
HIST-7257 (3) Seminar: History of the American Frontier

Prereq., graduate standing. Prerequisites: Restricted to History graduate students only.

HIST-7415 (3) Graduate Seminar in Modern United States History

Introduces students to various research approaches and methods in modern U.S. historiography and requires them to produce a substantial and original research paper using both primary and secondary sources. Prereq., graduate standing. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

HIST-7424 (3) Research Methods in Medieval/Early Modern European History

Introduces students to research skills needed to work with historical manuscripts. Students learn to read late medieval/early modern handwriting, explore CU's microfilmed collections of manuscripts, and write a research paper based on the manuscript materials. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

HIST-7566 (3) Research Seminar in Labor History

Explores various issues in U.S. labor history through readings and research projects. Most of the readings are taken from writings on U.S. labor history. Special attention is given to women, immigration, and regional patterns. Research skills emphasized. Prereq., HIST 6536 or instructor consent.

HIST-7581 (3) Latin Paleography

Discusses the development of formal scripts from the late Roman Empire to the 15th century. Provides practice in identification, transliteration, and translation of medieval manuscripts. Prereqs., graduate standing and reading knowledge of Latin.

HIST-7656 (3) Seminar: Women's History

Prereq., one 6000-level readings course in women's history.

HIST-8990 (1-10) Doctoral Dissertation

All doctoral students must register for no fewer than 30 hours of dissertation credit as part of the requirements for the degree. For a detailed discussion of doctoral dissertation credit, refer to the Graduate School section.
