
Provides a comprehensive overview of the issues and literature concerning American "Subnational" politics. Considers three bodies of literature: American federalism and intergovernmental relations, state politics, and urban/local politics. Also examines a number of policy issues. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent required.

Advanced seminar dealing with several different specialized topics in Neuroscience. Prereq., NRSC 5110 or instructor consent required. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.

Introduces maximum likelihood estimation and extends the linear model to several "generalized linear models." Provides students with the skills to analyze and understand a broad class of outcome variables and data structures such as dichotomous outcomes, counts, ordered and unordered categorical outcomes, and bounded variables. Also examines several special topics such as multilevel models, causal inference, and missing data. Prereqs., PSCI 7075, 7085 and 7095 (all minimum grade B-). Restricted to graduate students in PSCI.

Continuation of PHYS 5150. Topics vary yearly but include nonlinear effects such as wave coupling, quasilinear relaxation, particle trapping, nonlinear Landau damping, collisionless shocks, solutions; nonneutral plasmas; kinetic theory of waves in a magnetized plasma; anisotropy; inhomogeneity; radiation---ponderomotive force, parametric instabilities, stimulated scattering; plasma optics; kinetic theory, and fluctuation phenomena. Prereq., PHYS 5150 or instructor consent. Same as ASTR 7160.

Topics in atmospheric chemistry emphasizing the structure and reactivity of atmospheric particulates. Presentations on current research and critical evaluations of recent literature. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

Explores cutting-edge debates in election law. Studies different perspectives on the current controversies in the field, in addition to select opportunities to engage scholars directly about their work. Develops students' understanding of the law of democracy, exposing students to some of the best scholarship, and improving students' ability to evaluate and critique legal scholarship. Recommended prereq., PSCI 7011. Same as LAWS 8205.

May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Help students make progress towards (1) in the short term: focusing in on a dissertation topic, crafting a dissertation prospectus, and identifying potential funding sources; and (2) in the long term: sending papers out for review, developing a package for the job market, and understanding the academic job market and the tenure process. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Studies special topics in ethnic American and/or postcolonial writing in English, including relevant theoretical discourses. Topics will vary. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., ENGL 5169. Prerequisites: Restricted to English (ENGL) and English Lit- Creative Writing (CRWR) graduate students only.
Addresses four broad questions: Who is a citizen of the United States? Who else can come to this country? When and why can noncitizens be forced to leave? Who has the authority to answer these questions? These questions prompt us to examine the history of U.S. immigration, the constitutional-statutory-regulatory framework that governs immigration and citizenship law, and the federal agencies that administer it. Also addresses contemporary challenges to, and assertions of, immigrants' rights. Same as LAWS 7615. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

This co-taught colloquium will expose students to highly prominent scholars conducting research on current topics at the intersection of race, social science, and the law, including racial profiling, hate crime, and affirmative action. Students will complete a final paper satisfying the CU Law seminar requirement. Same as LAWS 8645.

Focuses on the business aspects of managing an audiology practice. Addresses developing a business plan, contracting for services, legal issues, financial reporting, budgeting, pricing, billing and reimbursement, regulatory issues, marketing, personnel management, risk abatement, and business ethics. Prereq., good standing in the SLHS graduate program or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) or Audiology (AUDD) graduate students only.
Same as SPAN 5200. Prerequisites: Restricted to Spanish (SPAN) graduate students only.
Same as SPAN 5210. Prerequisites: Restricted to Spanish (SPAN) graduate students only.
Discussion of contemporary synthetic organic chemistry with a focus on new methodology and total synthesis of natural products. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Advanced seminar dealing with different specialized topics, at the discretion of the instructor, in different years. Topics chosen are within the broad range of experimental psychology. Instructor consent required. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Same as SPAN 5220. Prerequisites: Restricted to Spanish (SPAN) graduate students only.
Current research in areas of organic free radical chemistry, photochemistry, and related topics are presented and discussed. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

Classical and quantum statistical theory, including study of both equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems. Topics covered include kinetic theory, degenerate gases, macrocanonical and grand canonical ensembles, and irreversible processes. Prereq., PHYS 5250 and 5260.

Application of contemporary ideas of chemical physics to organic molecules. Special attention to structures and bonding in organic ions and radicals. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

Introduces current research topics in statistical mechanics. Topics vary from year to year and may include phase transitions, critical phenomena, nonequilibrium phenomena, dense fluids, dynamical systems, plasma physics, or quantum statistical mechanics. Prereq., PHYS 7230.

Series of seminars on directed total synthesis. Emphasizes modern synthetic methodology and applications to total synthesis of natural products. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
