
LDSP-4932 (1-6) Community Leadership in Action, Part 2

Develops students' expertise as community leaders working for a just and sustainable world. Under the supervision of an instructor and a community advisor, students learn organizational and leadership skills by designing, implementing and evaluating a community-based project. First-hand experience provides students with a deepened understanding of the complex issues facing humanity, and competence with solution-based strategies. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. INVS 4932 and LDSP 4932 are the same course.

PSCI-4938 (3-6) Internship in Government

With instructor's assistance, students secure an internship with a political or governmental organization. In addition to the internship, the class consists of regular seminars, course readings and assignments, and individual conferences with the instructor. Student pursues an academic research project and writes an original research paper. Instructor approval required in semester preceding internship. Contact instructor prior to early registration. Prereq., PSCI 1101.

SLHS-4938 (1-6) Internship: Speech-Language Intervention

Provides a supervised clinical experience with children who have communication challenges enrolled in the Child Learning Center programs; individuals demonstrating communication disorders as a cotherapist in the Speech, Language, and Hearing Center; or off-campus experience in an affiliated hospital or public school program. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

ARTH-4939 (3-6) Art Museum Internship

Focuses on opportunities at the Denver Art Museum, working with individual curators and master teachers in selected areas, such as audience interpretation, interpretive research files, and public school curriculums. Introduces students to the professional culture and activities of art museums. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereqs., ARTH 1300 and 1400. Same as ARTH 5939.

DNCE-4939 (1-3) Dance Internship

Provides an opportunity for upper-division dance majors to serve apprenticeships in the community in work areas related to their major interests and career goals. Internships are available in areas such as arts administration, dance therapy, and technical production. May be repeated up to 3 total credit hours. Prereqs., 30 credit hours in dance.

ECON-4939 (2-6) Internship/Seminar

Offers students the opportunity to integrate theoretical concepts of economics with practical experience in economics-related institutions. The theoretical portion arises from seminars and readings, the practical from activities in organizations related to the economics field. A maximum of 3 credit hours counts toward major requirements. Prereqs., ECON 3070 and 3080 and instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Economic (ECON) majors only.

APPM-4950 (1-3) Seminar in Applied Mathematics

Introduces undergraduate students to the research foci of the program in applied mathematics. It is also designed to be a capstone experience for the program's majors. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., APPM 3310 or MATH 3130. Recommended prereq., course in ordinary or partial differential equations. Similar to APPM 4955.

ATOC-4950 (1-3) Honors Thesis

Students work independently on a research topic under the guidance of a faculty member. A written thesis and an oral presentation of the work are required. Registration by arrangement and with consent of faculty mentor. Prereq., junior or senior standing, and minimum 3.00 GPA. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

COMM-4950 (1-6) Senior Thesis: Honors

For exceptional communication majors who wish to graduate with department honors and receive credit for writing an honors thesis. Prereqs., COMM 4100, overall GPA of 3.35 or higher, and COMM GPA of 3.50 or higher.

HUMN-4950 (1-6) Honors Thesis

Supervised project on a topic of the student's own choosing. It should demonstrate ability in interdisciplinary (such as literature and art, art and music, film and literature, literature and theory), extensive research, critical thinking, and excellent writing skills. The thesis is submitted to the Honors Program of the College of Arts and Sciences and is orally defended. Restricted to junior or senior Humanities majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to junior or senior Humanities majors only.

PHIL-4950 (3) Honors Thesis

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., 12 hours of philosophy course work. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

WMST-4950 (3) Honors Research

For qualified WMST majors working on the research phase of departmental honors. Prereq., junior/senior standing and 3.30 overall GPA. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ETHN-4951 (3) Senior/Graduate Seminar in Ethnic Studies

Capstone experience in Ethnic Studies. Includes an independent research project and public presentation. Prereqs for ETHN 4951 are ETHN 2001, 3501 and 4511 or equivalent. ETHN 4951 is restricted to students with 57-180 credits (junior or senior). ETHN 5951 is restricted to graduate students. ETHN 4951 and 5951 are identical courses. Formerly ETHN 4950. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ARTH-4959 (3) Art History Honors Thesis

May be elected during the final semester. Consists of a substantial, original written thesis. Requires faculty sponsorship. Does not guarantee a student will receive honors.

FILM-4959 (3-6) Honors Senior Thesis

For exceptional Film Studies majors who wish to write an honors thesis based on independent research or creative work under the direction of a faculty member.

HONR-4959 (3-6) Honors Thesis

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Requires approval of Honors Program.

FREN-4960 (6) High School French Teaching

Offered as part of the supervised student teaching in a secondary school required for state certification to teach French. These hours do not count toward student hours in the major nor in the maximum departmental hours allowed. Prereq., FREN 4750 or 5770 and admission to the secondary teaching education program. Coreq., EDUC 4712. Pass/fail only. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

GEOL-4960 (1) Writing in Geosciences

Emphasizes strategies of literature research and scientific writing in the geosciences. Includes small writing assignments and a larger library research paper. Prereq., 15 hours of upper-division course work in geological sciences.

ETHN-4961 (3) Honors Thesis I

Supervised project involving original research in the emerging field of ethnic studies. The thesis is submitted to the Honors Program of the College of Arts and Sciences and is orally defended. Prereqs., ETHN 2001 and ETHN 4511. Formerly ETHN 4960. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) Ethnic Studies (ETHN) majors only.

PHYS-4970 (3) Seminar on Physical Methods in Biology

Prereq., PHYS 1120 or 2020, and MCDB 1060 or 1150, or EBIO 1220, or instructor consent. Same as PHYS 5970 and MCDB 4970.

ETHN-4971 (3) Honors Thesis II

Prereqs., ETHN 2001, 4511, and 4961. Formerly ETHN 4970. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) Ethnic Studies (ETHN) majors only.

CHIN-4980 (1) Practical Issues in Chinese Language Pedagogy

Focuses on practical issues in Chinese language pedagogy for students who will serve as teaching assistants in Chinese language courses. Examines the connection between theory and practice as well as practical methods for teaching Chinese. Equips students with basic Chinese linguistic knowledge. Discusses the use of Communicative Approach in teaching Chinese as a second language. Prereq., CHIN 4120 or equivalent. Same as CHIN 5980.

EBIO-4980 (1) Seminar: EBIO Honors Thesis

To be taken during the final academic year prior to graduation. Consists of a lecture component on Honors thesis writing and defense, as well as a seminar component where Honors candidates present their thesis research in a practice defense talk. Prereq., 3.30 or better GPA, declared EBIO major, and approval by departmental honors committee.

FREN-4980 (3) French Senior Honors Thesis

The senior honor thesis is a 40 to 45 page original research paper, written in French, and constitutes a requirement for graduating with departmental honors. Prereqs., all third-year course requirements including FREN 3200. Recommended prereq., at least one course numbered FREN 4100 or above.
