
ENVS-4840 (1-6) Independent Study

May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Prereq., ENVS 1000.

ENVS-4990 (3) Senior Thesis

Supervised project involving original research. Open only to environmental studies majors with at least a 3.30 GPA. Thesis proposal must be accepted by honors chairman. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Environmental Studies (ENVS) majors only.

ENVS-5000 (3) Policy, Science, and the Environment

Introduction to methodologies of the policy sciences with emphasis on applications to environmental issues; role of science in decision making; professional roles and responsibilities as a policy analyst. Prerequisites: Restricted to Environmental Studies (ENVS) or Political Science (PSCI) graduate students only.

ENVS-5001 (3) Environmental Philosophy

A survey of the major philosophical issues in environmental studies, comprising key issues in environmental ethics, in environmental political philosophy, and in the philosophy of biology and ecology.

ENVS-5002 (3) Environmental Science

Surveys methodologies of environmental science. Emphasizes understanding the scientific basis of current environmental problems, and linking scientific understanding to policy making.

ENVS-5100 (1-3) Special Topics in Environmental Studies

A variety of topics not currently offered in curriculum; offered depending on instructor availability and student demand. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours, provided the topics vary.

ENVS-5110 (1-3) Topics in Environmental Social Science and Humanities

Covers various topics in the social sciences and humanities in environmental studies. Prerequisites: Restricted to Arts and Sciences, Journalism, Law or Business Graduate Students only.

ENVS-5120 (1-3) Topics in Quantitative Methods

Covers a wide range of quantitative methods used in policy research and their applications. Topics may include decision-making under uncertainty, fundamentals of microeconomics, mathematics of economic efficiency, cost-benefit analysis, system optimization, budgeting, fundamentals or probability, risk assessment, risk perception, risk communication, and decision analysis. Includes practical exercises, as well as readings and discussion, of various strengths and weaknesses of the different methods.

ENVS-5710 (3) Introduction to the Policy Sciences

Provides an introduction to the policy sciences as a distinctive tradition within the policy field. Emphasizes the use of conceptual tools to improve analysis of complex problems. Teaches problem-solving framework that students apply to an issue of their choice. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as PSCI 7016. Prerequisites: Restricted to Environmental Studies (ENVS) or Political Science (PSCI) graduate students only.

ENVS-5720 (3) The Problem Orientation

Teaches basic problem-solving framework for policy analysis. Emphasizes applications to develop policy recommendations for issues selected by students. Includes group projects. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as PSCI 7026.

ENVS-5730 (3) Introduction to the Policy Sciences: The Decision Process

Provides policy sciences frameworks for analyzing policy processes and designing political strategies to influence those processes in the direction of the preferred alternative. Emphasizes applications to problems selected by students for term projects. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as PSCI 7036. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ENVS-5740 (3) Context-Sensitive Research Methods

Prepares students to conduct research on topics where data is not obvious or not easily available. Encompasses variations in context and setting as part of data observations. Methods include interviewing protocols, interpretive methods, cluster analyses, case study methodologies, and textual analyses. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as PSCI 7116.

ENVS-5810 (3) Water Resources and Environmental Sustainability

Assesses impacts of climate variability and regional growth on western U.S. water resources, and examines successes and failures of different management strategies, as well as ways that science is used and misused in support of water management. Prerequisites: Restricted to Arts and Sciences, Journalism, Law or Business Graduate Students only.

ENVS-5820 (3) Renewable Energy Policy

Examines the technology, policy and politics of renewables. Technology includes the resource, science, and engineering aspects of renewables. Policy includes various policy levers used to influence renewables. Politics refers to political settings of renewables: how decision-makers perceive them, who supports/opposes policies, and how policies progress through the political process. Prereq., an introductory energy science and technology course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ENVS-5830 (3) Critical Issues in Climate and the Environment

Discusses current issues such as ozone depletion, global warming, and air quality for graduate students in nonscientific fields. Provides the scientific background necessary to understand, follow scientific developments, and critically evaluate these issues. Same as ATOC 5000. Credit not granted for this course and ATOC 4800.

ENVS-5840 (3) Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Focuses on the cycling of elements at the global scale with a particular emphasis on human modification of biogeochemical cycles. Major biogeochemical cycles, their past dynamics, present changes, and potential future scenarios will be addressed. Ecosystem to global-scale model of the earth system will be discussed, along with global-scale measurements of element fluxes from satellites, aircraft, and measurement networks. Prereq., general chemistry, some organic chemistry. Same as GEOL 5305. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ENVS-5909 (1-3) Independent Study

Only 3 hours of independent study can be used towards degree requirements. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours for different topics. Prereq., department and instructor consent.

ENVS-5930 (2) Internship

Provides academically supervised opportunities for environmental studies majors to work in public and private organizations on projects related to the students' research and career goals, and to relate classroom theory to practice.

ENVS-6007 (3) Foundations of Environmental Sociology

Provides overview of environmental sociological theory and research including topics such as: public environmental perception, concern, and knowledge; environmentalism as a social movement; environmental justice; energy, technology, and risk; human dimensions of environmental change; and natural hazards and disasters. Same as SOCY 6007.

ENVS-8990 (1-10) Doctoral Dissertation

All doctoral students must register for not fewer than 30 hours of dissertation credit as part of the requirements for the degree. For a detailed discussion of doctoral dissertation credit, refer to the Graduate School section.
