
TBTN-3220 (4) Beginning Literary Tibetan 2

Continuation of TBTN 3210. Provides a thorough introduction to literary and colloquial forms of Tibetan. This course continues the grammar and vocabulary work begun in Tibetan 1 by studying actual Tibetan text and moving to more advanced conversation topics. Students develop oral, aural, and written skills to produce an overall knowledge of the language. Prereq., TBTN 3210 (min grade C-).

ARAB-3230 (3) Islamic Culture and the Iberian Peninsula

Examines Islamic, especially Arab, culture and history as it relates to the Iberian Peninsula from 92 Ah/711 Ce to the present. Taught in English. Approved for arts and sciences CORE curriculum: historical context.

CHIN-3311 (3) The Dao and the World in Medieval China

An interdisciplinary examination of role of Daoist and Buddhist philosophical and religious concepts and images in medieval Chinese civilization, including literature and the arts. Focuses on the personal aspects of this period of religious and intellectual ferment, tracing the representation of these ideas in Chinese poetry, prose, painting and the plastic arts as well as their role in philosophical and religious speculation. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., CHIN 1012 or 1051.

CHIN-3321 (3) Culture and Literature of Ancient China

Focuses on the religious, cultural, philosophical, and literary aspects of ancient Chinese civilization (1500 B.C.--A.D. 200). Special attention is paid to foundational works that influenced later developments in Chinese culture. All readings are in English. Recommended prereq., EALC 1011 or CHIN 1051. Same as HUMN 3321.

ARAB-3330 (3) The Arabic Novel

Focusing on the origins and development of the novel genre in the Arabic tradition, this course examines both the aesthetic qualities of the genre as an artistic form and the ways that it has depicted and intervened in the modern social, political, and cultural upheavals that have shaped the Arab world in the 20th century. Authors include Najib Mahfuz, Abd al Rahman Munif, Hanan al-Shaykh, and Ghassan Kanafani. Taught in English.

CHIN-3331 (3) Culture and Literature of Late Imperial China

The late imperial period was marked by growth of great metropolitan areas, expanded urban entertainments, and an extensive popular culture. Focuses on the literature and artifacts of this urban culture as well as the hegemonic culture of the state and of traditional social codes and their literary manifestations. Also considers growing contacts with the West and the transition to the modern period. All readings are in English. Taught in English . Recommended prereq., CHIN 1012 or 1051.

JPNS-3331 (3) Business Japanese

Designed to teach Japanese with emphasis on using Japanese for professional purposes. The course aims to foster the skills and the knowledge of effective cross-cultural and interpersonal communication in Japanese and to develop intercultural competence in business contexts. Prereq., JPNS 2120 (min. grade C). Recommended prereq., JPNS 3110 (min. grade C).

CHIN-3334 (3) Chinese Narrative Tradition

Examines the major works of Chinese narrative tradition from the fourth to the nineteenth century. Emphasizes the reading and analysis of selected texts and understanding of the cultural and social contexts of text production and circulation. Text selections vary from year to ear. All readings are in English. Recommended prereq., CHIN 1012.

ARAB-3340 (3) Representing Islam

Explores the cultural politics of representations of the Arab and Islamic worlds both with an emphasis on literary representations of the Islamic world in travel narratives and novels from both the West and the Arab world. Examines historical, anthropological, and visual texts to consider how Islam has been narrated in colonial European imaginings about the Islamic world as well as contemporary representations.

CHIN-3341 (3) Literature and Popular Culture in Modern China

Surveys 20th century Chinese literature and popular culture against the historical background of rebellion, revolution, and reform. Emphasizes close and critical reading skills and an understanding of how aesthetic texts reflect and critically engage with historical and cultural experiences. Assignments include novels, essays, short stories, poems, plays, songs, films, and scholarly articles. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., CHIN 1021 or 1051. Same as HUMN 3341. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.

CHIN-3342 (3) Literary Culture in Contemporary China

Surveys the late 20th century Chinese and Taiwanese literature and popular culture against the historical background Market Reform in China and the lifting of Martial Law in Taiwan. Emphasizes close and critical reading skills and an understanding of how aesthetic texts critically engage within historical and cultural experiences. Assignments include novels, essays, short stories, poems, plays, songs, films, and scholarly articles. Taught in English. recommended prereq., CHIN 1012 or 1051.

