
CHEM-4751 (3) Current Topics in Biochemical Research

Lec. Covers current topics in modern biochemical research through lectures, reading recent research articles, critical thinking, and class discussion. Topics include protein and nucleic acid structure and function, biomolecular interactions, enzyme function, and cellular signaling and regulation. Prereqs., CHEM 4711 and 4731 (min grade C-) or instructor consent. Same as CHEM 5751.

PSCI-4751 (3) The Politics of Ideas

Examines theoretical arguments and case studies of interactions of ideas, interests, and institutions in policymaking. Analyzes processes through which ideas come to the public agenda, how institutional settings shape those ideas, and why some ideas and interests are more successful. Prereq., PSCI 1101. Restricted to juniors and seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ARTH-4759 (3) 17th Century Art and the Concept of the Baroque

Surveys 17th century European painting, sculpture, and architecture, along with a critical study of artistic theory, artistic institutions (such as the Academiadi San Luca and the Academie Royal), and the concept of the term baroque. Prereq., one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5759. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.

ANTH-4760 (3) Ethnography of Southeast Asia and Indonesia

Introduces the historical, political, and cultural dimensions of Southeast Asia, focusing primarily on Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia, with some coverage of mainland Southeast Asia. Prereq., ANTH 2100. Restricted to juniors or seniors. Same as ANTH 5760. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

EBIO-4760 (4) Mammalogy

Lect., lab, and field studies. Discusses origin, evolution and adaptation, geographic distribution, ecology, and taxonomy of mammals; field and laboratory study of Coloradan species. Uses animals and/or animal tissues. Prereq., EBIO 1210, 1220 and 2040 or 2640. Same as EBIO 5760.

CHEM-4761 (4) Biochemistry Laboratory

Two 5-hour periods per week. The first hour of each period is lecture, the remainder is laboratory. Introduction to modern biochemical techniques. Topics include enzymology, spectrophotometry, electrophoresis affinity chromatography, radioisotopes, recombinant DNA, and molecular cloning. Prereq., CHEM 4711 (min grade of C-). Recommended prereq., CHEM 4731 or MCDB 3500. Restricted to CHEM or BIOCHEM majors. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CHEM 4711 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to Chemistry & Biochemistry majors only.

CLAS-4761 (3) Roman Law

Studies the constitutional and legal history of ancient Rome; emphasizes basic legal concepts and comparisons with American law. No Greek or Latin required. Same as CLAS 5761 and HIST 4761.

ARTH-4769 (3) Gender Studies in Early Modern Visual Culture

Examines 15th and 16th century European ideas about women from a variety of feminist perspectives. Focuses on recent contributions to history of women as they intersect with the visual arts. Prereq., one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5769 and WMST 4769. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.

WMST-4769 (3) Gender Studies in Early Modern Visual Culture

Same as ARTH 4769. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.

ANTH-4770 (3) Anthropology of Tourism

Introduces students to anthropological theories on tourism and considers those theories in the contexts of the varied sites and forms of tourism practiced around the world today. We will ask: why do people tour? Where do they go? And most centrally: How do the hosts to tourism feel about these outside visitors? Having been exposed to questions of globalization, development, belonging, race, gender, and desire, students will then be asked to reflect upon and theorize their own touristic experiences. Recommended prereq., ANTH 2100. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

PSCI-4771 (3) Civil Rights and Liberties in America

Implementation of rights and liberties in America. Examines fundamental issues of free speech, press, association, and religion along with rights to due process and equal protection under the law. Prereq., PSCI 2481. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ECON-4774 (3) Economic Reform in Developing Countries

Explores competing paradigms of economic development, emphasizing the confrontation between the structuralist/dirigiste paradigm and the neoclassical public choice paradigm. Analyzes economic reforms under way in developing countries, including stabilization policy and structural adjustment. Also explores political reforms, including the pluralist revolution and the design of a constitutional framework in developing societies. Prereqs., ECON 3070 or 3080.

