military affiliation and participation in certain sports. The course will delve into the full spectrum of consequences following injury, beginning with the individual neural cells in the brain through to the behaving individual. It will also cover strategies to improve functional recovery. Prereq., PSYC 2012 or NRSC 2100. Recommended prereq., PSYC/NRSC 4132. Restricted to junior/seniors or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

PSYC-5052 (4) Behavioral Neuroscience

PSYC 5052 and NRSC 5052 are the same course. Same as PSYC/NRSC 4052.

PSYC-5082 (2-3) Seminar: Biological Psychology

Special topics concerning biological bases of behavior. Prereqs., PSYC 4052 and instructor consent.

PSYC-5102 (2) Behavioral Genetics

Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSYC-5112 (3) Concepts in Behavioral Genetics

Examines selected topics in greater detail than is possible in the comprehensive undergraduate course in behavioral genetics (PSYC 3102). Topics covered may include inheritance of behavioral characteristics from perspectives of pharmacogenetics, transmission genetics, biochemical genetics, and evolutionary genetics. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Instructor consent required.

PSYC-5122 (3) Quantitative Genetics

Surveys principles of genetics of quantitative characteristics. Topics include gene frequencies, effects of mutation, migration, and selection. Also looks at correlations among relatives, heritability, inbreeding, crossbreeding, and selective breeding.

PSYC-5232 (2) Molecular Genetics and Physiology

Covers fundamental mechanisms of gene action, including genome structure and regulation of gene expression. Discusses molecular techniques used to examine human genetic diseases. Emphasizes genetic diseases with behavioral, neurologic, and physiologic abnormalities. Prereq., IPHY/PSYC 5200 or instructor consent. Same as IPHY 5232.

PSYC-5242 (3) Biometrical Methods in Behavioral Genetics

Studies development of structural models appropriate to behavioral genetics and the estimation procedures necessary for their application. Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSYC-5262 (3) Mammalian Neuroanatomy

Covers microscopic anatomy and function of different brain regions. Emphasizes correlation between structure and function, particularly at cellular and synaptic level. Course includes brain dissection, description of neuroanatomical and neurohistological techniques, and an introduction to the ultrastructure of neurons. Prereqs., PSYC 4052 or NRSC 4052 or MCDB 4190, and instructor consent.

PSYC-7012 (1-3) Research in Behavioral Genetics

Individual research projects. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSYC-7102 (2) Seminar: Behavioral Genetics

Intensive study of selected topics in behavioral genetics. Emphasizes recent research. Attention to both human and animal studies. May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.