CHIN-3351 (3) Reality and Dream in Traditional Chinese Literature

Explores the role of dreams in pre-modern Chinese literature from the beginnings in the 2nd millennium B.C.E. to the 19th century. The source texts will range from religious, philosophical, medical and historical writings to poetry to various genres of fictional prose and drama. Taught in English. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.

CHIN-3361 (3) Women and the Supernatural in Chinese Literature

Explores the relationship between the worlds of womenand the supernatural in Chinese literature, from ancient to modern times. Focuses on selected significant works of classical and vernacular fiction, religious texts, and poetry. Taught in English. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent.

CHIN-3371 (3) Topics in Chinese Film

Offers in-depth, critical analysis of key issues in Chinese culture as represented in Chinese film. Focuses on various topics, such as specific directors, regions, representation of gender in Chinese film,historical periods, etc. Varies from year to year. Requires no knowledge of Chinese. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours on different topics. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent. Recommended prereq., CHIN 1051, 2441.

JPNS-3441 (3) Language and Japanese Society

Deals with major linguistic characteristics of Japanese as a medium of communication. Discusses complex linguistic processing of social status and empathy relationships, for example, with reference to the structure of Japanese society from ancient to contemporary times. Requires no knowledge of Japanese. Recommended prereq., JPNS 2120.

KREN-3441 (3) Religion and Culture in Korea

Examines major religious traditions of Korea, such as mythology, indigenous practices, doctrinal and meditation Buddhism, and Early and Neo-Confucianismand Christianity, and new religions in modern times.

HIND-3651 (3) Living Indian Epics: The Ramayana and the Mahabharata in the Modern Political Imagination

Explores the Ramayana and Mahabharata, two fundamental mythological pillars of Indian society, through literature, comic books, film, television, and political rhetoric as a means of examining major issues of religion, gender, popular culture, and social politics in contemporary India.

HIND-3661 (3) South Asian Diasporas: Imagining Home Abroad

Examines fundamental questions of home, nation, identity, ethnicity, and foreignness in the context of the enormous South Asian diaspora. By means of literature, ethnography, and film, the various connotations of diaspora will be explored along with the cultural productions of members of the South Asian diaspora (both Indian and Pakistani).

HIND-3811 (3) The Power of the Word: Subversive and Censored 20th Century Indo-Pakistani Literature

Provides an overview of a selection of writings by important 20th century Indo-Pakistani authors, which will permit students to get acquainted with Indian literature. Provides insight into the experience of social and political events in the 20th century and the reaction of the government to the critical analysis and portrayal of these events. Taught in English. Formerly HNDI 3811. Approved for artsand sciences core curriculum: human diversity.

JPNS-3811 (3) Love, Death, and Desire: Classical Japanese Literature in Translation

Surveys the major works and authors of classical Japanese literature, both poetry and prose, from the earliest historical records and literary anthologies through the Heian period (784--1185). Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051. Same as HUMN 3811.

HIND-3821 (3) The Mahabharata as Literature, Performance, Ideology

Offers an in-depth introduction to the Mahabharata, reputedly the world's longest epic and one of the foundational works of Indian civilization. Synopsis of the full text and selected excerpts will be read, including a translation of the spiritual classic, Bhagavad Gita. Recent scholarship on the poem's historical, ritual, and mythic contexts as well as on its performance traditions will also be examined. Formerly HNDI 3821.

JPNS-3821 (3) Monsters, Monks, and Mayhem: Medieval Japanese Literature in Translation

Surveys the major works and authors of medieval Japanese (poetry, prose, and drama) from the Kamakura and Muromachi periods (1185--1600). Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051.

HIND-3831 (3) The Many Faces of Krishna in South Asia Literature and Culture

Using both textual and visual sources, the multiple facets of Krishna in Indian religious experience will be explored through poetry and prose, painting and sculpture, music, dance, and drama. Formerly HNDI 3831.

JPNS-3831 (3) The Floating World of Play and Passion: Early Modern Japanese Literature in Translation

Surveys the major works, authors, and genres of literature from the Tokugawa through Meiji periods in their historical and cultural contexts. Attention is given to various approaches of literary analysis and interpretation. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051.

JPNS-3841 (3) Tradition and Transgression: Modern Japanese Literature in Translation

Surveys the major works, authors, and genres of literature from the late Meiji period and 20th century in their historical and cultural contexts. Attention is given to various approaches of literary analysis and interpretation. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051. Same as HUMN 3841.
