
JPNS-5150 (3) Japanese Literary Translation

Explores theories and practice of translation of literary texts as applied to Japanese-English translation; strategies for handling a variety of texts; and professional standards and ethics. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

JPNS-5170 (3) Japanese for Sinologists

An accelerated course in modern scholarly Japanese for students with a basic foundation in Japanese and an advanced knowledge of Chinese. Focus is on materials in Japanese that relate to Chinese civilization and includes an introduction to kanbun. Prereq., one year of modern Japanese, graduate-level command of Chinese, or instructor consent.

JPNS-5210 (3) Classical Prose Literature

Examines selected prose works and authors from the Classical, or Heian, period (784-1185). Texts may include selections from diaries, tale literature, and zuihitsu such as Izumi Shikibu Nikki, Genji Monogatari, and Makura no Soshi. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., two semesters of classical Japanese language.

JPNS-5220 (3) Waka, Renga, and Haiku

Studies the three most important poetic forms in Japanese literary history. Emphasizes the reading and analysis of selected texts and authors that best represent these genres. Readings include selections from the first eight imperial poetry anthologies (hachidaishu), famous renga sequences (Minase Sangin Hyakuin, for example), and the haiku of Basho. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., two semesters of classical Japanese language.

JPNS-5280 (1-3) Topics in Classical Japanese Literature

Studies a specific problem or issue in classical (eighth through twelfth century) Japanese literature, e.g., the development of specifically Japanese theories of literature or the concept of genre in the Japanese tradition. Topics vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

JPNS-5310 (3) Advanced Classical Japanese I

Focuses on stylistic, grammatical, and orthographic variations in texts of the classical, medieval, and early modern eras. Prereq., JPNS 4310 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

JPNS-5320 (3) Advanced Classical Japanese II

Advanced analysis of stylistic, grammatical, and orthographic variations in texts of the classical, medieval, and early modern eras, including kanbun and hentaigana; translation and explication of texts. Prereq., JPNS 5310 (formerly 5160) or instructor consent.

JPNS-5410 (3) Medieval Prose Literature

Focuses on selected prose works and authors from the medieval, or Kamakura and Muromachi periods (1185-1600). Texts may include selections from a variety of war tales, histories, courtly fiction, diaries, memoirs, short prose narratives (otogi-zoshi), Noh plays, and Buddhist literature such as Heike Monogatari, Towazugatari, Izayoi Nikki, Tsurezuregusa, and Shasekishu. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., two semesters of classical Japanese language. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

JPNS-5420 (3) Japanese Buddhism and Literature

Studies selected works from the Japanese literary tradition in which Buddhism plays a significant thematic role. Focuses on texts such as the Nihon Ryoiki, Buddhist poetry (Shakkyo-Ka) from the imperial poetry anthologies, Heike Monogatari, Hojoki, thepoetry of Saigyo and Basho, and selected Noh plays. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., two semesters of classical Japanese language.

JPNS-5480 (1-3) Topics in Medieval Literature

Focuses on a specific problem or issue in medieval literature, e.g., the spread of literary composition beyond the court. Topics vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

JPNS-5610 (3) Japanese Dramatic Literature

Examines major writers and texts of the no, kyogen, kabuki, and bunraku theaters, including the plays and critical writings of such authors as Kannami Kiyotsugu, Zeami Motokiyo, Konparu Zenchiku, and Chikamatsu Monzaemon. Texts and secondary readings vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., two semesters of classical Japanese language.

JPNS-5810 (3) Modern Japanese Literature

Studies selected texts in Japanese literature from the Meiji Restoration (1868) to the end of the Pacific War. Surveys various literary genres, emphasizing the development of the modern novel as an aspect of Japan's response to Western cultural forms. The unique cultural politics of each of the periods (Meiji,Taisho, and Showa) are illuminated through the filter of both canonical and more marginalized texts. Specific selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

JPNS-5820 (3) Contemporary Japanese Literature

Covers developments in Japanese prose fiction, from the end of the Pacific War in 1945 to the present. Late modern texts of writers such as Mishima Yukio,Kawabata Yasunari, Enchi Fumiko, and Tanizaki Jun'ichiro (generally taken to represent modern Japanese literature) are reread in the light of works by more recent writers (and critics) such as OeKenzaburo, Yoshimoto Takaaki, Murakami Haruki,and Yamada Eimi. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

JPNS-5830 (3) Readings in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Thought and Culture

Examines central issues in Japanese culture and society since the Meiji Restoration (1868) through selected readings of the works of major writers in the fields of literature, anthropology, feminism, political science, and religion, among others. Provides a broad context for cultural studies inmodern and contemporary Japan by positioning the most important commentators within their historicaland social situations. May be taken for credit twice.

JPNS-5880 (1-3) Topics in Modern Literature and Culture

Close study of a specific problem or issue in modern or contemporary literature or culture: e.g., transwar literary nationalism. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours, provided the topics vary.

JPNS-5980 (1) Practical Issues in Japanese Language Pedagogy

Focuses on practical issues in Japanese language pedagogy for students who will serve as teaching assistants in Japanese language class. Examines the connection between theory and practice as well as practical methods for teaching Japanese. Discusses how to teach Japanese as a second language in a communicative approach and how to assess student language learning. Prereq., JPNS 4120 or equivalent. JPNS 4980 and 5980 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
