
Second semester of an academic year's training for students interested in peer counseling. Expand upon what you learned in ARSC 2274. Focus on presentations, leadership, and group facilitation. Basic group leadership, facilitation theory, and technique taught. Co-create and co-lead your own small groups/presentations for other CU students. Offered only spring semesters. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ARSC 2274 (minimum grade D-).

Controlled enrollment. Repeatable for degree credit. Credit given for peer counseling activities. Students are selected to participate in this class and act as peer counselors or TAs for the peer counseling training.

Critically examines the intellectual and political forces that shape the aims, policies, and practices of K-12 education in the United States. Prerequisites: Restricted to Educ-Curriculum & Instruction (EDCI) graduate students only.

Addresses special topics in arts and humanities with an emphasis on building conceptual understanding of content and enhancing teacher's practice in teaching this content.

Comparatively studies education in other countries, emphasizingits rolein developing nations, with an emphasis on successful modelsin basic literacy, primary education, secondary curriculum, andteacher education.Analyzes political, social, and economic policies and ideologies for their relevance to the development process, including the role of international organizations: World Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO, Peace Corps and Volunteer Agencies. Same as EDUC 4015.

Addresses special topics in mathematics with an emphasis on building conceptual understanding of content and enhancing teacher's practice in teaching this content.

Addresses special topics in natural sciences with an emphasis on building conceptual understanding of content and enhancing teacher's practice in teaching this content.

Focuses on models and strategies for improving parent and community involvement in the schools. Discusses administrative concerns, such as parent advisory councils, and instructional concerns, such as helping children with school assignments.

Addresses special topics in social sciences with an emphasis on building conceptual understanding of content and enhancing teacher's practice in teaching this content.

Same as EDUC 4060. Prerequisites: Restricted to Educ-Curriculum & Instruction (EDCI) graduate students only.

Examines four central curricular traditions: progressive; conservative; radical; and spiritual. Highlights the strengths and weaknesses of various writers within each tradition with attention paid to the conceptual features and the practical implications of each educational view. Encourages students to examine their own educational assumptions.

Examines features of religion, spirituality, and a liberal arts education, so as to further understand the constitutional, historical and cultural constraints on, and acceptable approaches to the study of religion and spirituality in American education. Specifically explores aspects of a contemplative orientation and the degree to which such an orientation should/can be pursued in K-12 public and higher education. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

In-depth analysis of theories and concepts in sociology and education. Evolution of curriculum, organization, and enrollment characteristics of American schools. Schooling, class, culture, gender, stratification, and educational reform in light of paradigmatic change in theories and concepts of sociology.

Highlights social and intellectual history perspectives of American educational history, major reform movements from the 19th century to Dewey, and assessment of how differences of race, class, ethnicity, religion, power, and gender affected American education. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

Addresses perspectives and evidence-based teaching practices that promote equity and access to conceptual understanding. Introduces the knowledge base on effective and socially just teaching practices, and the theories and research that support these practices. Explores the impact of theory and research on classroom instruction.

Examines recent developments in teaching, and trends in the philosophy and practice of education. Focuses special attention on a variety of issues central to school reform.

Examines the questions of "who I am", "where I come from", "what I might become" and "what I am called to do" in order to remember as well as make sense of our lives. Introduces and discusses narrative theory and selected memoirs. Students engage in reflection on their own narrative, and evaluate their practical and analytic understanding of narrative practice. EDUC 4135 and 5135 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.

Explores and critiques various conceptions of gender within popular and scholarly publications that have influenced how gender and sexual diversity is approached in classrooms. Builds a theoretical stance toward gender and sexual diversity that supports equity, engagement and achievement for all children and youth. Discusses teaching strategies that thoughtfully take into account gender identities and equity.

Involves reading and evaluation of picture books, and emphasizes children's interests, authors and illustrators, multicultural literature, the components of narrative, and the features of illustrations. Examines connections between children's literature and children's development as writers.

Provides pre-service teachers opportunities to explore contemporary theories of learning, curriculum development, and pedagogical strategies pertaining to teaching elementary-level mathematics. Blends exploration in mathematical content with development of sophisticated mathematical models for teaching. Prerequisites: Requires corequisite courses of EDUC 4351 and 5215. Restricted to Elementary Education (EDEL) majors only.
Provides pre-service elementary teachers opportunities to explore contemporary theories of learning, curriculum development, pedagogical strategies, and assessment. Blends scientific content, pedagogy, and practical applications. Prerequisites: Requires corequsite courses of EDUC 4351 and 5205. Restricted to Elementary Education (EDEL) majors only.
Same as EDUC 4222. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Same as EDUC 4232. Prerequisites: Restricted to EDCI, EECD, EFPP, EPSY or REME graduate students only.
