
ARTF-5200 (3) Flow Visualization

Explores techniques for the visualization of the physics of fluid flows including seeding with dyes, particles and bubbles, and shadowgraphy and schlieren. Reviews optics and fluid physics, especially atmospheric clouds. Assignments are student-driven, to individuals and mixed teams of grad, undergrad, engineering majors and photography/video majors. Please see Prereq., MCEN 3021 or equivalent, or significant imaging experience (photography/video). FILM 4200 and ARTF 5200 are the same course. Same as MCEN 4151/5151.

IPHY-5200 (3) Physiological Genetics and Genomics

Includes a recitation section. Same as IPHY 4200 and PSYC 5200. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

LING-5200 (3) Introduction to Computational Corpus Linguistics

Covers computer methods for doing linguistics with on-line corpora. Includes extensive introduction (with lab) to the Python programming language, UNIX corpus tools, concordance programs, syntactic treebanks, propbanks, and corpora for discourse and phonology research. Restricted to graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PHIL-5200 (3) Contemporary Political Philosophy

Same as PHIL 4200. Prerequisites: Restricted to Philosophy graduate students only.

PSYC-5200 (3) Physiological Genetics and Genomics

Introduces genetic and genomic concepts as they apply to mammalian physiology. The course covers fundamental concepts and methods in molecular genetics and genomics and their applications towards understanding the role of genetics in the normal and pathological function of physiological systems. Same as IPHY 5200.

SPAN-5200 (3) Seminar: Spanish Literature, Renaissance and Baroque

Treats various topics, as needs and resources dictate. Special attention to developing historical and current theoretical and critical background of each topic. Representative topics might include Renaissance poetry in Spain, Cervantes, Don Quixote, and Novelas ejemplares, picaresque novel, and the Spanish comedia of the 17th century. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Prereq., graduate standing in Spanish or departmental consent. Same as SPAN 7200. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEM-5201 (3) Atmospheric Aerosol Discussions

Discusses recent literature concerning atmospheric aerosols and their role in atmospheric problems, including global ozone depletion, air quality, regional haze, acid rain, and global climate change. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., CHEM/ATOC 5151. Restricted to graduate students.

SOCY-5201 (3) Graduate Seminar in Sociological Theory

Examines theoretical approaches to core issues and problems in sociology, including the nature of society, the relationship between society and the individual, the role of culture and social structure, the sources of social power, and the conceptual structure of sociological knowledge itself. Prerequisites: Restricted to Sociology (SOCY) graduate students only.

ARTS-5202 (3) Graduate Painting

May be repeated up to 18 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOG-5203 (4) Geographic Information Science: Modeling Applications

Prereq., GEOG 4103/5103 or instructor consent. Restricted to graduate students. Recommended prereq., working knowledge of Gis software. Same as GEOG 4203. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

HIST-5205 (3) The Colonial Wars and the Coming of American Independence, 1739--1776

Prereq., graduate standing. Same as HIST 4205. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5209 (3) Classical Archaeological Field Methods

Same as CLAS 4209. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHIN-5210 (3) Ancient Prose

Studies selected pre-imperial and Han prose texts important in their own time and for the influence they exercised on the later development of Chinese literary history. Focuses on works such as the Lun yu, Mengzi, Zhuangzi, Huainanzi, Shiji, Hanshu, and Lunheng. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prereq.,CHIN 4220 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

COMM-5210 (3) Readings in Communication Theory

Critical overview of leading theoretical traditions in communication studies. Gives attention to metatheoretical issues, including epistemological foundations, the structure of communication theory as a field, and reflexivity between communication theory and cultural practice. Required for doctoral students in COMM; optional for master's students. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent.

GRMN-5210 (3) Seminar: The Age of Enlightenment

Examines the influence of the emerging middle class on the transformation of aesthetic and societal values. Major works of theory, philosophy, literature, and criticism by Lessing, Herder, Kant, J. E. Schlegel, and others. Examines major literary and cultural influences from France and Great Britain. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

JPNS-5210 (3) Classical Prose Literature

Examines selected prose works and authors from the Classical, or Heian, period (784-1185). Texts may include selections from diaries, tale literature, and zuihitsu such as Izumi Shikibu Nikki, Genji Monogatari, and Makura no Soshi. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., two semesters of classical Japanese language.

PHIL-5210 (3) Philosophy and Social Policy

Studies philosophical approaches to social and political issues such as abortion, bioethics, environmental preservation, human rights, and reverse discrimination. Gives attention to strengths and weaknesses of philosophical treatments of these issues. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Philosophy graduate students only.

PHYS-5210 (3) Theoretical Mechanics

Variational principles, Lagrange's equations, Hamilton's equations, motion of rigid body, relativistic mechanics, transformation theory, continuum mechanics, small oscillations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Coreq., PHYS 5250. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

RLST-5210 (3) Advanced Readings in Sanskrit

This is an advanced Sanskrit reading course, requiring at least two years of prior Sanskrit training. Students will read texts in the original. Class time is devoted to parsing out difficult grammatical structures, discussing the philosophical import of the readings and addressing the historical contexts that assist in interpreting the texts. The topic varies according to student interest. Prereq., SNSK 2120 or 2 years of Sanskrit training.

SPAN-5210 (2-4) Seminar: Spanish Literature, 18th and/or 19th Centuries

Treats various topics, as needs and resources dictate. Gives special attention to developing historical and current theoretical and critical background of each topic. Representative topics might include romantic prose, poetry and theatre, realism and naturalism (prose narrative), 19th century poetry, and 19th century theatre. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Prereq., graduate standing in Spanish or departmental consent. Same as SPAN 7210. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOG-5211 (3) Seminar: Physical Climatology

Involves a research seminar concerned with problems of mass and energy exchange in the Earth-atmosphere system. Selects topics from such areas as air quality, bioclimatology, hydrology, climate change, and the climates of urban, agricultural, and natural environments. Restricted to graduate students.

ATOC-5215 (3) Descriptive Physical Oceanography

Same as ATOC 4215 and ASEN 5215. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
