
PHIL-5810 (1-3) Special Topics in Philosophy

Instructor meets regularly with three or more students to discuss special topics in philosophy. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEM-5811 (3) Advanced Methods in Protein Sequencing and Analysis

Lect. Advanced discussion of current methods in protein sequencing, sequence analysis, and posttranslational modifications, emphasizing techniques of mass spectrometry, use of protein databases, sequence alignment and motifs, structure prediction, and modeling of signaling pathways. Prereq., instructor consent. Recommended prereqs., CHEM 5771, CHEM 5781, MCDB 5210, and graduate standing.

PSYC-5815 (2) Proseminar: Advanced Experimental Psychology

Provides an advanced and intensive survey of topics in experimental psychology. General areas are language and high-level thinking. Meets seven weeks in the term. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent.

ASTR-5820 (3) Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems

Considers the origin and evolution of planetary systems, including proto-planetary disks, condensation in the solar nebula, composition of meteorites, planetary accretion, comets, asteroids, planetary rings, and extrasolar planets. Applies celestial mechanics to the dynamical evolution of solar system bodies. Prereq., graduate standing in physical sciences or instructor consent. Same as ATOC 5820 and GEOL 5820. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ATOC-5820 (3) Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems

Reviews protoplanetary disks, condensation in the solar nebula, composition of meteorites, planetary accretion, comets and asteroids, planetary rings, and extrasolar planets. Applies celestial mechanics to the orbital evolution of solar system bodies. Prereq., graduate standing in a physical science, or instructor consent. Same as ASTR 5820 and GEOL 5820. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHIN-5820 (3) Contemporary Literature

Examines selected texts in various genres of Chinese literature from 1949 (the establishment of the People's Republic of China) to the present. Focuses on major works from the very different literary worlds of Taiwan and mainland China. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prereq., CHIN 4120 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

EBIO-5820 (2-3) Graduate Writing Seminar

Enhances writing proficiency, using graduate writing projects to implement the course concepts. Offers understanding of conventions and strategies used in scientific writing to prepare students for academic and professional communication. Prereqs., graduate standing and basic proficiency in English as a written language.

ENVS-5820 (3) Renewable Energy Policy

Examines the technology, policy and politics of renewables. Technology includes the resource, science, and engineering aspects of renewables. Policy includes various policy levers used to influence renewables. Politics refers to political settings of renewables: how decision-makers perceive them, who supports/opposes policies, and how policies progress through the political process. Prereq., an introductory energy science and technology course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GEOL-5820 (3) Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems

Considers the origin and evolution of planetary systems, including protoplanetary disks, condensation in the solar nebula, composition of meteorites, planetary accretion, comets, asteroids, planetary rings, and extrasolar planets. Applies celestial mechanics to the dynamical evolution of solar system bodies. Prereq., graduate standing in physical sciences or instructor consent. Same as ASTR 5820 and ATOC 5820. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

JPNS-5820 (3) Contemporary Japanese Literature

Covers developments in Japanese prose fiction, from the end of the Pacific War in 1945 to the present. Late modern texts of writers such as Mishima Yukio,Kawabata Yasunari, Enchi Fumiko, and Tanizaki Jun'ichiro (generally taken to represent modern Japanese literature) are reread in the light of works by more recent writers (and critics) such as OeKenzaburo, Yoshimoto Takaaki, Murakami Haruki,and Yamada Eimi. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

RLST-5820 (3) Interdisciplinary Seminar on Religion

Same as RLST 4820. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEM-5821 (1) Special Topics in Signaling and Cell Regulation

Lect. Reviews and evaluates literature on subjects of current interest in signal transduction transcription, cell cycle progression, and cell regulation. Primarily for graduate level presentation of special topics by students, faculty, and research staff. May be repeated up to 5 total credit hours. Prereqs., graduate standing and instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CLAS-5824 (3) Latin Teaching Methods: Open Topics

Same as CLAS 4824. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

PSYC-5825 (2) Proseminar: Executive Function

Provides beginning Ph.D. students with basic introduction to research on executive functions -- a set of general-purpose control processes regulate one's thoughts and behaviors. This is one of the six Cognitive Psychology Proseminar modules that all students in the Cognitive Psychology Ph.D. program are required to take. The seminar will include consideration of theoretical, behavioral, and cognitive neuroscience perspectives on executive function. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ASTR-5830 (3) Topics in Planetary Science

Examines current topics in planetary science, based on recent discoveries, spacecraft observations, and other developments. Focuses on a specific topic each time the course is offered, such as Mars, Venus, Galilean satellites, exobiology, comets, or extrasolar planets. May be taken twice for credit. Same as ATOC 5830 and GEOL 5830. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ATOC-5830 (3) Topics in Planetary Science

Covers current topics in planetary science based on recent discoveries, spacecraft observations, or other developments. Focuses on a specific topic such as Mars, Venus, Galilean satellites, exobiology, comets, or extrasolar planets. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours, provided the topics vary. Prereq., graduate standing in physical sciences, or instructor consent. Same as ASTR 5830 and GEOL 5830.

CHIN-5830 (3) History of Chinese Film

Examines the development of narrative film in China from the early twentieth century to today, covering the major periods, styles, and themes developed in Chinese cinema. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., CHIN 4120 or instructor consent.

COML-5830 (3) Topics in Literature and History

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent. Same as GSLL 5830. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ENVS-5830 (3) Critical Issues in Climate and the Environment

Discusses current issues such as ozone depletion, global warming, and air quality for graduate students in nonscientific fields. Provides the scientific background necessary to understand, follow scientific developments, and critically evaluate these issues. Same as ATOC 5000. Credit not granted for this course and ATOC 4800.

GEOL-5830 (3) Topics in Planetary Science

Current topics in planetary science, based on recent discoveries, spacecraft observations, or other developments. Focuses on a specific topic each time it is offered, such as Mars, Venus, Galilean satellites, exobiology, comets, or extrasolar planets. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours, provided the topics vary. Prereq., graduate standing in physical sciences or instructor consent. Same as ATOC/ASTR 5830.

IPHY-5830 (3) Writing for the Research Scientist

Promotes understanding of the rhetorical goals, structure, design, and language for effective scientific texts, emphasizing research reports and grant proposals. Supports students in executing advanced cognitive processes in planning, drafting, and revising. Involves instructor-guided procedural facilitation and peer-review workshops based on students' current writing projects in courses and laboratory research. Prereq., basic proficiency in English. Restricted to graduate students.

JPNS-5830 (3) Readings in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Thought and Culture

Examines central issues in Japanese culture and society since the Meiji Restoration (1868) through selected readings of the works of major writers in the fields of literature, anthropology, feminism, political science, and religion, among others. Provides a broad context for cultural studies inmodern and contemporary Japan by positioning the most important commentators within their historicaland social situations. May be taken for credit twice.
