
CLAS-5219 (3) Maxentius and the City of Rome

Same as CLAS 4219. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ANTH-5220 (3) From Olmec to Aztec: The Archaeology of Mexico

Same as ANTH 4220. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHIN-5220 (3) Ancient Poetry

Studies selected pre-imperial and Han poetic works important in their own time and for the influence they exercised on the later development of Chinese literary history. Focuses on the Shijing and the Chu ci, as well as the fu and shi of Han writers. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prereq., CHIN 4220 or instructor consent.

COMM-5220 (3) Seminar: Functions of Communication.

Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Same as Comm 4220.

GRMN-5220 (3) Seminar: Topics in the Age of Goethe

Examines various aspects of German-speaking society from the 1770s to 1830s. Topics may include Sturm und Drang as social commentary; romantic theory in the wake of the French Revolution; romantic nationalism; the Faust theme; Weimar as a cultural center; and others. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours when topic varies. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

JPNS-5220 (3) Waka, Renga, and Haiku

Studies the three most important poetic forms in Japanese literary history. Emphasizes the reading and analysis of selected texts and authors that best represent these genres. Readings include selections from the first eight imperial poetry anthologies (hachidaishu), famous renga sequences (Minase Sangin Hyakuin, for example), and the haiku of Basho. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., two semesters of classical Japanese language.

MCDB-5220 (3) Molecular Genetics (Methods and Logic)

Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

SPAN-5220 (1-3) Seminar: Spanish Literature, 20th Century

Treats various topics, as needs and resources dictate. Gives special attention to developing historical andcurrent theoretical and critical background of each topic. Representative topics might include the generation of 1898, poetry of the 20th century, theatre of the 20th century, pre-Civil War novel, and post-Civil War novel. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Prereq., graduate standing in Spanish or departmental consent. Same as SPAN 7220. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOG-5221 (3) Synoptic and Dynamic Climatology

Examines global climates from the standpoint of synoptic and dynamic climatology. Prereqs., GEOG 3201 or equivalent, 3000-level course in climate/atmospheric sciences, and instructor consent. Restricted to graduate students.

HIST-5222 (3) War and the European State, 1618-1793

Same as HIST 4222. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

HIST-5223 (3) Revolutionary France

Examines the two questions most fundamental to any scholarly understanding of the French Revolution: What were the political, social, and cultural causes of revolution in 1789? Why did the French Revolution become increasingly radical after 1789? HIST 4223 is restricted to juniors and seniors. HIST 4223 and 5223 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ANTH-5224 (3) Archaeology of the Maya and Their Neighbors

Same as ANTH 4224. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTS-5226 (3) Graduate Advanced Computer Imaging

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., ARTS 5126. Same as ARTS 4226.

ENGL-5229 (3) Poetry Workshop

Designed to give students time and impetus to generate poetry and discussion of it in an atmosphere at once supportive and critically serious. Admission to graduate creative writing students or by instructor's approval of an application manuscript. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to English and English Lit- Creative Writing graduate students only.

CHIN-5230 (3) History of Early Chinese Thought

Introduces early Chinese philosophy, mostly "Masters' Literature" of the 5th--1st c. BCE, which is foundational for all later Chinese philosophy and political thought. Close reading of primary sources will be combined with an introduction to secondary scholarship in English and modern Chinese, both articles on individual texts/philosophers and comprehensive histories of early Chinese philosophy. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

COMM-5230 (3) Applied Communication

Examines application of communication concepts, theories, methods, facilitations, and other practices to address real-world issues and problems. Discusses conceptual issues framing applied communication, examines purposes and methods informing such scholarship, and provides opportunity to evaluate and propose research. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

GSLL-5230 (3) Russian Cultural Idioms

Focuses on the critical analysis of the Russian cultural discourse through Russian idioms. Taught in Russian. Same as RUSS 4230.

MCDB-5230 (3) Gene Expression (Lecture and Discussion)

Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PHIL-5230 (3) Bioethics and Public Policy

Examines public policy implications of contemporary biological, genetic, biomedical, and behavioral science in light of ethics and human values. Considers theoretical and practical grounds for moral assessment of scientific research and possible applications of technology. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

IPHY-5232 (2) Molecular Genetics and Physiology

Covers fundamental mechanisms of gene action, including genome structure and regulation of gene expression. Discusses molecular techniques used to examine human genetic diseases. Emphasizes genetic diseases with behavioral, neurologic, and physiologic abnormalities. Prereq., IPHY/PSYC 5200 or instructor consent. Same as PSYC 5232.

PSYC-5232 (2) Molecular Genetics and Physiology

Covers fundamental mechanisms of gene action, including genome structure and regulation of gene expression. Discusses molecular techniques used to examine human genetic diseases. Emphasizes genetic diseases with behavioral, neurologic, and physiologic abnormalities. Prereq., IPHY/PSYC 5200 or instructor consent. Same as IPHY 5232.

ATOC-5235 (3) Introduction to Atmospheric Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing

Examines fundamentals of radiative transfer and remote sensing with primary emphasis on the Earth's atmosphere; emission, absorption and scattering by molecules and particles; multiple scattering; polarization; radiometry and photometry; principles of inversion theory; extinction- and emission-based passive remote sensing; principles of active remote sensing; lidar and radar; additional applications such as the greenhouse effect and Earth's radiative energy budget. ATOC graduate core course. Same as ASEN 5235. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

HIST-5235 (3) Jacksonian America

Focuses on the social and cultural history of the Jacksonian Era. Issues include the transformation of the market economy, slavery, moral reform, Indian removal, changes in ideas about men's and women's natures and roles, western expansion, and political culture. Prereq. for HIST 4235 is HIST 1015 or 1035. HIST 4235 and 5235 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
