
Offers a weekly seminar for museum and field study students that addresses one new topic each semester relevant to museum operations such as archival administration, museums, multiculturalism, repatriation, and others. Prereqs., MUSM 5011, graduate standing, and instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

Investigates key problems facing museum institutions and studies the staging and representation of historical knowledge, the ethics of collecting and display, the changing nature and uses of historical evidence, and relations between curatorial practice, collecting, and field work. Critically examines different approaches to museums and museology in various disciplines, both past and present. Department enforced prereq., MUSM 5011. Same as ARTH 6150, HIST 6150, and ANTH 6150.

Provides experience in museums of different sizes, audiences, and subjects, including history, natural history, art, and children's museums. Each student is supervised individually by a faculty member as well as the appropriate person in the cooperating museum. Prereq., instructor consent.

A thesis, which may be of a research, expository, critical or creative type, is required of every master's degree candidate under the thesis option. Prereqs., MUSM 5011 and 5051, and one of the following: MUSM 5030, 5031, or 5041.

A project or paper in the student's discipline and related to some aspect of museum studies is required of every master's degree candidate under the non-thesis-option plan. Prereqs., MUSM 5011 and 5051. Students in collections/field track also need MUSM 5030, 5031, or 5041.
