Approved problem in theoretical or experimental physics under the direction of staff members. Intended to introduce the student to procedures in research and development work. Work of an original nature expected. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Preparation, research, writing of critical studies Master's thesis in fulfillment of concurrent BAMA in Film. Prereq., ARTF 5004. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
A project or paper in the student's discipline and related to some aspect of museum studies is required of every master's degree candidate under the non-thesis-option plan. Prereqs., MUSM 5011 and 5051. Students in collections/field track also need MUSM 5030, 5031, or 5041.
Provides the opportunity for synthesizing the graduate experience through the execution of a project related to the student's major area of interest. Project must be approved by the graduate faculty advisor. Prerequisites: Restricted to Dance (DNCE) graduate students only.