
HIST-6330 (3) History of Sex and Sexuality

Examines major historical trends in the study of meanings and practices of sex and sexuality. Focuses on emergence and negotiation of sexual matters in circumstances where sex and identity were not coterminous. Restricted to graduate students.

HIST-6417 (3) Readings in Environmental History

Offers historical perspective on the complex and interdependent relationship between human social and cultural institutions and the natural world. Considers interdisciplinary methodologies incorporating history, biology, geography, law, and other disciplines. Same as EPOB 6410.

HIST-6427 (3) Readings in African American History

Introduces classic and recent scholarship, and critical issues in African American history, from slavery to the present. Prereq., graduate standing.

HIST-6500 (3) Comparative Labor History

Examines major issues in labor history through comparative study of Europe, the United States, and Latin America. Issues to be studied include working-class formation, the development of worker identities, and workers and the state.

HIST-6546 (3) Readings in Cultural History and Theory

Introduces standard works and recent developments in cultural history. Explores structuralism and post-structuralism, semiotics, social construction, relativism, hegemony, and the idea of postmodernity in the uses of culture as an historical category. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

HIST-6628 (3) Reading in South Asian History

Introduces major topics and themes in South Asian history. Reviews central theories relating to topics such as religion, nationalism, law, gender, colonialism, and literature.

HIST-6756 (3) Race and Nationalism

Focuses on analytical, ideological, cultural, and political tensions between understandings of race and nationalism. Readings are interdisciplinary, but students identify and analyze tensions between race and nationalism at particular historical moments. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

HIST-7011 (3) Seminar in Ancient History

Examines topics in ancient Greek and Roman history at an advanced seminar level. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as CLAS 7011.

HIST-7119 (3) Graduate Research Seminar in Asian History

Prepares students for research in historical documents in Asian languages in order to write a substantial original research paper based on primary and secondary source materials. Prereq., graduate standing and background in Asian history.

HIST-7183 (3) Interdisciplinary Seminar in British Studies

Introduces students to the methodologies and texts/sources of current work in English literature, history, theatre, art history, and social sciences. Students write a paper based upon the University of Colorado's distinctive research collections in British studies. Prereq., graduate standing. Same as ENGL 7889.
