
NRSC-5015 (3) Affective Neuroscience

Experiencing and learning from affect--emotional value--is a fundamental part of the human experience. When people started thinking of brains as computers, research on emotion fell by the wayside. Recently however, this has changed, and there is an explosion of work on the brain mechanisms of affective value. We will cover recent advances in understanding the emotional brain. Prereqs. for NRSC 4015 are PSYC 2012 or NRSC 2100 or instructor permission, and junior or senior standing. NRSC 4015 and 5015 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

DNCE-5016 (3) Creative Dance for Children

Restricted to graduate students. Same as DNCE 4016 with addition of readings and a paper. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

ARTS-5017 (1-3) Special Topics in Studio Arts

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as ARTS 4017. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

DNCE-5017 (3) History and Philosophy of Dance

Restricted to graduate students. Same as DNCE 4017 with addition of graduate papers and/or a project. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

ENGL-5019 (3) Survey of Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory

Introduces a variety of critical and theoretical practices informing contemporary literary and cultural studies. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to English (ENGL) MA-Lit graduate students only.

ANTH-5020 (3) Explorations in Anthropology

Same as ANTH 4020. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GRMN-5020 (3) Applied Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Methodology

Required of all graduate teaching assistants, this course provides a knowledge of the aspects of German linguistics that are important for teaching German and a survey of foreign language teaching methods and second language acquisition research. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

JPNS-5020 (3) Methods of Teaching Japanese

Surveys pedagogical theory and methods for the teaching of Japanese as a second language, including issues of presentation, interaction, and evaluation. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

MEMS-5020 (3) Medieval and Early Modern Studies: Texts and Contexts

Prereq., graduate standing in comparative literature,theatre, classics, or instructor consent. Recommended prereq., ability to use literary texts in their original language. Same as MEMS 4020. Formerly MEDV 5020.

PHIL-5020 (3) Topics in the History of Philosophy

May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Same as PHIL 4020. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTF-5021 (3) Directing/Acting for the Camera

Offers an intensive workshop that provides students with experience directing dramatic material, acting before a camera, and interpreting or adopting dramatic material for film. No experience in directing or acting required. Attendance, research, and papers required. Recommended prereq., FILM 1502. Same as FILM 4021. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5021 (3) Athens and Greek Democracy

Same as CLAS 4021. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTF-5023 (3) Topics in International Cinema

Focuses on major international filmmakers who have had a decisive impact on world cinema. Students will learn how directors create their own innovative body of work with specific formal and thematic patterns, and will also learn to place such work within multiple frameworks that will cover film history, theory, aesthetics, philosophy, and social and cultural analysis. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours provided topics are different. Prereq., FILM 1502. Recommended prereqs., FILM 3051 and 3061. Same as FILM 4023. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5023 (3) Topics in Greek Poetry

Same as CLAS 4023. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

DNCE-5023 (2) Performance Improvisation Techniques

Restricted to graduate students. Same as DNCE 4023 with the addition of written analysis and creative assignments. Formerly DNCE 5018. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTF-5024 (3) Advanced Research Seminar

Focuses on a specific topic, director, or genre chosen by the professor. Research skills and critical thinking are emphasized. With faculty guidance, students determine individual projects and present them to the class. Class participation is mandatory. Each student submits a thorough and original research paper for a final grade. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., FILM 1502. Recommended prereqs., FILM 3051, 3061. Same as FILM 4024. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTS-5024 (3) Public Art: from Statues to the Internet

Focuses on the two areas 1) lecture/discussion, both based on political, historical and the aesthetic evolution regarding examples of public art and 2) current practice, in reference to how to use such information to generate new more innovative and original ideas regarding public art and its application. This course will include lectures, readings and discussions, writing assignments, studio projects, and visual presentations. Same as ARTS 4024. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5024 (3) Latin Prose Composition

Same as CLAS 4024. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

THTR-5025 (3) Costume Patterning and Construction

Includes techniques for the patterning and construction of contemporary and period costumes. Hands-on format covers techniques, materials, and equipment particular to theatrical production. Prereqs., THTR 1105 and 1115. Formerly THTR 4025.

ENGL-5029 (3) British Literature and Culture Before 1800

Introduces graduate level study of medieval and early modern writing through the long eighteenth century. Emphasizes a wide range of genres, forms, historical background, and secondary criticism. Cultivates research skills necessary for advanced graduate study. Topics will vary. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to English and English Lit- Creative Writing graduate students only.

ARTF-5030 (3) Visiting Filmmakers Seminar

Examines creative issues in contemporary cinema art. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students explore filmmaking ideas with guest artists within a seminar setting. Filmmakers, videographers and programmers of national and international reputation, with an emphasis on "Experimental" practice, interact with graduate and advanced undergraduate students, and discuss their work at seminar meetings, public lectures or events. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Recommended prereqs., FILM 1502 and 4453 or instructor consent. Same as FILM 4030.

CHIN-5030 (3) Readings in Pre-Modern Chinese Literary Theory

Introduces the field of pre-modern Chinese literary theory and its relevance in Chinese intellectual history. Based on the close reading of primary sources, i.e. typically on selected core texts of Chinese literary thought, as well as on the reading of secondary literature. Texts and topics vary from year to year. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
