Studies low Reynolds number flows, including incompressible and compressible laminar boundary layer theory; similarity theory; and separation, transition, and turbulent boundary layers. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5051 or equivalent, or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Introduces the analysis and control design methods for nonlinear systems, including Lyapunov and Describing Function methods. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ASEN 5014 (minimum grade C). Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Exposes MS and PhD students to leadership positions in project management and systems engineering while working a complex aerospace engineering project as part of a project team. The project team may perform some or all of the following project activities during this second semester of the two-semester course sequence: requirements definition, design and design review, build, test, and verification. Prereq., ASEN 5018. Recommended prereq., ASEN 4138, or 5148, or 5158 or equivalent or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Provides an overview of the relevant space environment and process, the types of instruments flown on recent mission, and the science background of the measurement principles. Same as ASTR 6050 and GEOL 6050. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ASEN 5335 (minimum grade D-).
Covers Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for astrodynamics problems, the computation and characterization of space trajectories in highly dynamic environments, computation of periodic orbits, stability analysis of orbital motion, and development of analytical theories for dynamics. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5050 or equivalent or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Describes the composition and flow of gases on a microscopic level to examine the behavior of the molecules that make up a macroscopic flow system. Thermodynamic properties, transport phenomena, and the governing Boltzmann Equation are derived from molecular collision dynamics and the kinetic theory. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method is introduced with applications. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Focuses on the measurement of the Earth's gravitational field, rotational characteristics, and shape using Earth and space-based tracking of artificial satellites. Particular emphasis on satellite altimetry and satellite gravity measurements. Recommended prereq., ASEN 3200 or equivalent or instructor consent required. Credit not granted for this course and ASEN 5060. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Continuation of ASEN 5070. Emphasizes orthogonal transformation techniques such as Givens and Householder, square root filtering and smoothing, and considers covariance analysis. Also nonlinear filters and dynamic model compensation techniques. Requires term project that involves the application of many of the techniques required for precise orbit determination. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5070 or equivalent or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Focuses on high-precision applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and the software tools that are needed to achieve these precisions. Topics include precise orbital determination, reference frames, atmospheric delays, relativity, clock models, ambiguity resolution, and scientific applications. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5090 or equivalent or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Investigates the overall architecture of satellite navigation receivers: including both the analog radio frequency conditioning (antenna to the analog-to-digital converter) and the various signal processing algorithms. Such treatment of the operation of the receiver will provide insight into the trade-offs that go into GNSS as well as the more broad generic spread spectrum receiver design. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5090. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Continuation of ASEN 5007. Covers the formulation and numerical solution of nonlinear static structural problems by finite element methods. Emphasizes the treatment of geometric nonlinearities and structural stability. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5007 or equivalent or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Study the environmental control and the life support systems and technologies that keep people alive and healthy in spacecraft and habitats. Students will learn about thermal control systems, air revitalization processes, water reclamation and treatment, waste handling and the reuse of materials, and food and nutrition. Expect to develop analytical models from first principles and perform hands-on laboratory experiments. Formerly ASEN 5116. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ASEN 5158 (minimum grade D-). Requires corequisite course of ASEN 5016. Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Covers infrared and microwave techniques for remote sensing, emphasizing oceanographic applications, fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation, remote sensing instrumentation (radars and radiometers), and conversion of sensory data to geophysical parameters, including sea surface topography, temperature, and atmospheric moisture. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Reviews satellite remote sensing instrumentation and methods. Student teamwork involves real satellite data for applications in oceanography, atmospheric science, and terrestrial physics. Students develop problem-solving skills and use the internet to gather satellite and in situ data to address chosen problems. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Provides a comprehensive, yet easily understandable, up-to-date understanding of lidar principles, technologies and applications. Contains approaches for quantitative lidar simulation, lidar sensitivity and error analysis, lidar data retrieval, lidar system design and performance analysis. Gives students opportunities to see and operate real state-of-the-art lidar systems and make connections to lidar experts in the nation and world. Requisites: Restricted to Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering-Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) students.
Continues ASEN 5007. Covers more advanced FEM applications to linear static problems in structural and continuum mechanics. Focuses on modeling, formulation, and numerical solutions of problems modeled as plates, shells, and solids. Includes an overview of advanced variational formulations. Recommended prereqs., introductory graduate level course in FEM and familiarity with linear algebra. Credit not granted for this course and ASEN 5367. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
This advanced topics course provides an exploration of techniques for representation and propagation of uncertainty in PDE/ODE-based systems. Department-enforced prerequisite: ASEN 5070, APPM 5570, ECEN 5612 (all minimum grade B), or equivalent courses with instructor consent. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Introduces computational techniques particularly applicable to high-speed gas flows that contain shocks. Complicated numerical methods are developed from relatively simple numerical modules. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5417 or equivalent or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Covers modeling, computational algorithms and their computer implementation for both linear and nonlinear dynamical systems. Topics covered include transient analysis, wave propagation, multiphysics analysis, and their significant engineering applications. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5022 or equivalent or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.
Reflects upon specialized aspects of aerospace engineering sciences. Course content is indicated in the online Schedule Planner. Recommended prereq., varies. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.