
FREN-3020 (3) French Phonetics Through Musical Performance

Advanced oral practice and interpretation of a French Musical. This course of applied and corrective phonetics concentrates on developing good pronunciation and fluency through song. The course culminates with a public presentation of the musical studied in class. Prereq., FREN 3010 or equivalent and instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

ITAL-3025 (3) Advanced Composition 2: Introduction to Literary Writing

Introduces students to complex forms of writing within Italian studies. Focuses on the analysis of literary genres (e.g., autobiography, essays, short stories) through a step-by-step process that allows students to craft advanced arguments in Italian. Studies will read Italian literary texts and write and revise in workshop format (e.g., peer review, collaborative assignments). Similar to ITAL 3020. Students may not receive credit for this course and ITAL 3020. Prereq., ITAL 3015 (min grade C-) or instructor consent required. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: written communication.

ITAL-3030 (3) Storia dell'arte: Advanced Composition/Conversation 3

Improves vocabulary and fluency in spoken Italian, and competence and confidence in correct and more sophisticated written Italian through the study of the history of Italian art. Exercises and themes focus on Italian Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern Art. Prereq., ITAL 2130 or 3010 (min grade C-). Instructor consent is required.

ITAL-3040 (3) Italian Conversation Through Cinema

Taught in Italian, the course covers various topics of Italian Cinema from WWII to the present. Focus is on periods, genres, themes, and auteur/directors. Emphasis on review of language structures previously learned and acquisition of new vocabulary to enable students to discuss different aspects of Italian culture, in Italian. Prereq., ITAL 2120 (min grade C-) or equivalent. Instructor consent is required.

FREN-3050 (3) French Composition 1

French third-year level composition course. Students practice and write different forms of formal French writing. They also hone their grammar skills and analytical reading of short literature pieces. Must be taken before FREN 3060. Required for French majors. Prereq., FREN 2120 or equivalent.

FREN-3060 (3) French Composition 2

The second semester of a French third-year level composition course. Students build on their previous knowledge of formal writing in French and more emphasis is given to argumentative and analytical style of writing in FREN 3060. Prereq., FREN 3050 or equivalent. Required for French majors.

FREN-3100 (3) Introduction to Critical Reading and Writing in French Literature

Study of French literature through close readings of representative examples of major literary forms (poetry, fiction, drama, essay) and through the composition of critical writings in French. Required for French majors. Prereq., FREN 3060. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

FREN-3110 (3) Main Currents of French Literature 1

Surveys French literature from the Middle Ages through the 18th century. Students are expected to acquire afairly detailed knowledge of principal writers and schools of the periods covered. Required for majors. Prereq., FREN 3100. May be taken with FREN 3120. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

FREN-3120 (3) Main Currents of French Literature 2

Surveys 19th and 20th century French literature. Close reading of selected texts of the principal writers and schools. Required for majors. Prereq., FREN 3100. May be taken before, after, or with FREN 3110. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

ITAL-3140 (3) Readings in Italian Literature-20th Century

Covers a selected reading of major texts, prose, and poetry of 20th century literature. Emphasizes critical reading and analysis of modern and contemporary Italian literature in its literary and historical context. Taught in Italian. Prereq., ITAL 2130 (min grade of C-), or instructor consent.

ITAL-3150 (3) Readings in Italian Literature-19th Century

Introduces students to 19th century literary history through a selected reading of major texts, prose, and poetry. Emphasizes critical reading and analysis of Italian literature in its literary and historical context. Taught in Italian. Prereq., ITAL 2130 (min grade C-), or instructor consent.

ITAL-3160 (3) Readings in Italian Literature---Medieval and Renaissance

Covers a selected reading of major texts, prose, and poetry of Medieval and Renaissance literature. Emphasizes critical reading and analysis of texts in their literary and historical context. Taught in Italian. Prereq., ITAL 2130 (min grade C-) or instructor consent required.

