
CSCI-2830 (1-3) Special Topics in Computer Science

Covers topics of interest in computer science at the sophomore level. Content varies from semester to semester.

CHEN-2840 (1-4) Independent Study

Available to sophomores with approval of Department of Chemical Engineering. Subject arranged to fit needs of student.

ECEN-2840 (1-6) Independent Study

Offers an opportunity for sophomores to do independent, creative work. Numbered ECEN 2840 through ECEN 2849. Prereq., instructor consent.

EVEN-2840 (1-3) Independent Study: General Topics

General topics relating to environmental engineering. One-on-one assistance with an instructor.

HUEN-2843 (1-3) Special Topics

Students should check with the department for specific semester topics. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to freshmen and sophomores. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ASEN-2849 (1-3) Independent Study

Study of special projects agreed upon by student and instructor. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent.

CSCI-2900 (1-3) Lower Division, Undergraduate Level Independent Study

Offers selected topics at the elementary level for students with little or no previous computing experience.

CSCI-3002 (3) Human-Centered Computing Foundations

Introduces practice and research in human-computer interaction, design of interactive systems, computer supported cooperative work, computer supported collaborative learning, educational technology, tools that support creativity, user-developed knowledge collections, and gaming.

AREN-3010 (3) Mechanical Systems for Buildings

Lecture course on the analysis and design of buildings and their systems to satisfy the requirements for a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Examines psychometrics, thermal comfort, building heating and cooling loads, fluid flow basics, and HVAC components and systems.Prereqs., AREN 2120 (or MCEN 3021 & 3022) and AREN 2110 (or GEEN 3852, or MCEN 3012, or ASEN 2002) and AREN 2050. Restricted to Architectural or Civil Engineering majors only. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of AREN 2120 (or MCEN 3021 & 3022) and AREN 2110 (or GEEN 3852, or MCEN 3012, or ASEN 2002) and AREN 2050. Restricted to Architectural or Civil Engineering majors only.

CHEN-3010 (3) Applied Data Analysis

Teaches students to analyze and interpret data. Topics include engineering measurements, graphical presentation and numerical treatment of data, statistical inference, and regression analysis. Prereqs., GEEN 1300 and APPM 2360 (all min. grade C-).

ECEN-3010 (3) Circuits and Electronics for Mechanical Engineers

Covers analysis of electrical circuits by use of Ohm's law, network reduction, node and loop analysis, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, DC and AC signals, transient response of simple circuits, transfer functions, basic diode and transistor circuits, and operational amplifiers. Includes introductory digital electronics and microprocessors/microcontrollers. Prereqs., APPM 2360 and PHYS 1140. Same as MCEN 3017. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Mechanical Engineering (MCEN) or Environmental Engineering (EVEN) majors.

MCEN-3012 (3) Thermodynamics

Explores fundamental concepts and basic theory, including first and second laws of thermodynamics, properties, states, thermodynamic functions and cycles. Prereq., APPM 2350. Same as GEEN 3852. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of APPM 2350 or MATH 2400. Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior/Senior) MCEN or EVEN majors or concurrent degree majors in CVEN/EVEN or MCEN.

MCEN-3017 (3) Circuits and Electronics

Introductory course covers analysis of electric circuits by use of Ohm's law, network reduction, node and loop analysis, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, DC and AC signals, transient response of simple circuits, transfer functions, basic diode and transistor circuits, and operational amplifiers. Prereqs., APPM 2360 and PHYS 1140. Same as ECEN 3010. Prerequisites: Restricted to students in the MSC/CU-Boulder Mechanical Engineering Partnership Program only.

MCEN-3021 (3) Fluid Mechanics

Examines fundamentals of fluid flow with application to engineering problems. Explores fluid statics and kinematics; conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy; Bernoulli and Euler equations; potential flow; laminar and turbulent viscous boundary layers; laminar and turbulent pipe flow; and compressible fluid flow. Prereqs., APPM 2360 and MCEN 2023. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Mechanical Engineering (MCEN or MCMR) or Environmental Engineering (EVEN) majors or Civil/Environmental Engineering or Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-3022 (3) Construction Surveying

Studies construction and highway surveying, horizontal and vertical curves, earthwork, and analysis of data. Prereq., CVEN 2012.

MCEN-3022 (3) Heat Transfer

Studies fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation. Provides applications to heat exchangers, solar panels, and boiling and mass transfer. Also covers numerical methods for solving heat transfer problems and design of engineering equipment involving heat transfer processes. Prerequisites: Requires prereq courses of MCEN 3012 (or GEEN 3852, or CHEN 3320, or ASEN 2002, or AREN 2110) & MCEN 3021 (or GEEN 3853, or CHEN 3200, or CVEN 3313) & MCEN 3030. Restricted to students w/ 57-180 credits (Jr or Sr) MCEN or EVEN majors.

MCEN-3025 (3) Component Design

Application of mechanics and materials science to the detailed design of various machine elements including shafts bearings, gears, brakes, springs, and fasteners. Emphasizes application and open-ended design problems. Prereq., MCEN 2063. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of MCEN 2063 (or CVEN 3161, or ASEN 3112).

ECEN-3030 (3) Electrical/Electronic Circuits Non-Major

For students not majoring in electrical engineering. Covers analysis of electric circuits by use of Ohm's law; network reduction; super position; node and loop analysis; Thevenin's and Norton's theorems; sinusoidal signals; phasors; power in ac circuits; transientresponse of simple circuits; operational amplifiers; logic circuits; and flip-flops. Prereq., APPM 2360. Restricted to nonmajors. Same as GEEN 3854. Prerequisites: Electrical/Computer Engineering Majors, Electrical Engineering Majors or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree Majors are restricted from taking this course.

MCEN-3030 (3) Computational Methods

Studies fundamental numerical techniques for the solution of commonly encountered engineering problems. Includes methods for linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, data analysis, numerical differentiation and integration, ordinary and partial differential equations. Prereqs., GEEN 1300 and APPM 2360, or equivalent, including a working knowledge of Matlab. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering, Mechancial (MCEN or MCMR) or Environmental Engineering (EVEN) or Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-3032 (3) Photogrammetry

Familiarizes students with characteristics of aerial photographs. Measures and interprets aerial photos for planimetric, topographic, hydrological, soil, and land use surveys. Analyzes and presents field measurements over extensive reaches. Prereq., instructor consent.

MCEN-3032 (3) Thermodynamics 2

Offers advanced topics and applications, including thermodynamics of state, entropy and probability, thermodynamic cycles, and reacting and nonreacting mixtures. Provides application to engines and power generation by conventional and alternative energy technologies. Most assignments are design oriented. Prereqs., MCEN 3012 and 3021. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of MCEN 3021 (or CHEN 3200 or CVEN 3313 or GEEN 3853) and MCEN 3012 (or AREN 2110 or GEEN 3852). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior/Senior) Mechanical Engineering or Environmental Engineering majors only.
