
May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Introduces graduate students to research foci of the Department of Applied Mathematics. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to graduate students.

Undergraduates must have approval of the instructor. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Independent research in a topic of special interest. Arrangements are made to suit needs of each student. Not a free option; must be approved by student's advisor and department chair. Does not count as a seminar. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Same as PSCI 8901. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

Guides independent research on a topic of special interest. Arrangements made to suit needs of each student. Not a free option; must be approved by student's advisor and department chair. Does not count as a seminar. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Same as PSCI 8902.

Independent research in a topic of special interest. Arrangements made to suit needs of each student. Not a free option; must be approved by student's advisor and department chair. Does not count as a seminar. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Same as PSCI 8903.

Independent research in a topic of special interest. Arrangements made to suit needs of each student. Not a free option; must be approved by student's advisor and department chair. Does not count as a seminar. Maybe repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Same as PSCI 8904.

Independent research in a topic of special interest. Arrangements made to suit needs of each student. Not a free option; must be approved by student's advisor and department chair. Does not count as a seminar. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Same as PSCI 8905. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

Provides the opportunity for independent research in topic of interest. Arrangements made to suit needs of each student. Not a free option; must be approved by student's advisor and department chair. Does not count as a seminar. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Same as PSCI 8906.

Gives an off-campus experience in a clinical or hospital setting that provides in-depth practice in management of communication disorders of children and adults. May be repeated up to 10 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) or Audiology (AUDD) graduate students only.

Explores advanced topics in dance not regularly covered in the curriculum of the graduate program. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to graduate students.

Provides an off-campus supervised experience providing extended and in-depth practice involving school-age children in a school classroom. May be repeated up to 10 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) or Audiology (AUDD) graduate students only.
Provides a systematic critical overview of the development of art history as a discipline beginning with 18th century theories of aesthetics and ending with current interdisciplinary models of critical interpretation. Weekly readings, discussions, reports, and written papers constitute the format of this seminar in methodology. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours within a term. Required for MA (art history) students. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

Provides experience in museums of different sizes, audiences, and subjects, including history, natural history, art, and children's museums. Each student is supervised individually by a faculty member as well as the appropriate person in the cooperating museum. Prereq., instructor consent.

Provides students with full time off campus experience in an Audiology facility offering in-depth and advanced procedures for identification, evaluation and management of hearing loss in adults and children.May be repeated up to 21 total credit hours. Prereq.,consent of department advisor. Prerequisites: Restricted to Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) or Audiology (AUDD) graduate students only.
Subjects and topics vary. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
