
CVEN-4484 (3) Introduction to Environmental Microbiology

Surveys microbiology topics germane to modern civil and environmental engineering. Provides fundamentals needed to understand microbial processes and ecology in engineered and natural systems and reviews applications emphasizing the interface between molecular biology and classical civil engineering. Prereq., CHEM 1211, CHEN 1221, APPM 1350, 1360,and 2350.

CSCI-4502 (3) Data Mining

Introduces basic data mining concepts and techniques for discovering interesting patterns hidden in large-scale data sets, focusing on issues relating to scalability and efficiency. Topics covered include data preprocessing, data warehouse, association, classification, clustering, and mining specific data types such as time-series, social networks, multimedia, and Web data. Prereq., CSCI 2270 or instructor consent. CSCI 4502 and 5502 are the same course.

CVEN-4511 (3) Introduction to Finite Element Analysis

Systematic formulation of finite element approximation and isoparametric interpolation (weighted residual and energy methods, triangular and quadrilateral elements). Includes computation applications to the solution of one- and two-dimensional stress-deformation problems, steady and transient heat conduction, and viscous flow. Prereqs., CVEN 3161, 3525, and Appm 2360. Same as CVEN 5511.

ECEN-4517 (3) Power Electronics and Photovoltaic Power Systems Laboratory

Focuses on analysis, modeling, design, and testing of electrical energy processing systems in a practical laboratory setting. Studies power electronics converters for efficient utilization of available energy sources, including solar panels and utility. The experimental projects involve design, fabrication, and testing of a solar power system. Prereq., ECEN 4797. Restricted to seniors. Same as ECEN 5517.

ASEN-4519 (1-3) Special Topics

Studies specialized aspects of the aerospace engineering sciences or innovative treatment of required subject matter at the upper-division level. Course content is indicated in the online Schedule Planner. Prereq., varies. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

CHEN-4520 (3) Chemical Process Synthesis

Studies applied chemical process design including equipment specification and economic evaluation. Prereqs., CHEN 3010, 3210, 3220, 3320 and 4330 or 4830 (all min. grade C-). Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CHEN 3010, 3210, 3220, 3320 and 4330 or 4830 (all minimum grade C-).

CVEN-4525 (3) Analysis of Framed Structures

Studies matrix formulation of principles of structural analysis and development of direct stiffness and flexibility methods for analysis of frame and truss structures. Topics include support settlements, thermal loads, and energy formulations of force-displacement relationships. Prereq., CVEN 3525. Same as CVEN 5525.

CHEN-4530 (2) Chemical Engineering Design Project

Provides a team-based capstone design experience for chemical engineering students. Projects are sponsored by industry and student design teams collaborate with industrial consultants. Projects consider chemical process and product design with emphasis on economic analysis. Deliverables include an oral mid-project design review, a final oral presentation and final written design report. Prereq., CHEN 4520 (min. grade C-). Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CHEN 4520

ECEN-4532 (3) Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

Develops experience in code development, debugging, and testing of real-time digital signal processing algorithms using dedicated hardware. Applications include filtering, signal synthesis, audio special effects, and frequency domain techniques based on the Fast Fourier Transform. Prereq., ECEN 3300. Coreq., ECEN 4632. Same as ECEN 5532.

CVEN-4537 (3) Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering

Introduces the use of numerical methods in the solution of civil engineering problems, emphasizing obtaining solutions with high-speed electronic computers. Applies methods to all types of civil engineering problems. Prereq., senior standing. Same as CVEN 5537.

AREN-4540 (3) Exterior Lighting Systems

Engages students in exploring and solving lighting problems for exterior environments. Provides an understanding of the design criteria and lighting equipment used in three primary exterior applications: parking lots and roadways, floodlighting of buildings, and sports facilities. Prereq., AREN 3540. Recommended prereqs., AREN 3140 and 4550.Same as CVEN 5540. Taught intermittently.

CVEN-4545 (3) Steel Design

Applies basic principles to design of steel structures; design of tension members, columns, beams, open-web joists, steel decks, bolts, bolted connections, welding processes, and welded connections. Prereq., CVEN 3525.

