
HIST-2437 (3) African American History

Surveys African American history. Studies, interprets, and analyzes major problems, issues, and trends affecting African Americans from about 1600 to the present. Same as ETHN 2432. History majors are restricted from taking this course. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity or United States context. Prerequisites: History majors are restricted from taking this course.

HIST-2516 (3) America through Baseball

Baseball could not have existed without America. Course explains how the game fit into the larger context of social, cultural, economic, and political history from the nineteenth century to the present. Studies the events and people who made baseball the national pastime. Similar to HIST 4556. Restricted to non-History majors only. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: United States context. Prerequisites: History majors are restricted from taking this course.

HIST-2616 (3) U.S. Women's History

Examines the history of women in United States culture and society over time. Particular emphasis on the roles of women in family, economy, society, and politics. Specific course focus may vary. History majors are restricted from taking this course. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity. Prerequisites: History majors are restricted from taking this course.

HIST-2629 (3) China in World History

Examines the multiple connections between Chinese history and other parts of the world over the course of China's long history. History majors are restricted from taking this course. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: historical context. Prerequisites: History majors are restricted from taking this course.

HIST-2636 (3) Women of Color and Activism

Studies the history of social activism in the United States by women of color, with an emphasis on modes of social activism, issues that have organized specific communities of color, issues that have crossed ethnic/racial boundaries, and the interaction of women from different ethnic/racial groups, including women of color and white women. Recommended prereq., WMST 2000 or 2600. Same as WMST 2400. Approved for arts and sciences CORE curriculum: United States context.

HIST-3011 (3) Seminar in Ancient History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3012 (3) Seminar in Modern European History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3018 (3) Seminar in Latin American History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper- division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3019 (3) Seminar in Asian and African History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to junior/senior HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3020 (3) Historical Thinking & Writing

Develops the research techniques and habits of mind required to succeed in the History major, honing students' critical, analytical, and synthetic skills while introducing them to History as a discipline and a way of understanding the world. Students practice the kinds of writing required in upper-division History classes. Topics will vary. Prereq., HIST 1080 and ARSC 1080, 1150, WRTG 1100, 1150 or 1250. Restricted to sophomore, junior and seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

HIST-3110 (3) Honors Seminar

Practical historiography for students who wish to write a senior honors thesis. Emphasizes choice of topic, critical methods, research, organization, argumentation, and writing. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereqs., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-), honors standing, and instructor consent.

HIST-3112 (3) Seminar in Renaissance and Reformation

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3113 (3) Seminar in Medieval and Early Modern English History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3115 (3) Seminar in Early American History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3116 (3) Seminar in American Diplomatic History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3133 (3) Seminar in Britain since 1688

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3212 (3) Seminar in Early Modern Europe

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3218 (3) Peoples and Cultures of West Africa

Deals with the history and anthropology of selected west African societies in the period before the imposition of European colonial rule. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Same as ANTH 3218. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3317 (3) Seminar in the American West

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3328 (3) Seminar in Middle Eastern History

Examines selected issues in modern Middle Eastern history. Check with the department concerning the specific subject of the seminar. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to junior/senior HIST majors.

HIST-3414 (3) Seminar in European Intellectual History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3415 (3) Seminar in Recent American History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to junior/senior HIST majors. .

HIST-3416 (3) Seminar in American Society and Thought

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.

HIST-3417 (3) Seminar in African American History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WRTG 3020 or an acceptable alternative upper-division writing course (min grade C-) and a History GPA of 2.0 or higher. Restricted to HIST majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors only.
