
Through structured discussions, selected readings, and written assignments, examines topics in Russian film from socio-historical and cultural studies perspectives. Identification and critical analysis of concepts and assumptions underlying differing cinematic approaches to controversial topics. Taught in English. Prereqs., RUSS 2221 or RUSS/FILM 3301 or equivalent. Same as GSLL 5851.

Studies themes of grotesque, bizarre, surreal, absurd, supernatural, and fantastic in Russian short stories and novels of the 19th and 20th centuries. Discusses works by Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Kharms, Bulgakov, Siniavskii, Petrushevskaia, and Pelevin, within contexts of Russian folklore, Freud and Jung's interpretations of jokes and dreams, and Romanticism. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., one upper division humanities course. Same as GSLL 5861.
