
MUSM-5041 (3) Museum Administration

Covers theory of organizations and how it applies to museums, application of small business management and nonprofit organizations to museums, marketing and development, and grant writing and funding strategies. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

ARTF-5043 (1-3) Topics in Film Studies-Critical Studies

Prepares students for advanced Film Studies critical studies courses. Subject matter varies each semester. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours, provided the topics are different. Same as FILM 4043. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOG-5043 (4) Cartography 2: Interactive and Multimedia Mapping

Restricted to graduate students. Same as GEOG 4043. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5044 (3) Topics in Latin Poetry

Author or topic specified in Latin specified in the online Schedule Planner (e.g., Roman elegy, Neronian poetry, Lucretius, Roman satire). May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours for different topics. Same as CLAS 4044. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ANTH-5045 (3) Introduction to Museum Anthropology

This courses traces the development of Anthropology and museums in America from late 19th century to present day. Students are encouraged to: explore museum theory and practice; think critically about the history of relations among Native Americans, Anthropology, and museums; consider the legacy of collecting and challenges of representing others; and, examine the interplay of Anthropology, material culture, and colonialism. ANTH 4045, ANTH 5045, and MUSM 5045 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MUSM-5045 (3) Introduction to Museum Anthropology

This courses traces the development of Anthropology and museums in America from late 19th century to present day. Students are encouraged to: explore museum theory and practice; think critically about the history of relations among Native Americans, Anthropology, and museums; consider the legacy of collecting and challenges of representing others; and, examine the interplay of Anthropology, material culture, and colonialism. ANTH 4045, ANTH 5045, and MUSM 5045 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

DNCE-5048 (1-4) Touring Dance Ensemble

May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

THTR-5049 (1-4) Problems in Theatre

Same as THTR 4049. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARSC-5050 (3) Graduate Seminar on Applied Behavior Science 1

The first part of a two-semester sequence designed to introduce graduate students in the social sciences to interdisciplinary theory, concepts, and methods as applied to important social problems. Prereq., completion of first year of graduate work in a social science department.

ATOC-5050 (3) Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics

Covers atmospheric motion and its underlying mathematical and physical principles. Explores the dynamics of the atmosphere and the mathematical laws governing atmospheric motion. Topics include atmospheric composition and thermodynamics, conservation laws, geostrophic balance, vorticity dynamics, boundary layers, and baroclinic instability. ATOC graduate core course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

JPNS-5050 (3) Japanese Sociolinguistics

Surveys past achievements and current research concerns of Japanese sociolinguists in areas such as speech varieties, language behavior and attitude, and linguistic contact and change, as well as their guiding theories and central fieldwork methods. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

WRTG-5050 (3) Graduate Studies in Writing and Rhetoric

Special topics and methods course in composition theory, research, and pedagogy. Topics vary by semester. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ATOC-5051 (3) Introduction to Physical and Chemical Oceanography

Provides fundamental knowledge of the basic dynamics and chemical composition of the ocean. Prereq., calculus. ATOC graduate core course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

COML-5051 (3) Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School

Serves as an introduction to the "Frankfurt School" and Critical Theory with particular emphasis upon rationality, social psychology, cultural criticism, and aesthetics. Through close readings of key texts by members of the school (Horkheimer, Benjamin, Adorno, Habermas) we will work toward a critical understanding of the analytical tools they developed and consider their validity. Taught in English. GRMN 4051, 5051 and COML 5051 are the same course.

GRMN-5051 (3) Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School

Serves as an introduction to the "Frankfurt School" and Critical Theory with particular emphasis upon rationality, social psychology, cultural criticism, and aesthetics. Through close readings of key texts by members of the school (Horkheimer, Benjamin, Adorno, Habermas) we will work toward a critical understanding of the analytical tools they developed and consider their validity. Taught in English. GRMN 4051, 5051 and COML 5051 are the same course.

MUSM-5051 (3) Museum Collections Management

Deals specifically with curation and data management.Topics include acquisition practices and problems; organization, management, use and preventive conservation of collections; and computer data management of collections. Prereq., instructor consent.

THTR-5051 (3) Special Topics in Theatre History

Detailed study of a particular topic in theatre history (e.g., an era, a style, a country, or an organization). Topic specified in the online Schedule Planner. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours on different topics. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

DNCE-5052 (1-3) Studio Concert

Restricted to dance majors with 87 credit hours or more. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

NRSC-5052 (4) Behavioral Neuroscience

PSYC 5052 and NRSC 5052 are the same course. Same as PSYC/NRSC 4052. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSYC-5052 (4) Behavioral Neuroscience

PSYC 5052 and NRSC 5052 are the same course. Same as PSYC/NRSC 4052.

DNCE-5053 (3) Advanced Dance Composition

Same as DNCE 4053. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance graduate students only.

DNCE-5056 (2) Graduate Teaching Seminar

Examines practical and philosophical issues in dance education. The goals and content of professional and recreational dance training are considered and strategies for effective teaching practice are discussed. Opportunity for practical application of theoretical material is provided. Restricted to graduate students. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
