
ETHN-4672 (3) Seminar on the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements

A review of the ideas, events, persons, organizations oriented to the quest for African American social justice in the decade of the sixties. Prereq., ETHN 2001 or 2002. Restricted to juniors/seniors or instructor consent. Formerly BLST 4670. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ARTH-4679 (3) Romanticism Seminar

Introduces current Romanticism studies and research methods by drawing upon recent books, exhibition catalogues, and scholarly journal articles.

IPHY-4680 (3) Critical Thinking in Exercise Physiology

Covers specific exercise physiology topics such as cellular cause of fatigue and muscle soreness, heart disease, regulation of blood flow, diabetes, aging, training adaptations, exercise at high altitude, ergogenic aids, and excitation-contraction of muscle. Prereq., IPHY 4650. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Integrative Physiology (IPHY) or Integrative Physiology Concurrent Degree majors only.

MCDB-4680 (3) Mechanisms of Aging

Studies aging as a developmental process emphasizing genetic, cellular, and molecular mechanisms. Prereqs., MCDB 3120 and 3500, or MCDB 3135 and 3145. Same as MCDB 5680.

PSYC-4684 (3) Developmental Psychology

In-depth consideration of human developmental processes across the life span. Includes coverage ofthe major topics in human development, such as physical, cognitive, social, and personality development. Prereq., PSYC 1001.

ENGL-4685 (3) Special Topics in American Literature

Explores a special topic in American literature. May be repeated for a total of 9 units for different topics. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

HIST-4688 (3) Beijing: Window on Modern China

Learn about modern Chinese history, emphasizing Beijing's important role. Think critically about ways the past is made use of in the present; how memorials capture and present meanings; how to view museums with a critical eye; and about the way Beijing works and exudes power as one of the most important capital cities in the world. Offered through Study Abroad.

ARTH-4689 (3) Post-Impressionism Seminar

Introduces current Post-Impressionism studies and research methods by drawing upon recent books, exhibition catalogues, and scholarly journal articles.

ANTH-4690 (3-6) Anthropology of Tibet

Explores the culture of Tibet in both historical and thematic manners, considering the long-term development of Tibetan cultural practices and institutions as well as many of the abrupt changes introduced to Tibet in the 20th century. Topics covered include region, politics, gender, warfare, poetry and literature, and life under Chinese rule and as refugees around the world. Prereq., ANTH 2100. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Anthropology (ANTH) majors only.

ETHN-4692 (3) Contemporary African American Literature 1

Advanced in-depth study of works of prominent African American novelists and poets. Prereq., ETHN 2001 or 2002. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Same as ENGL 4697. Formerly BLST 4692. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ENGL-4693 (3) Advanced Topics in British Literature to 1660

Explores a special topic in medieval or early modern literature. May be repeated for a total of 9 units for different topics. Recommended prereqs., ENGL 2503 and 3533 or 3563. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ECON-4697 (3) Industrial Organization and Regulation

Explores neoclassical theory of the firm, the determinants of industrial structure, and the purposes and institutions of public policy to control or maintain a competitive environment. Prereq., ECON 3070. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: United States context.

ENGL-4697 (3) Contemporary African American Literature 1

Advanced in-depth study of the works of prominent African American novelists and poets. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Same as ETHN 4692. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ARSC-4700 (1-5) The McNair Seminar: Research Practices and Procedures

Within the range of scholarly modes, student researchers examine discipline-specific rationales for evidence and analysis. Lecturers distinguish popular concepts of investigation from scholarly research. Students learn to take great care describing and discussing methods, findings, interpretations, assertions, and conclusions. May be repeated up to 10 total credit hours. Prereq., admission to McNair Program (junior standing, meeting TRIO guidelines, strong interest in graduate school).

ATOC-4700 (3) Weather Analysis & Forecasting

Utilizing a range of operational weather observations to analyze current weather conditions, providing hands-on experience interpreting observations and relating those observations to the physical principles that govern atmospheric behavior is the course emphasis. It focuses on how to read weather reports, analyze observations, and how to prepare weather maps to analyze current conditions and how to interpret numerical weather forecasts. Prereqs., ATOC 1050 or 1060. Recommended prereq., ATOC 4720. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

GEOL-4700 (1-4) Special Geological Topics

Studies in selected geological subjects of special current interest (for undergraduates). May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours within a term. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

DNCE-4701 (2) Contact Improvisation 2

Build upon skills introduced in Beginning Contact Improvisation as we explore the creative possibilities of interacting with the weight of a partner. Emphasis will be placed upon ease and efficiency in partnering, and integrating this work into choreography and performance. Prereq., DNCE 2701. Same as DNCE 5701.

PSCI-4701 (3) Symbolic Politics

Introduces uses and abuses of symbols as instruments and indicators of political change. Prereq., PSCI 1101. Recommended prereq., junior or senior standing.

PSCI-4703 (3) Alternative World Futures

Aims to help students think about the future of the world in a systematic way. Focuses on alternative projections and policies dealing with major problems. Prereq., PSCI 2223 and junior or senior standing. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

SLHS-4704 (3) Audiological Evaluation

Studies basic principles and techniques of hearing evaluation, including pure-tone, speech, immittance, and advanced audiometry; hearing conservation in hospital, school, and industrial settings; and identification and evaluation of auditory pathologies. Required projects in screening and pure-tone audiometry. Prereq., SLHS 3106. Prerequisites: Restricted to Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences majors only.

ANTH-4710 (3) Departmental Honors in Anthropology 1

Course work built around theme of research design as a means of integrating previous training in the field of anthropology as well as providing an opportunity to perform creative scientific investigations. The course prepares students to write an honors thesis in ANTH 4720. Required of students doing Anthropology departmental honors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

CHEM-4711 (3) General Biochemistry 1

Lect. Topics include structure, conformation, and properties of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and membranes; enzyme mechanisms, kinetics, and regulation; intermediary metabolism; energetics and metabolic control; electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. Prereq., CHEM 3331 or 3371 (mingrade C-). Same as CHEM 5711. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CHEM 3331 or 3371 (minimum grade C-).

GEOL-4711 (2) Igneous and Metamorphic Field Geology

Applies field techniques to interpretation of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Field exercises and lectures focus on collecting data required to map igneous and metamorphic rock units. Prereqs., GEOL 2700 or 2001 and GEOL 3020.

HIST-4711 (3) The Medieval Crusades: Holy War and Its History, 1095--1400

Studies the innovation, impact and meaning of holy war and the expansion of Christendom during the High Middle Ages. Topics include the definition of crusade and crusaders, religious persecution and tolerance, the expansion of European modes of government, war memory, colonization and its aftermath, the meaning of the Holy Land and the home front. Prereq., HIST 1010 or 3020. Restricted to sophomores/juniors/seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

GEOG-4712 (3) Political Geography

Systematic study of relations between geography and politics, especially as background for better understanding of international affairs. Includes topics such as frontiers and boundaries, power analysis, geopolitics, international political economy, and strategic concepts. Recommended prereqs., GEOG 1982, 1992, 2002, 2412, IAFS 1000, PSCI 2012 or 2223. Restricted to GEOG, IAFS, ENVS, junior/senior majors. Same as GEOG 5712.
