
PSYC-7012 (1-3) Research in Behavioral Genetics

Individual research projects. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

SOCY-7012 (3) The Social Demography of Race

Introduction to relevant, timely research within sociological and social demographic research on raceand ethnicity. Specific areas will include conceptual/measurement issues; population size, growth, and migration; health and mortality; marriage, family, and fertility; socioeconomic context; and policy considerations. Course content will be structured around current empirical pieces in sociology literature with emphasis on methodological approach in analyses.

CLAS-7013 (3) Graduate Seminar in Greek Literature

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSCI-7013 (3) Seminar: International Relations

Reviews salient literature on international relations, and subsequent presentation and critical discussion of analytical studies. Allows students wide latitude in substantive and methodological approaches. Emphasizes changing trends and efforts to understand the bases for cooperation and conflict. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required.

CLAS-7014 (3) Graduate Seminar in Latin Literature

May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

SOCY-7014 (3) Patterns of Criminal Behavior

Overview of the epidemiology of crime. Examines patterns of crime (both offending and victimization), and includes a gender, race/ethnicity, and class analysis. Formerly SOCY 5214.

PSCI-7016 (3) Introduction to the Policy Sciences

Provides an introduction to the policy sciences as a distinctive tradition within the policy field. Emphasizes the use of conceptual tools to improve analysis of complex problems. Teaches problem solving framework that students apply to an issue of their choice. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as ENVS 5710. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

SOCY-7017 (3) Population and Environment

Reviews research on human-environment interactions, with a focus on ways in which demographic processes influence, and are influenced by, the environmental context. Specific topics include conceptual and analytical frameworks; methodologies; intervening factors shaping human dimensions of environmental change; and regionally-focused research. Prereq., graduate standing. Formerly SOCY 5117.

ENGL-7019 (3) Advanced British Literature and Cultre Before 1800

Studies special topics in medieval and early modern writing through the long 18th Century. Topics will vary. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., ENGL. 5019. Prerequisites: Restricted to English Literature-Creative Writing, English Literature or English graduate students only.

ANTH-7020 (3) Seminar: Physical Anthropology

In-depth discussion of selected topics in physical anthropology with emphasis on recent research. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ECON-7020 (3) Macroeconomic Theory 1

Discusses behavior of consumption, investment, employment, production, and interest rates in the context of dynamic optimization models. Also considers government, economic growth, and business cycles. Prereqs., ECON 3070 and 3080. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEM-7021 (2) Seminar: Structural Inorganic Chemistry

Current research in the area of structural inorganic chemistry. Concerns topics related to electronic and molecular structure of transition metal complexes. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSCI-7021 (3) Latinos and U.S. Politics

Examines in depth the theoretical and empirical literature assessing the political situation and activities of Latinos (Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and others) in the U.S. Stresses original research. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required.

PSCI-7022 (3) Seminar in Political and Economic Development

Covers domestic political and economic development in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, as well as interactions with the global economy. Includes defining, explaining, and prescribing policies for successful development, and comparing the experiences of developing and industrialized countries. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required.

PSCI-7023 (1) Foreign Policy

Examines sources of foreign policy in terms of international pressures, economic interests, bureaucratic politics, cognitive process, public opinion, elections, congress, and presidential leadership. Examines uses and limitations of economic statecraft, military intervention, and current foreign policy issues. Recommended prereq., PSCI 7013.

PSCI-7024 (3) Seminar: Selected Political Theories

Familiarizes students with selected political philosophies or theories in classical or modern political thought. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required.

SOCY-7024 (3) Punishment and Social Control

Exploration of sociological perspectives on the criminal justice process. Considers organization of criminal law responses, including enforcing and sentencing. Race, class, gender, and age differences in treatment and sentencing are analyzed. Prereq., graduate standing. Formerly SOCY 5314. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSCI-7026 (3) The Problem Orientation

Teaches basic problem solving framework for policy analysis. Emphasizes applications to develop policy recommendations for issues selected by students. Includes group projects. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as ENVS 5720.

SOCY-7026 (3) Feminist Research Methods

Epistemological and methodological issues generated by feminist research and students' own projects. Formerly SOCY 5026.

PSCI-7028 (1) Teaching Political Science 2

Second course designed to train graduate teachers in the essentials of political science teaching and provide a background in theories of political science teaching and practical skills development in discipline specific education. Prereqs., PSCI 7008 and completion of comprehensive examinations.

ANTH-7030 (3) Seminar: Archaeology

Intensive examination of selected theoretical or methodological topics in archaeology. Topics vary with current research emphasis. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

LING-7030 (3) Phonetic Theory and Analysis

Provides students with the practical skills and the conceptual framework to do independent research in phonetics (or in other areas relying on phonetic data). Introduces current and traditional issues in phonetic research (both experimental and theoretical) and gives training in analytical methods. Prereqs., LING 5030 and 5410 or equivalent.

PSCI-7031 (3) Seminar: Political Attitudes and Behavior

Provides an intensive examination of topics in political attitudes and behavior such as political participation, ideology, voting, and elite behavior. Reviews methodology of behavioral research and introduces ICPSR data archive and computer-based research. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required.

PSCI-7032 (3) Seminar: Latin American Politics

Stresses intensive study of the political process in Latin America with special emphasis on democratization. Restricted to graduate students orinstructor consent required.
