
GEOL-5711 (1-3) Igneous and Metamorphic Field Geology

Applies field techniques to interpretation of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Field exercises and lectures focus on collecting data required to map igneous and metamorphic rock units. Prereqs., GEOL 2700 or 2011 and GEOL 3020 or equivalent. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOG-5712 (3) Political Geography

Restricted to graduate students. Same as GEOG 4712. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOL-5712 (1-3) Structural Field Geology

Methods of field study of structure of rocks, including observations, data collection, and interpretation to understand geometry of deformation and causative processes and kinematics. Field projects are mapped using different scales, air photos, topographic maps, and compass and tape. Prereqs., GEOL 2700 or 2001 and GEOL 3120 or equivalent. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

GEOL-5714 (1-3) Field Geophysics

Applies geophysical field techniques and data interpretation to studying geological and engineering problems. Fieldwork includes seismic, gravity, magnetic, and electrical measurements. Prereqs., GEOL 2700 or 2001 and MATH 1300 and PHYS 1110 or equivalent or instructor consent required. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOL-5715 (1-3) Field Techniques in Surficial Geology and Geohydrology

Introduces various field techniques and data analysis methods in hydrogeologic studies for students in geology, environmental studies, geography, and civil engineering. Exercises include mapping ground water levels, conducting slug and pumping tests, measuring steam flows, interpreting aquifer parameters from geophysical measurements, and using field data for water budget analysis. Prereqs., GEOL 2001 or 2700 or equivalent. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

GEOL-5716 (1-3) Environmental Field Geochemistry

Develops basic field skills in the most commonly performed tasks required for the environmental characterization of solid and aqueous wastes. Media of study include soils, stream sediments, surface waters, ground waters, and atmospheric particulates. Prereqs., GEOL 2700 or 2001 and CHEM 1011 and 1031, or CHEM 1113 or 1133 and GEOL 3320 or equivalent or instructor consent required. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

ARTF-5717 (1-3) Graduate Studio Critique

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours with any single faculty member. Prereq., graduate standing and/or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ARTS-5717 (1-3) Graduate Studio Critique

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours with any single faculty member. Prereq., graduate standing and/or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOL-5717 (1-3) Field Seminar in Geology and Tectonics

Studies geologic features in and around Colorado to gain an overview of the geologic and tectonic evolution of the western U.S. Prereqs., GEOL 2700 or 2001 and one or more of GEOL 3120, 3320 or 3430 or equivalent. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ASTR-5720 (3) Galaxies

Highlights the classification, structure, content, dynamics, and other observational properties of galaxies, active galaxies, and clusters of galaxies. Discusses Hubble's Law, the cosmic distance scale,and the intergalactic medium. Prereq., senior-level undergraduate physics. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

COMM-5720 (3) Readings in Communication and Technology

Survey of multidisciplinary research that examines various relationships between communication and technology. Students are encouraged to develop critical skills in perceiving assumptions and perspectives that motivate major theories in this area, and to examine how these have changed over time. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ENVS-5720 (3) The Problem Orientation

Teaches basic problem-solving framework for policy analysis. Emphasizes applications to develop policy recommendations for issues selected by students. Includes group projects. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as PSCI 7026.

HIST-5728 (3) Modern Japanese History

Begins with early modern Japan, proceeds through the era of rapid modernization after the Meiji Restoration in the mid-19th century, and concludes with Japan's gradual descent into prolonged war, first with China and then in the Pacific. Restricted to juniors and seniors. HIST 4728 and 5728 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ASTR-5730 (3) Stellar Atmospheres and Radiative Transfer

Explores stellar atmospheres: basic stellar atmospheres, spectral line formation, interpretation of stellar spectra, and model atmospheres. Examines solar physics: the Sun as a star, solar cycle, chromospheric and coronal structure, energy balance, magnetic field, and solar wind. Prereqs., ASTR 5110 and undergraduate physics. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ENVS-5730 (3) Introduction to the Policy Sciences: The Decision Process

Provides policy sciences frameworks for analyzing policy processes and designing political strategies to influence those processes in the direction of the preferred alternative. Emphasizes applications to problems selected by students for term projects. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as PSCI 7036. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEM-5731 (3) General Biochemistry 2

Lect. Same lectures as CHEM 4731. Course work includes library studies and report preparations. Not open to undergraduates. Prereqs., CHEM 5711 and graduate standing, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOG-5732 (3) Population Geography

Restricted to graduate students. Same as GEOG 4732. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ASTR-5740 (3) Interstellar Astrophysics

Highlights structure, dynamics, and ecology of the interstellar medium, stressing the physical mechanisms that govern the thermal, ionization, and dynamic state of the gas and dust; observations at all wavelengths; star formation; and relation to external galaxies. Prereq., ASTR 5110 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ENVS-5740 (3) Context-Sensitive Research Methods

Prepares students to conduct research on topics where data is not obvious or not easily available. Encompasses variations in context and setting as part of data observations. Methods include interviewing protocols, interpretive methods, cluster analyses, case study methodologies, and textual analyses. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required. Same as PSCI 7116.

IPHY-5740 (3) Theory of Motor Skill Learning

Same as IPHY 4740. Prerequisites: Restricted to Integrative Physiology (IPHY) or Integrative Physiology Concurrent Degree (C-IPHY) graduate students only.
