
DNCE-1013 (2) Dance Improvisation

An opportunity for students to develop skills of dance improvisation through the exploration of structured movement problems. Students study selected contemporary dance artists whose work stresses improvisation in performance and/or as a training vehicle. Restricted to dance majors. Formerly DNCE 2013. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance (DNCE or DBFA) majors only.

DNCE-2033 (3) Beginning Composition

Introduces the basic elements of dance composition through compositional studies evolved from readings, discussion, and improvisation. Prereq., DNCE 1013 and DNCE 2021, 3041, or 4061. Restricted to dance majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance (DNCE or DBFA) majors only.

DNCE-3043 (3) Intermediate Dance Composition

Opportunity for students to increase knowledge and understanding of dance composition elements as they relate to group forms, theme, development, and phrase manipulation. Prereqs., DNCE 2033 and DNCE 2021, 3041 or 4061. Restricted to dance majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance (DNCE or DBFA) majors only.

DNCE-4023 (2) Performance Improvisation Techniques

Explores movement and vocal improvisational techniques to enhance creative and performance skills. Helps individuals discover and make accessible the diversity of the human instrument and develops practical tools to broaden expressive range. Same as DNCE 5023. Formerly DNCE 4018.

DNCE-4053 (3) Advanced Dance Composition

In-depth approach to composition emphasizing personal invention, solo and group forms; styles based on historical art forms; exploration of the evaluative process. Prereqs., DNCE 3043 and DNCE 2021, 3041, or 4061. Restricted to dance majors. Same as DNCE 5053. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance (DNCE or DBFA) majors only.

DNCE-5023 (2) Performance Improvisation Techniques

Restricted to graduate students. Same as DNCE 4023 with the addition of written analysis and creative assignments. Formerly DNCE 5018. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

DNCE-5053 (3) Advanced Dance Composition

Same as DNCE 4053. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

DNCE-6073 (3) Choreography

Covers in-depth practical and theoretical approaches to dance composition for graduate students; solo and group forms; and analysis of historical and contemporary dance works. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours with different instructors. Restricted to graduate students in dance.