
ASEN-2001 (4) Aerospace 1: Introduction to Statics, Structures, and Materials

Introduces models and analytical/numerical methods for statics and structural analysis. Topics include force/moment equilibrium, truss analysis, beam theory, stress/strain, failure criteria, and structural design. Matlab proficiency required. Prereqs., APPM 1360, GEEN 1300 or CSCI 1300 or ECEN 1030 and PHYS 1110 (min. grade C). Coreq., ASEN 2002, 2012 or APPM 2350. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-3112 (4) Structures

Teaches Mechanics of Materials methods of stress and deformation analysis applicable to the design and verification of aircraft and space structures. It offers an introduction to matrix and finite element methods for truss structures, and to mechanical vibrations. Prereq., ASEN 2001, 2003, 2004, and APPM 2360 (min. grade C). Restricted to ASEN majors. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-4012 (3) Aerospace Materials

Studies aerospace grade aluminum, magnesium, nickel, and titanium alloys. Covers heat treatment, defect structures, failure mechanisms, corrosion and its prevention, the effect of space radiation on materials, and high and low temperature effects. Introduces composite materials with a lab design and experiment. Emphasizes the selection of materials in design with procedures for choosing materials rationally. Case studies include aerogels, carbides, composites, powder metallurgy, nanomaterials, and advanced materials manufacturing technologies. Prereq., ASEN 2001 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of ASEN 2001.

ASEN-4222 (3) Materials Science for Composite Manufacturing

Studies common matrix materials and the modificationsand improvements of properties which can be achieved by adding second phase reinforcements. Properties will be significantly affected by the design approach and by requirements, and by the procedure of adding reinforcements. Investigates polymer, ceramic and metallic materials. Explores manufacturing, fabrication and processing techniques. Evaluates future developments. Prereq., ASEN 3112 or equivalent, or instructor consent. Coreq., ASEN 4012 or instructor consent. Same as ASEN 5222. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of ASEN 3112 and pre-requisite or co-requisite course of ASEN 4012.

ASEN-4338 (3) Computer Analysis of Structures

Covers basic structural design concepts and finite element modeling techniques. Emphasizes use of finite element static and dynamic analysis to validate and refine an initial design. Introduces basic design optimization and tailoring. Proficiency in Matlab required. Prereq., ASEN 3112. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of ASEN 3112

ASEN-5007 (3) Introduction to Finite Elements

Introduces finite element methods used for solving linear problems in structural and continuum mechanics. Covers modeling, mathematical formulation, and computer implementation. Prereq., matrix algebra. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5012 (3) Mechanics of Aerospace Structures

Applies fundamental concepts of continuum mechanics, theory of elasticity, and energy methods to the analysis of structures. Prereqs., APPM 2360 and ASEN 2001, 2003, and 3112, or equivalent. Similar to MCEN 5023. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5022 (3) Dynamics of Aerospace Structures

Applies concepts covered in undergraduate dynamics, structures, and mathematics to the dynamics of aerospace structural components, including methods of dynamic analysis, vibrational characteristics, vibration measurements, and dynamic stability. Prereqs., ASEN 5012, 5227, or equivalent. Recommended prereq., MATH 3130. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5111 (3) Introduction to Aeroelasticity

Introduces static and dynamic aeroelasticity of airfoils and wings. Covers the classical aeroelasticity theory and introduces computational methods for aeroelastic problems. Prereqs., ASEN 3111, MATH 3130, and MATH 4430, or equivalent, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5122 (3) Control of Aerospace Structures 1

Introduces the basic problems in dynamic modeling and active control of large spacecraft and satellites. Includes system descriptions, model reduction, controller design, and closed-loop stability analysis. Prereq., ASEN 3200, graduate standing, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5212 (3) Composite Structures and Materials

Develops the macromechanical and micromechanical theory of the elastic behavior and failure of composite laminates. Applies basic theory to a broad range of practical problems including the buckling and vibration of composite plates, columns, and shells. Prereq., senior standing in aerospace or mechanical engineering, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5222 (3) Materials Science for Composite Manufacturing

Prereqs., ASEN 3112 and 4012 or equivalent, or instructor consent. Same as ASEN 4222. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5347 (3) Math Methods in Dynamics

Two-part graduate-level course on dynamics. Covers both flexible and rigid multibody analytical dynamics and finite element method for dynamics. Emphasizes formulations that naturally lead to easy computer implementation and stability, linearization, and modern rotational kinematics.Prereqs., graduate standing and instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6367 (3) Advanced Finite Element Methods for Plates, Shells, and Solids

Continues ASEN 5007. Covers more advanced FEM applications to linear static problems in structural and continuum mechanics. Focuses on modeling, formulation, and numerical solutions of problems modeled as plates, shells, and solids. Includes an overview of advanced variational formulations. Prereqs., introductory graduate level course in FEM and familiarity with linear algebra. Formerly ASEN 5367. Credit not granted for this course and ASEN 5367. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6517 (3) Computational Methods In Dynamics

Covers modeling, computational algorithms and their computer implementation for both linear and nonlinear dynamical systems. Topics covered include transient analysis, wave propagation, multiphysics analysis, and their significant engineering applications. Prereq., ASEN 5022. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.