
DNCE-5901 (1-3) Graduate Technique Practicum

Offers special topics and styles in the graduate technique curriculum. Rotating foci include a variety of traditional dance forms from around the world as well as vernacular, recreational, and social dance phenomena indigenous to the U.S. Course meets simultaneously with an undergraduate studio course, and includes both the practical movement experience and scholarly study of specially-chosen issues in dance. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

DNCE-5909 (1-4) Special Topics

Same as DNCE 2909 and 4909. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

DNCE-5919 (1-3) Dance Practicum

Project in dance under supervision of senior faculty. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as DNCE 4919. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

THTR-6003 (1-3) Production Research and Practicum: Acting

Allows students to undertake an acting project, normally within the major theatre season, that requires detailed preparatory research, testing of ideas, and public presentation. Students work under faculty supervision and prepare a written report and evaluation of the research, rehearsal, and performance process. Prereqs., advanced studies in acting and advisor approval. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

THTR-6005 (1-3) Production Research and Practicum: Designing

Allows students to undertake a design project, normally within the theatre season, that requires detailed preparatory research, testing of ideas, and public presentation of theories and concepts in practice. Students work under faculty supervision, and prepare a documented written report and evaluation of the research, design, and realization process, as well as fully rendered designs and/or plots. Projects may be in costumes, lights, or scenery. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

THTR-6007 (3) Colorado Shakespeare Festival Dramaturgy

Students work as production dramaturgs for the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, developing detailed textual, historical, and critical research for CSF productions, participating in education and outreach programs, and writing production-related articles for publication. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

DNCE-6009 (1) Research Strategies and Techniques

Restricted to graduate students. Same as THTR 6009. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

THTR-6009 (1) Research Strategies and Techniques

Examines research methodologies appropriate to the performing arts, particularly theatre and dance. Projects are aimed at familiarizing graduate students with the library and other resources, andthe development of thesis and dissertation prospectuses. Same as DNCE 6009. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

THTR-6011 (3) Global Ancient and Classical Theatre

Studies classical and neoclassical drama in performance, with particular attention to 20th century productions and the critical and scholarly responses to these productions.

DNCE-6016 (2) Teaching Lab: Modern Dance

Provides opportunity to apply principles and skills introduced in DNCE 5036. Participating students share the responsibility for teaching a lab class that meets twice a week. Focuses on analysis and evaluation of teaching skills. Restricted to graduate students.

DNCE-6017 (3) Readings in Dance

Surveys dance literature including an opportunity for graduate students to familiarize themselves with resources, current publications, theoretical materials, and professional organizations in dance. Restricted to graduate students in dance. Formerly DNCE 6019. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

THTR-6021 (3) On-Stage Studies: English Renaissance Drama

Studies Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatic texts as playscripts for performance, with particular attention to contemporary Shakespeare criticism and landmark Shakespeare productions over the last two centuries.

THTR-6031 (3) On-Stage Studies: American Theatre

Studies American drama in performance, with particular attention to critical and scholarly responses to landmark productions of American classics. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

THTR-6041 (3) On-Stage Studies: Modern Theatre

Studies European theatre from 1600 to 1950, with particular attention paid to critical and scholarly responses to landmark productions of classics from the period.

DNCE-6047 (3) Seminar: Dance

Intensive study of selected topics related to the art of dance, dance criticism, dance aesthetics, and dance in relationship to historical, social, and cultural environments with an emphasis on contemporary American forms and their roots. Restricted to graduate students in dance.

THTR-6051 (1-3) Production Research and Practicum: Directing

Allows students to undertake a production project, normally within the major theatre season, that requires detailed preparatory research, testing of ideas, and public presentation. Students work under faculty supervision and prepare a documented written report and evaluation of the research, rehearsal, and performance process. Prereqs., advanced course work in directing and advisor approval. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

DNCE-6056 (2) Professional Development

Examines current trends, issues, and problems of dance at colleges, in secondary education, in the community, and in professional dance. Explores curriculum development and educational dance trends along with other topics such as freelance work, grant writing, and dance advocacy. Restricted to graduate students in dance. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

THTR-6071 (3) Seminar: Perspectives on Acting

Art of acting is examined through study of acting theories and practices developed during major periods of theatre history. Examines the variety of theories about acting that remain today.

DNCE-6073 (3) Choreography

Covers in-depth practical and theoretical approaches to dance composition for graduate students; solo and group forms; and analysis of historical and contemporary dance works. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours with different instructors. Restricted to graduate students in dance.

THTR-6081 (3) Seminar in American Theatre: Lesbians and Gays

Studies the portrayal of lesbians and gays in mainstream American theatre during the 20th and 21st centuries,as well as the contributions of gay and lesbian theatre artists during the same period.

THTR-6091 (1-3) Production Research and Practicum: Dramaturgy

Students undertake a dramaturgical project, normally within the major season, requiring detailed preparatory research, testing of ideas, and public presentation of theories and concepts in practice. Students work under faculty supervision and prepare a documented written report of their project. Prereqs., advanced course work in dramatic literature and advisor approval.

DNCE-6101 (1) Advanced Graduate Ballet

Open only to graduate dance majors. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to graduate students.

DNCE-6849 (1-3) Independent Study

Involves creative or scholarly investigation of an area of interest to the student not addressed in the curriculum. Work must be arranged with and advised by a faculty member. Graduate level course. Same as DNCE 5849.

THTR-6849 (1-3) Independent Study

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

DNCE-6919 (1-3) Directed Studies

Explores advanced topics in dance not regularly covered in the curriculum of the graduate program. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to graduate students.