PSCI-4774 (3) Liberal Democracy and the First Amendment

Examines in depth various philosophical and legal justifications of First Amendment rights of speech, press, association, and religion. Assesses these justifications in relation to broader normative theories of liberal democracy. Prereq., PSCI 2004. Recommended prereq., PSCI 2481. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

MCDB-4777 (3) Molecular Neurobiology

Introduces the functional anatomy of the nervous system, and explores current knowledge regarding the molecular and genetic basis of the development and function of the nervous system. Studies recent insights into the molecular basis of neurodegenerative diseases, in the last portion of the course. Prereqs., MCDB 3120 and 3500, or MCDB 3135 and 3145, or equivalent.

ARTH-4779 (3) Multicultural Perspectives on New Mexican Santos

Reflects upon the question: In what sense were the regional variants of European devotional images the effects of meaningful cultural interaction? Evidence considered includes oral traditions, pueblo pottery, and painting, emphasizing interpretations that respect rights of communities to maintain privacy. Prereqs., ARTH 1300, 1400, and one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5779.

PSCI-4783 (3) Global Issues

Studies the principal issues confronting humanity that affect stability and survivability and their economic, social, and political implications. Prereq., PSCI 2012 or 2223. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) Political Science (PSCI), International Affairs (IAFS) or Environmental Studies (ENVS) majors only.

ECON-4784 (3) Economic Development

Explores empirical, theoretical, and policy issues ineconomic development. Examines topics with reference to the developing countries: income distribution and poverty, demographic change, labor force employment and migration, human capital, physical capital, natural resources and the environment, industrial structure, international trade, and finance. Prereqs., ECON 3070 or 3080.

MCDB-4790 (3) Experimental Embryology

Embryology is studied by considering experiments relevant to specific topics of early animal development. Emphasizes reading, interpretation, and discussion of research articles. Prereqs., MCDB 3120 or 3145, and EPOB 3650 or MCDB 3135 or 3500.

CHEM-4791 (3) Bioorganic Chemistry in Biotechnology

Lec. Explores examples of antibodies, peptides, proteins, RNA, DNA, carbohydrates and lipids. The course uses the primary literature and requires student participation. Prereq., CHEM 3331 or 3371, and CHEM 4731 or 5731 (min. grade C-). Recommended prereq., undergraduate molecular biology. Same as CHEM 5791.

PSCI-4792 (3) Issues in Latin American Politics

Studies several Latin American countries in some depth including history and contemporary politics. Teaches students to listen to and evaluate different sides of political controversies, and critically evaluate arguments. Prereqs., PSCI 2012 or IAFS 1000, and junior or senior standing. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ECON-4794 (3) Economic Growth

Introduces theories explaining why differences in standards of living among countries are so large. Examines a variety of data on historical experiences of economic growth. Surveys recent research on why some countries are so rich and some are so poor, and why some countries grow so quickly and others grow so slowly. Prereq., ECON 3070 or 3080.

EBIO-4795 (3) Field Methods in Zoology and Botany

Class covers research and field methods for biological disciplines associated with natural history museums:vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants. Emphasis is on field research techniques: observations, sampling, collection and preservation methods, and comparisons among elevation zones. Includes 5 field labs, 2 weekend trips, 5 lab practica, experience with several taxonomic experts, and individual research projects. Same as EBIO 5795, MUSM 4795 and ENVS 4795.

ENVS-4795 (3) Field Methods in Zoology and Botany

Class covers research and field methods for biological disciplines associated with natural history museums: vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants. Emphasis is on field research techniques: observations, sampling, collection and preservation methods, and comparisons among elevation zones. Includes 5 field labs, 2 weekend trips, 5 lab practica, experience with several taxonomic experts, and individual research projects. Same as MUSM 4795 and EBIO 4795.

MUSM-4795 (3) Field Methods in Zoology and Botany

Class covers research and field methods for biological disciplines associated with natural history museums: vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants. Emphasis is on field research techniques: observations, sampling, collection and preservation methods, and comparisons among elevation zones. Includes 5 field labs, 2 weekend trips, 5 lab practica, experience with several taxonomic experts, and individual research projects. Same as MUSM 5795, ENVS 4795, and EBIO 4795.