FREN-3200 (3) Introduction to Literary Theory and Advanced Critical Analysis

Introduces important aspects of both classical and modern literary theory as an aid to reading and understanding literary texts. Covers theoretical works by figures ranging from Plato and Aristotle to modern French critics such as Barthes, Foucault, and Derrida in conjunction with selected literary works. Offers students more sophisticated means of understanding issues like gender, ethnicity, the roles of both author and reader in constructing meaning, the nature and functions of signs, and the relationship between literature and the larger society. Conducted in English, though French majors are requiredto read the texts in the original language. Required for students taking honors in French or Italian. Prereq., FREN 3100 or instructor consent. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.

FREN-3500 (3) French Current Events: Conversation and Composition

For students who have spent fewer than four months in a French-speaking environment. Focuses on presentations, debates, discussions, readings, and written work. Prereq., FREN 3060 or equivalent.

FREN-3600 (3) Business French 1

Gives students the tools needed to function in a French-speaking work environment. A culminating project involves creating a business in a francophone country. Prereq., FREN 2120 or equivalent.

FREN-3700 (3) French-American Cultural Differences

Through readings, films, discussion, and activities, students learn the defining values of their own country, those of France, and key differences between the two cultures. Taught in French. Prereq., FREN 3060 or equivalent.

FREN-3800 (3) France and the Muslim World

Introduces students to the polemic colonial, social, and cultural interactions of France and Islam. Close attention will be paid to paradigms of identities of one of the major European nations and the Islamic world. Readings and discussion topics for this course cover the social, cultural, and literary depictions of Islamic and French interactions, negotiations, and contradictions. Taught in English. Restricted to juniors and seniors. Cannot be used for French major or minor credit. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.

ITAL-4010 (3) Problems in Translation, Advanced Grammar, and Stylistics 1

Emphasizes practice in translating varying types of prose from Italian into English and English into Italian. Prereq., ITAL 2130 or 3010 (min grade C-).

FREN-4030 (3) Advanced Oral Practice and Interpreting

Concentrates on developing (or preserving) speaking fluency, correct pronunciation, and a good working vocabulary. May be repeated once for credit. Prereq., FREN 3060 and/or 3500, or instructor consent.

ITAL-4030 (3) Contemporary Italian Culture, Politics, and the Media.

Serves as an introduction to the study of the effect that politics and the media have in shaping Italian culture. Makes use of the World Wide Web for instruction. Taught in Italian. Familiarity with Internet helpful. Prereq., ITAL 2130 or 3010 (min grade C-) or instructor consent.

ITAL-4040 (3) Business Italian Style

Provides an introduction to the Italian way of conducting business, with a close view on the company and its world through learning marketing and producing a real company project for the market. Analyzes topics of international marketing and trade using Italian and American economics websites. Focuses on building cross-cultural bridges between the U.S. and Italy to have smoother business relationships and enable students to participate more easily in joint international working teams. Prereq., ITAL 3010 (min grade C-) or instructor consent required.

FREN-4110 (3) French Special Topics

Topics vary each semester. Consult the online Schedule Planner for specific topics. See also FREN 4120.

FREN-4120 (3) French Special Topics

Topics vary each semester. Consult the online Schedule Planner for specific topics. See also FREN 4110.

ITAL-4140 (3) The Age of Dante: Readings from The Divine Comedy

Focuses on close reading of Dante's poetry with emphasis on the intellectual, religious, political, and scientific background of the medieval world. Taught in English. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent. Same as HUMN 4140. Credit not granted for this course and ITAL 4145 or 4147. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

ITAL-4145 (3) The Age of Dante in Italian

Focuses on close readings of Dante's poetry with emphasis on the intellectual, religious, political, and scientific background of the medieval world. Taught in Italian. Prereq., ITAL 2130. Credit not granted for this course and ITAL 4140, HUMN 4140, or ITAL 4147. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
