
COML-5030 (3) Foundations of Critical Theory

An introductory study of nineteenth-century German philosophy (especially Kant, Hegel, and Marx). Required course for the graduate certificate in Critical Theory. GRMN 5030 and COML 5030 are the same course.

EBIO-5030 (3) Limnology

Same as EBIO 4030. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GRMN-5030 (3) Foundations of Critical Theory

An introductory study of nineteenth-century German philosophy (especially Kant, Hegel, and Marx). Required course for the graduate certificate in Critical Theory. GRMN 5030 and COML 5030 are the same course.

LING-5030 (3) Linguistic Phonetics

Introduces practical and theoretical aspects of phonetics. Provides training in recognition and production of speech sounds, and instruction on fundamentals of articulatory, acoustic, and auditory phonetics. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-5030 (3) Intermediate Mathematical Physics 1

Surveys classical mathematical physics, starting with complex variable theory and finite dimensional vector spaces. Discusses topics in ordinary and partial differential equations, the special functions, boundary value problems, potential theory, and Fourier analysis. Prereqs., MATH 4001 and 4320. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. Same as PHYS 5030. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MEMS-5030 (3) Medieval and Early Modern Studies: Special Topics

Prereq., graduate standing in comparative literature, theatre, classics, or instructor consent. Recommended prereq., ability to use literary texts in their original language. Same as MEMS 4030. Formerly MEDV 5030.

MUSM-5030 (3) Museum Education

Surveys and discusses the educational role of museums and informal learning centers. Issues include current trends, learning theories and styles, learning from objects, education programs, diverse audiences, museum/school partnerships, and the role of education in exhibit development.

PHIL-5030 (1) Greek Philosophical Texts

Selected readings in classical philosophy, with a focus on achieving fluency in reading philosophical Greek. May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. May enroll in multiple sectons in the same term.

PHYS-5030 (3) Intermediate Mathematical Physics 1

This course and its continuation, PHYS 5040, form a survey of classical mathematical physics. Studies complex variable theory and finite vector spaces, and includes topics in ordinary and partial differential equations, boundary value problems, potential theory, and Fourier analysis. Prereqs., MATH 4001 and 4320. Same as MATH 5030. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

RLST-5030 (3) Religions in America

Same as RLST 4030 Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5031 (3) Alexander the Great and the Rise of Macedonia

Same as CLAS 4031. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MUSM-5031 (3) Museums and the Public: Exhibit Development

Covers elements of exhibition development and design,up to production and evaluation of exhibit prototypes. The team approach is emphasized. Prereqs., graduate standing and instructor consent.

SOCY-5031 (3) Research Design

Principles and practice of social research, includingthe nature of scientific explanation, the relationship between theory and research, research design, measurement problems, sampling questionnaire construction, interviewing, ethnographic methods, and statistical analysis.

THTR-5031 (3) Russian Theatre

Studies Russian theatre history and the development of Russian drama from the 18th century to the present. Taught in translation.

NRSC-5032 (3) Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

Same as NRSC 4032. Formerly PSYC 5032 Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

SLHS-5032 (3) Competencies and Strategies for the SLPA

Includes roles and responsibilities for the Speech Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA) working in the public schools, service delivery models, health and safety, screening assistive technology, intervention and self reflection and evaluation. Prereq., SLHS 4918. Must be accepted in the SLPA certification program.

DNCE-5036 (3) Methods of Teaching Dance

Restricted to graduate students in dance. Same as DNCE 4036 with addition of readings and a paper. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

DNCE-5038 (1-3) Dance Repertory

Same as DNCE 4038 except graduate students are required to keep a log of the learning process involved in repertory to document and analyze each work in terms of stylistic differences, musical/sound accompaniment and trends. Dance majors may repeat up to 9 total credit hours with different instructors. Enrollment by audition only. Restricted to graduate students. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-5040 (3) Intermediate Mathematical Physics 2

Surveys classical mathematical physics, starting with complex variable theory and finite dimensional vector spaces. Discusses topics in ordinary and partial differential equations, the special functions, boundary value problems, potential theory, and Fourier analysis. Prereq., MATH 5030. Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. Same as PHYS 5040.

PHIL-5040 (1) Latin Philosophical Texts

Selected readings in classical and medieval authors, in the original language. The focus is on achieving fluency in reading philosophical Latin. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours.

PHYS-5040 (3) Intermediate Mathematical Physics 2

Continuation of PHYS 5030. Includes group theory, special functions, integral transforms, integral equations, and calculus of variations. Prereq., PHYS 5030. Same as MATH 5040.

CLAS-5041 (3) Classical Greek Political Thought

Same as CLAS 4041. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
