
MCDB-4980 (3) Honors Research

Provides faculty-supervised research for students who have been approved by the departmental honors committee. Normally taken during the semester before completion of the honors thesis. Prereqs., MCDB 4840 or comparable research experience, and a GPA of 3.20 or better.

MCDB-4990 (3) Honors Thesis

Involves the preparation and defense of an honors thesis, based on faculty-supervised original research, including final phases of the research project. Prereqs., MCDB 4840, 4980, or comparable research experience, a GPA of 3.30 or better, and approvalby the MCDB honors committee.

MCDB-5220 (3) Molecular Genetics (Methods and Logic)

Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCDB-5230 (3) Gene Expression (Lecture and Discussion)

Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCDB-5301 (3) Immunology

Same as MCDB 4300. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCDB-5310 (3) Microbial Genetics and Physiology

Examines the physiology and genetics of bacteria, Archaea and viruses. Particular emphasis will be on metabolism, regulation of gene expression and protein function, mechanisms of interactions with and manipulation of the environment, and evolution in response to environmental pressures. Same as MCDB 4310.

MCDB-5314 (3) Algorithms for Molecular Biology

Same as MCDB 4314 and CSCI 5314. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCDB-5425 (3) Cellular Stress Responses: Molecular Mechanisms, Physiology, and Human Diseases

In this critical thinking course, students will apply their knowledge of basic biology to exploring several of the most exciting topics in biomedicine including protein folding and stress responses, nutrient sensing and balance, and signal transduction across membranes. Emphasis will be placed upon human physiology and associated human diseases including Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Prereq., MCDB 3120 or 3135 or 3145 or 3500 or instructor consent. MCDB 4425 and 5425 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCDB-5427 (3) Biology of the Visual System

Explores the neurobiology, cell biology, genetics and developmental biology of the visual system. Discusses neurodegenerative and vascular diseases that lead to blindness. Students read and analyze original research articles to train scientific reasoning. Involves student-organized presentations and classroom discussion. Prereqs., MCDB 3135 and 3145 or instructor consent required. Same as MCDB 4427.

MCDB-5441 (4) Animal Developmental Diversity

Surveys development in a range of vertebrate and invertebrate systems to reconstruct the common bilatorian ancestor, and elucidate the developmental genetic changes underlying animal diversification. Lab focuses on vertebrate embryos and explores key methods in evolutionary developmental biology including in situ hybridization, embryo microinjection, and transgenesis. Prereqs., EBIO 1210, 1220 and 2070, or MCDB 1150 and 2150. EBIO 4440, EBIO 5440, MCDB 4441, and MCDB 5441 are all the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCDB-5520 (3) Bioinformatics and Genomics

Same as MCDB 4520. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCDB-5615 (3) Biology of Stem Cells

Same as MCDB 4615. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCDB-5621 (3) Genome Databases: Mining and Management

Same as MCDB 4621. Credit not granted for this courseand CSCI 5317 or CHEM 5621.

MCDB-5650 (1) Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science Courses

Discusses recent research on how students learn and applications to the teaching of undergraduate science courses. Conducted as an interactive workshop, in which active-engagement in learning approaches are modeled and experienced by participants. Open to undergraduate and graduate students. May be used to fulfill the pedagogical training requirement for undergraduate Learning Assistants in upper division science courses. Post-doctoral and faculty auditors are welcome to participate as regular auditors.

MCDB-5680 (3) Mechanisms of Aging

Same as MCDB 4680. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCDB-5776 (1) Scientific Ethics

Prereq., CHEM 5771 or MCDB 5230 taken concurrently and instructor consent. Same as CHEM 5776.
