
NRSC-7102 (2-3) Topics in Neuroscience

Advanced seminar dealing with different specialized topics in neuroscience. Restricted to Graduate Students only. Prereq., NRSC 5110 or instructor consent required. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSYC-7102 (2) Seminar: Behavioral Genetics

Intensive study of selected topics in behavioral genetics. Emphasizes recent research. Attention to both human and animal studies. May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSCI-7108 (3) Special Topics

Various topics not normally offered in the curriculum. Topics vary each semester. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-7109 (3) Graduate Seminar in Ancient and Classical Art and Archaeology

Topics vary. Emphasis is on gaining expertise in using archaeological reports in tandem with (or contradiction to) textual sources, on reading and using critical theory, on improving analytical skills and discussion, and on honing discussion leadership abilities. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours providing the topics are different.

CHEM-7111 (2) Seminar: Electrochemistry

Student and faculty discussions and reports on research advances in electrochemistry. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSCI-7111 (3) Seminar: American Political Institutions

Intensive examination of the structure and rules of different political institutions in the United States. Explores both the changing approaches to the study of American political institutions as well as many ofthe major research topics on the presidency, Congress, the judiciary, and the bureaucracy. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

SOCY-7111 (3) Data III---Advanced Data Analysis

Denotes third graduate course in sequence of quantitative methods. Following basic inferential statistics (SOCY 5111) and multivariate regression analysis (SOCY 6111), students study advanced statistical techniques such as event history analysis, multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, and latent class analysis. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours when topics vary. Prereqs., SOCY 5111 and 6111 and graduate standing. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

NRSC-7112 (3) Special Topics in Neuroscience I

Advanced seminar dealing with several different specialized topics in Neuroscience. Prereq., NRSC 5110 or instructor consent required. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.

PSCI-7112 (3) Seminar: Comparative Political Parties and Interest Groups

Critically examines topics relating to social forces, parties, and interest groups. Analyzes concepts, theories, and case studies with particular emphasis on Western political systems. Also examines party systems in comparison and the role of groups and the determinants of group politics. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required.

PSCI-7113 (3) Advanced Readings in International Relations

Provides an advanced readings course for international relations graduate students. Acts as a capstone course for those preparing to take the PhD comprehensive exams, and is intended to provide in-depth knowledge about core areas of international relations scholarship. Prereq., PSCI 7013. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required.

PSCI-7115 (3) Qualitative Methods

Develop proficiency in constructing research designs with qualitative methods. The goal is to understand and be able to justify research designs involving relatively small numbers of observations as good political science given the fact that such designs may limit our ability to generalize. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSCI-7116 (3) Context-Sensitive Research Methods

Prepares students to conduct research on topics where data is not obvious or not easily available. Encompasses variations in context and setting as part of data observations. Methods include interviewing protocols, interpretive methods, cluster analyses, case study methodologies, and textual analyses. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as ENVS 5740.

ENGL-7119 (3) Advanced Literature and Culture of the United States

Studies special topics in writing of the United States. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., ENGL 5109. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

HIST-7119 (3) Graduate Research Seminar in Asian History

Prepares students for research in historical documents in Asian languages in order to write a substantial original research paper based on primary and secondary source materials. Prereq., graduate standing and background in Asian history.

PSCI-7121 (3) Black Leadership and Public Policy

Examines the writings of African American political leaders, public policy critics, and politicians who have influenced black politics and society since 1900. Explores the ideas and leadership of W.E.B. Dubois, E. Franklin Frazier, Martin Luther King Jr., and others. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required.

SOCY-7121 (3) Qualitative Analysis

Drawing on data gathered through participation, observation, and in-depth interviewing, students focus on developing theoretical analyses and exploring classical and post-modern ethnographic writing formats. Students present and revise their papersas well as review journal articles. Prereqs., graduate standing and Socy 5121 or 6121, or instructor consent. Formerly Socy 5221. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

NRSC-7122 (3) Special Topics in Neuroscience II

Advanced seminar dealing with several different specialized topics in Neuroscience. Prereq., NRSC 5110 or instructor consent required. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.

PSCI-7123 (3) Seminar: Conflict Behavior - The Politics of Violence

Surveys historical, theoretical, and empirical analyses of violent conflict behavior, including causes and consequences of riots, terrorism, revolution, international war, and intervention. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

SPAN-7130 (1-3) Seminar: Critical Approaches to Hispanic Literature

Same as SPAN 5130. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEM-7131 (1) Seminar in Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry

Discusses advances in atmospheric aerosol chemistry, with emphasis on new methods for analysis and their application to laboratory and field studies. May be repeated up to 2 total credit hours. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Recommended prereqs., CHEM 5151, 5181. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

SOCY-7131 (3) Seminar in Social Psychology

Studies the individual in social context. Focuses on theoretical perspectives and substantive issues specific to sociological and social psychology, including socialization, the self, social roles, language, deviance, gender, collective behavior, group processes, attitudes and behavior, social norms,and conformity. Formerly SOCY 5531.

NRSC-7132 (3) Special Topics in Neuroscience III

Advanced seminar dealing with several different specialized topics in Neuroscience. Prereq., NRSC 5110 or instructor consent required. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.

PSCI-7132 (3) Comparative Political Economy

Explores the relationship between economics and politics in developed and developing countries. Gives students an historical overview of 20th century economic trends and covers scholarly approaches totopics such as political and economic institutions, economic ideas and interests, the political causes of growth and equality, globalization and the welfare state, and varieties of capitalism. Recommended prereq., PSCI 7012. Restricted to graduate students. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ANTH-7140 (3) Seminar: Archaeology of Selected Areas

Considers archaeology of a specified area, either geographical or topical. Areas selected in accordance with current research interests. May be repeated upto 9 total credit hours.