AREN-4550 (3) Illumination 2

Applies the principles studied in Illumination 1. Provides further study in architectural lighting design methods. Uses lighting studio work to develop a broad knowledge of lighting equipment, design methods, and their application in a series of practical design problems in modern buildings. Prereq., AREN 3540. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of AREN 3540 (minimum grade C-).

ECEN-4553 (3) Compiler Construction

Introduces the principles and techniques for compiling high-level programming languages to assembly code. Topics include parsing, instruction selection, register allocation, and compiling high-level features such as polymorphism, first-class functions, and objects. Students build a complete compiler for a simple language. Prereqs., ECEN 2703 and ECEN 3350. Same as CSCI 4555 and ECEN 5523. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

CSCI-4555 (3) Compiler Construction

Introduces the basic techniques used in translating programming languages: scanning, parsing, definition table management, operator identification and coercion, code selection and register allocation, error recovery. Students build a complete compiler for a simple language. Prereqs., CSCI 2824 or ECEN 3703 and CSCI 2400 or ECEN 2120. Same as ECEN 4553 and CSCI 5525.

CVEN-4555 (3) Reinforced Concrete Design

Focuses on applications to the design of reinforced concrete structures, including design of beams, columns, slabs, and footings; continuous beams and frames; cast-in-place buildings. Prereq., CVEN 3525.

ECEN-4555 (3) Principles of Energy Systems & Devices

Develops principles underlying electronic, optical and thermal devices, materials and nanostructures for renewable energy. Course provides a foundation in statistical thermodynamics, and uses it to analyze the operation and efficiency limits of devices for photovoltaics, energy storage (batteries & ultra-capacitors), chemical conversion (fuel cells and engines), solid state lighting, heat pumps, cooling, and potentially harvesting zero-point energy from the vacuum. Prereq., ECEN 3810. Prereq. or coreq., PHYS 2130 or 2170 or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5555.

AREN-4560 (3) Luminous Radiative Transfer

Teaches fundamentals of radiative exchange as applied to illumination engineering. Describes and uses principal numerical techniques for radiative transfer analysis. Applies techniques to lighting design and analysis. Prereq., AREN 3540. Taught inermittently.

CVEN-4565 (2) Timber Design

Applies design methods to beams, columns, trusses, and connections using timber and glued, laminated members. Prereq. or coreq., CVEN 3525.

AREN-4570 (3) Building Electrical Systems Design 1

Introduces the generation and distribution of electrical power. Focuses on understanding the loads, control, and protection of secondary electrical distribution systems in building. Applies the national electric code to residential and commercial buildings. Prereq., ECEN 3030.

CHEN-4570 (4) Instrumentation and Process Control

Examines principles of control theory and their application to chemical processes. Focuses on single-loop feedback and feedforward control. Laboratory sessions cover measurement fundamentals, signal transmission, dynamic testing, control system synthesis, and implementation and adjustment. Prereqs., CHEN 3220, 4330 or 4830, and APPM 2360 (all min. grade C-).

CSCI-4576 (4) High-Performance Scientific Computing

Introduces computing systems, software, and methods used to solve large-scale problems in science and engineering. Students use high-performance workstations and a supercomputer. First course in a two-semester sequence. Recommended prereq., CSCI 3656. Same as CSCI 5576.

AREN-4580 (3) Daylighting

Applies the fundamental principles of illumination engineering to architectural daylighting design, exploring the quantitative methods and tools used to develop daylighting designs and evaluate their performance. Topics include solar and sky modeling, luminous radiative transfer, design methods, and controls for integration with electric lighting systems. Prereq., AREN 3540.

ECEN-4583 (3) Software System Development

Lectures deal with techniques for product requirements definition, project planning, coding, verification, validation, performance evaluation, and maintenance of medium-scale (2-3000 line) systems. Primary emphasis is on practical application of these techniques to a specified software project. Students work in teams to produce appropriate documents for each phase and are responsible for project completion according to specification and schedule. Course project is written in C on a Unix look-alike system; prior knowledge of C or Unix is not required. Prereq., CSCI 2270 or instructor consent.

CSCI-4586 (4) High-Performance Scientific Computing 2

Introduces computing systems, software, and methods to solve large-scale problems in science and engineering. Students use high-performance workstations and a supercomputer. Second course in a two-semester sequence. Prereq., CSCI 4576.
