
MATH-6230 (3) Introduction to Differential Geometry 1

Instructs students on fundamental concepts such as manifolds, differential forms, de Rham cohomology, Riemannian metrics, connections and curvatures, fiber bundles, complex manifolds, characteristic classes, and applications to physics. Prereqs., MATH 3130 and 4320. Undergraduates must have instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-6240 (3) Introduction to Differential Geometry 2

Continuation of MATH 6230. Undergraduates must have instructor consent.

MATH-6250 (3) Theory of Rings

Studies semi-simple Artinian rings, the Jacobson radical, group rings, representations of finite groups, central simple algebras, division rings and the Brauer group. Prereq., MATH 6130, 6140. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor.

MATH-6260 (3) Geometry of Quantum Fields and Strings

Focuses on differential geometric techniques in quantum field and string theories. Topics include spinors, Dirac operators, index theorem, anomalies, geometry of superspace, supersymmetric quantum mechanics and field theory, and nonperturbative aspects in field and string theories. Prereq., MATH 6230, PHYS 5250, or instructor consent. Recommended prereqs., MATH 6240 and PHYS 7280. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. Same as PHYS 6260.

MATH-6270 (3) Theory of Groups

Studies nilpotent and solvable groups, simple linear groups, multiply transitive groups, extensions and cohomology, representations and character theory, and the transfer and its applications. Prereq., MATH 6130. Recommended prereq., MATH 6140. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor.

MATH-6280 (3) Advanced Algebraic Topology

Covers homotopy theory, spectral sequences, vector bundles, characteristic classes, K-theory and applications to geometry and physics. Prereq., MATH 6220 or instructor consent. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-6290 (3) Homological Algebra

Studies categories and functors, abelian categories, chain complexes, derived functors, Tor and Ext, homological dimension, group homology and cohomology. If time permits, the instructor may choose to cover additional topics such as spectral sequences or Lie algebra homology and cohomology. Prereqs., MATH 6130 and 6140. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-6310 (3) Introduction to Real Analysis 1

Presents the basic notions of analysis, e.g., limits, lim sup and lim inf, continuity, and the topology ofthe real line; develops the number theory of Lebesgue measure and the Lebesgue integral on the line, emphasizing the various notions of convergence and the standard convergence theorems. Applications are made to the classical L?p spaces. Prereq., MATH 4001. Instructor consent required for undergraduates. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-6320 (3) Introduction to Real Analysis 2

Covers general metric spaces, the Baire Category Theorem, and general measure theory, including the Radon-Nikodym and Fubini theorems. Presents the general theory of differentiation on the real line and the Fundamental Theorem of Lebesgue Calculus. Prereq., MATH 6310. Instructor consent required for undergraduates.

MATH-6350 (3) Functions of a Complex Variable 1

Focuses on complex numbers and the complex plane. Includes Cauchy-Riemann equations, complex integration, Cauchy integral theory, infinite series and products, and residue theory. Prereq., MATH 4001. Undergraduates need instructor consent. . Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-6360 (3) Functions of a Complex Variable 2

Focuses on conformal mapping, analytic continuation, singularities, and elementary special functions. Prereq., MATH 6350. Instructor consent required for undergraduates.

MATH-6534 (3) Topics in Mathematical Probability

Offers selected topics in probability such as sums of independent random variables, notions of convergence, characteristic functions, Central Limit Theorem, random walk, conditioning and martingales, Markov chains, and Brownian motion. Prereq., MATH 6310 or equivalent. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-6550 (3) Introduction to Stochastic Processes

Systematic study of Markov chains and some of the simpler Markov processes, including renewal theory, limit theorems for Markov chains, branching processes, queuing theory, birth and death processes, and Brownian motion. Applications to physical and biological sciences. Prereqs., MATH 4001, 4510 or APPM 3570 or 4560. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. Same as APPM 6550. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-6730 (3) Set Theory

Presents cardinal and ordinal arithmetic, and basic combinatorial concepts, including stationary sets, generalization of Ramsey's theorem, and ultrafilters, consisting of the axiom of choice and the generalized continuum hypothesis. Prereqs., MATH 4000 and 4730, or MATH 5000, or instructor consent. Undergraduates need instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-6740 (3) Forcing

Presents independence of the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis, Souslin's hypothesis, and other applications of the method of forcing. Introduces the theory of large cardinals. Prereq., MATH 6730. Undergraduates need instructor consent.

MATH-6900 (1-3) Independent Study

Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

MATH-6940 (1) Master's Degree Candidate

This course is for students preparing for the no-thesis option for a master's degree. The content is set by the students' advisors. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-8114 (3) Topics in Number Theory

May include the theory of automorphic forms, elliptic curves, or any of a variety of advanced topics in analytic and algebraic number theory. Prereq., MATH 6110. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-8174 (3) Topics in Algebra I

Prereqs., MATH 6130 and 6140. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor.

MATH-8250 (3) Mathematical Theory of Relativity 1

Focuses on Maxwell equations, Lorentz force, Minkowski space-time, Lorentz, Poincare, and conformal groups,metric manifolds, covariant differentiation, Einstein space-time, cosmologies, and unified field theories. Prereq., instructor consent. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor.

MATH-8304 (3) Topics in Analysis 1

Presents advanced topics in analysis including Lie groups, Banach algebras, operator theory, ergodic theory, representation theory, etc. Prereqs., MATH 8330 and 8340, or instructor consent. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-8330 (3) Functional Analysis 1

Introduces such topics as Banach spaces (Hahn-Banach theorem, open mapping theorem, etc.), operator theory (compact operators and integral equations, and spectral theorem for bounded self-adjoint operators), and Banach algebras (the Gelfand theory). See also MATH 8340. Prereqs., MATH 6310 and 6320. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-8340 (3) Functional Analysis 2

Introduces such topics as Banach spaces (Hahn-Banach theorem, open mapping theorem, etc.), operator theory (compact operators and integral equations, and spectral theorem for bounded self-adjoint operators), and Banach algebras (the Gelfand theory). See also MATH 8330. Prereq., MATH 8330. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor.

MATH-8370 (3) Harmonic Analysis 1

Examines trigonometric series, periodic functions, diophantine approximation, and Fourier series. Also covers Bohr and Stepanoff almost periodic functions, positive definite functions, and the L1 and L2 theory of the Fourier integral. Applications to group theory and differential equations. See also MATH 8380. Prereq., MATH 5150 and 6320. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor.
