
ARTH-5159 (3) Hellenistic Art and Archaeology

Examines art and archaeology from the period following the death of Alexander the Great (late fourth century B.C.E.) to the conquest of Greece by the Romans (middle second century B.C.E.). Same as CLAS 5159. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5159 (3) Hellenistic Art and Archaeology

Examines art and archaeology from the period following the death of Alexander the Great (late fourth century B.C.E.) to the conquest of Greece by the Romans (middle second century B.C.E.). Same as ARTH 5159. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PHYS-5160 (3) Fundamentals of Optics and Lasers

Covers the basic physic of lasers. Topics include basics of optical resonators and gaussian beam propagation, stimulated emission, laser threshold conditions, laser linewidth, q-switching and mode locking of lasers, tuning of Cw lasers, and specifics of various common lasers. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEM-5161 (3) Analytical Atmospheric Spectroscopy

Optical spectrochemical analysis, atmospheric transmittance, including atomic and molecular spectroscopy, line-by-line spectral databases such as HITRAN, absorption, emission, fluorescence, scattering processes of gases, surface enhancements, aerosols, optical spectroscopic instrument components, and techniques, and their applications to atmospheric, and environmental problems. Prereq., undergraduate physical chemistry or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOG-5161 (3) Research Design in Geography

The human section reads and discusses contemporary research philosophies and methodologies in human geography. Practices the development of research proposals and presentation of research ideas and results. The physical section reads and discusses contemporary research philosophies and methodologies in physical geography (climatology, geomorphology, biogeography, and soils geography). Practices the development of research proposals and presentation of research ideas. Restricted to geography graduate students.

CLAS-5169 (3) Topics in Ancient and Classical Art and Archaeology

Same as CLAS 4169 and ARTH 4169. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ENGL-5169 (3) Multicultural/Postcolonial Studies.

Introduces graduate level study of ethnic American and/or postcolonial writing in English, including relevant theoretical discourse. Emphasizes a wide range of genres, forms, historical background, and secondary criticism. Cultivates research skills necessary for advanced graduate study. Topics will vary. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to English and English Lit- Creative Writing graduate students only.

JPNS-5170 (3) Japanese for Sinologists

An accelerated course in modern scholarly Japanese for students with a basic foundation in Japanese and an advanced knowledge of Chinese. Focus is on materials in Japanese that relate to Chinese civilization and includes an introduction to kanbun. Prereq., one year of modern Japanese, graduate-level command of Chinese, or instructor consent.

ARTS-5171 (3) New Directions in Photography

May be repeated up 9 total credit hours. Same as ARTS 4171. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEM-5171 (3) Electroanalytical Chemistry

Lect. Establishes a background for understanding electrochemical systems through a review of the relevant thermodynamic, kinetic, and electronic principles. Compares classical and modern electrochemical methods of analysis. Several special topics are discussed in depth. Prereq., undergraduate physical chemistry or instructor consent.

PSYC-5175 (4) Computational Cognitive Neuroscience

Instructor consent required. Same as PSYC 4175. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTS-5176 (3) Graduate New Directions in Digital Art

May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Same as ARTS 4176. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTH-5179 (3) City of Athens

Explores in detail the buildings, sculptures, pots, foreign imports, and society of Athens, considering material culture of individuals as much as civic programs. Emphasis is on ways the textual and archaeological evidence complement and/or contradict one another. The course focuses on the Periklean period, considering ways in which it developed from earlier times and influenced later ones in Athens. Same as CLAS 5179.

CLAS-5179 (3) City of Athens

Explores in detail the buildings, sculptures, pots, foreign imports, and society of Athens, considering material culture of individuals as much as civic programs. Emphasis is on ways the textual and archaeological evidence complement and/or contradict one another. The course focuses on the Periklean period, considering ways in which it developed from earlier times and influenced later ones in Athens. Same as ARTH 5179. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEM-5181 (3) Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography

Mass spectrometry, including instrumentation, ionization techniques, and interpretation of mass spectra. Theory and practice of analytical separation processes including ion mobility, capillary electrophoresis, and liquid gas chromatography. Introduction to applications in e.g. atmospheric and biological mass spectrometry. Introduction to computer simulation of instrumentation and physical processes. Prereq., undergraduate physical chemistry or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTH-5189 (3) City of Rome

Explores in detail the architecture, sculptures, coins, frescos, and other material evidence alongside the political and social history of Augustan Rome. Emphasis is on ways in which the textual and archaeological evidence complement and/or contradict one another. Will explore the impact of the early imperial period on later Roman phases of urban design and image making in the capital city. Same as CLAS 5189. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5189 (3) City of Rome

Explores in detail the architecture, sculptures, coins, frescoes, and other material evidence alongside the political and social history of Augustan Rome. Emphasis is on ways in which the textual and archaeological evidence complement and/or contradict one another. Will explore the impact of the early imperial period on later Roman phases of urban design and image making in the capital city. Same as ARTH 5189. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5199 (3) Roman Architecture

Same as CLAS 4199 and ARTH 4199. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
