
GSLL-5441 (3) Tolstoy

Examines the development of Tolstoy's thought and literary style through study of the novel War and Peace and short works from different periods of Tolstoy's writing. Taught in English. Same as RUSS 4441.

MCDB-5441 (4) Animal Developmental Diversity

Surveys development in a range of vertebrate and invertebrate systems to reconstruct the common bilatorian ancestor, and elucidate the developmental genetic changes underlying animal diversification. Lab focuses on vertebrate embryos and explores key methods in evolutionary developmental biology including in situ hybridization, embryo microinjection, and transgenesis. Prereqs., EBIO 1210, 1220 and 2070, or MCDB 1150 and 2150. EBIO 4440, EBIO 5440, MCDB 4441, and MCDB 5441 are all the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTS-5444 (6) Art and Rural Environments Field School

Puts students in touch with various rural landscapes in Colorado, including the High Plains region near the town of Last Chance. This course takes place off campus each summer during maymester. This course focuses on site-based approaches to art creation and is designed as an experiential course, meaning that students learn through the experience of place, and then by the process of making. After introductions to each site, students will be responsible for a site interpretation piece utilizing various mediums including photography, drawing, land art, and collaboration. Same as ARTS 4444. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTS-5446 (3) Graduate Advanced Video Production

Same as ARTS 4446. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

APPM-5450 (3) Applied Analysis 2

Continuation of APPM 5440. Prereq., APPM 5440 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PHIL-5450 (3) History and Philosophy of Physics

Same as PHIL 4450 and PHYS 5450. Prerequisites: Restricted to Philosophy graduate students only.

PHYS-5450 (3) History and Philosophy of Physics

Same as PHYS 4450 and PHIL 5450. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GSLL-5451 (3) Chekhov

Analyzes the life and creative works of the author of some of the funniest and some of the gloomiest stories in Russian literature. Examines Chekhov's major plays that laid the foundation for modernist theatre. Taught in English. Same as RUSS 4451.

ARTF-5453 (3) Elective Affinities: Avant-Garde Film and the Arts

Traces the history and aesthetics of avant-garde/ experimental films in light of similar ideas found in the other arts, particularly painting, poetry, photography and music. Topics covered include Dadaand the early avant-garde; surrealism and psychodramas; Brakhage and abstract expressionism; feminist arts and film since the 1980s; the idea of the sublime in painting, music, and film; landscape in painting, photography, and film; post-modernism and the cinema; queer theory, gender/identity politics, and aesthetics of recent films; and specific multiple disciplinary artists such as Andy Warhol, Michael Snow,Helen Levitt, and Gunvor Nelson. Prereq., FILM 1502. Same as FILM 4453. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTS-5453 (3) Graduate Monotype Printing

Same as ARTS 4453. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSYC-5453 (3) Developmental Psychopathology

Prereq., instructor consent. Restricted to graduate psychology majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to Psychology Graduate Students only.

ENGL-5459 (3) Introduction to the Profession

Introduces purposes, methods and techniques of professional scholarship in English. Provides an overview of the discipline, including traditional areas of research and recent developments. Teaches students how to use research, bibliographic, and reference tools to prepare papers for conferences and publication. Required of all MA students in English. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Formerly ENGL 7859. Prerequisites: Restricted to English and English Lit- Creative Writing graduate students only.

APPM-5460 (3) Methods in Applied Mathematics: Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations

Introduces the theory and applications of dynamical systems through solutions to differential equations.Covers existence and uniqueness theory, local stability properties, qualitative analysis, global phase portraits, perturbation theory, and bifurcation theory. Special topics may include Melnikov methods, averaging methods, bifurcations to chaos, and Hamiltonian systems. Prereqs., undergraduate courses equivalent to APPM 2360, 3310, and 4440.

EBIO-5460 (1-5) Special Topics

Same as EBIO 4460. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PHIL-5460 (3) Modal Logic

Same as PHIL 4460. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PHYS-5460 (3) Teaching and Learning Physics

Same as PHYS 4460 and EDUC 5460. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

SPAN-5460 (3) Topics in Spanish Applied Linguistics

Treats topics within the scope of Spanish first and second language acquisition and the speech of bilinguals. Other topics include contrasting linguistics, interlingual stages of learning, and code switching as they relate to language acquisition. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Same as Span 7460.

APPM-5470 (3) Methods of Applied Mathematics: Partial Differential and Integral Equations

Studies properties and solutions of partial differential equations. Covers methods of characteristics, well-posedness, wave, heat and Laplace equations, Green's functions, and related integral equations. Prereqs., APPM 4350 and 4360, or MATH 4430, or equivalent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

FREN-5470 (3) 20th Century French Theatre and Poetry

Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MATH-5470 (3) Partial Differential Equations 1

Prereq., MATH 4430 or APPM 2360. Undergraduates need instructor consent. Same as MATH 4470. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PHIL-5470 (3) Probability and Rational Choice

Examines issues in four related areas: probability theory (e.g. the interpretation of probability, the raven paradox, and the principle of indifference), decision theory (e.g., the Newcomb problem, the toxin puzzle, and Pascal's wager), game theory (e.g., Prisoner's dilemma, tragedy of the commons, and Schelling points), and social choice theory (e.g., Arrow's theorem). Familiarity with symbolic logic is strongly recommended. Prereq., 12 hours of PHIL coursework completed. Recommended prereq., PHIL 2440. PHIL 4470 and 5470 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GSLL-5471 (3) Women in 20th Century Russian Culture

Acquaints students with major issues concerning women in 20th century Russian culture. Examines sources from folk culture, popular culture, and high culture (poetry, prose, songs, tales, visual art, and cinema) that mythologize or question women's images and societal roles. All texts and films are offered in English translation. Taught in English. Same as RUSS 4471 and WMST 4471.
