Team-based design of facilities or processes for water or wastewater or solid waste treatment or remediation under multiple real-world constraints. Recommended prereq., CVEN 5524, 5534, or 5474. Department consent required.
Applies traditional and modern probability and statistical methods to environmental, hydrological, climatological and engineering data analysis. Topics include: basic probability, data visualization, fitting univariate and multivariate distributions, Monte Carlo simulations, extreme value distributions, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, nonparametric density estimators, linear regression, and Bayesian analysis. The data analysis tool, R, is used throughout the course.
Develops and utilizes analytic solutions for environmental process models that can be used in a) reactor design for processes used in the treatment of water, wastewater and hazardous waste and b) process analysis of natural systems, such as streams and groundwater flow. Models facilitate the tracking of contaminants in engineered and natural systems. Same as EVEN 4464. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Examines the relationships among air, water, and landpollution, water quality, and beneficial uses. Using models, develops the ability to quantify and predict the impacts of pollutants in the aquatic environment, and to develop approaches to minimize unfavorablewater quality conditions. Department consent required.
Advanced study on biological processes used to treat toxic organic and inorganic compounds contained in contaminated water, air, and soil; design and evaluation of in situ toxic compound biotransformation; fundaments of phytoremediation; critical reviews of current literature on bioremediation. Recommedned prereq., CVEN 5424. Department enforced prereq., CVEN 4484 or 5484 or instructor consent required.
Provides advanced study on theory-of-treatment processes, including design and operation of municipal water supplies. Department enforced prereq., 4464 or 5464, graduate standing, or instructor consent required.
Covers the processes used to treat municipal wastewater, focusing on biological processes. Includes: design of aerobic, anoxic, anaerobic and suspended growth technologies to remove and transform pollutants; design and assessment of treatment approaches that recover energy, nutrients and water from wastewater; application of fundamental concepts of aquatic chemistry, environmental microbiology and computational models. Recommended prereqs., CVEN 5404, CVEN 5484 and CVEN 5464. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Engages students in exploring and solving lighting problems for exterior environments. Provides an understanding of the design criteria and lighting equipment used in three primary exterior applications: parking lots and roadways, floodlighting of buildings, and sports facilities. Department enforced prereq., AREN 3540 or equivalent. Recommended prereq., AREN 4550. Same as AREN 4540. Taught intermittently.
Covers the scope of the nonhazardous solid waste problem and regulations that drive its management; discussions of nonengineering factors that impact waste management and recycling; design of incinerators, composting facilities, and landfills used to treat and dispose of solid waste. Recommended prereq., CVEN 3414.
Introduces engineering methods for the study of air quality. Topics include: indoor air quality, greenhouse gases, dispersion modeling, source apportionment modeling, chemistry of combustion, pollution sources and controls, human exposure to air pollutants. A focus on Engineering for Developing Communities runs throughout. Required for CVEN environmental engineering graduate students. Same as CVEN 4554.
Explores principles and methods of structural reliability, and formulates bases for design to insure adequate safety and performance of elements and structural systems. Undergraduates may enroll with the permission of the instructor. Department enforced prereq., CVEN 5525. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Develops and improves the skills and tools needed for graduate students and young professionals. Focusing on highly effective leaders; leadership with impact; effective communication tools; and communicating with teams, city councils, governing boards, and the public. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Philosophical and analytical issues for lifetime design and operation of civil systems. Optimization tradeoffs of construction, management, and sustainability. Utility of operation and service, including present-value economic analysis. Decision-making alternatives of safety and performance, including hazards consideration. Undergraduates may enroll with the permission of the instructor. Recommended prereq., CVEN 3227 or equivalent. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Develops the skills and tools for graduate students and young professionals to work in the water profession. Focuses on management, leadership, communication and utility financial in the new water profession era. Undergraduate seniors may contact instructor for permission to enroll. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Covers steel structure design and analysis. Includes plate girders, moment connections for beams, design of multistory frames, and other topics determined by class interest. Undergraduate may enroll with permission of the instructor. Department enforced prereq., CVEN 4545. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Develops the skills and tools for graduate students and young professionals to work in the water profession. Focuses on financing water services, capital planning, rates, management planning, staffing and organization and critical thinking. Undergraduates may request instructor permission to enroll. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Covers design and analysis topics for prestressed concrete and/or reinforced concrete structures. Includes review of the current ACI design code, slabs, prestressed concrete, seismic design, folded plates and shells, finite element analysis, and other topics determined by class interest. Undergraduates may enroll with the permission of the instructor. Department enforced prereq., CVEN 4555. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Explores development of a safe, reliable, and acceptable program for reusing impaired waters. As fresh water becomes scarcer around the world, communities are looking for security through development of new water resources. Reuse of impaired water is one solution to the growing water crisis. Focus is on advanced treatment technologies with emphasis on public perception, economics, and regulations. Recommended prereqs., CVEN 3141 and CVEN 3424. Same as 4594. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Provides a fundamental basis for design of UV processes in water and wastewater treatment. Includes principles of photochemistry and photobiology. Applications to disinfection of water and degradation of chemical compounds in the environment. Design of UV disinfection systems and reactors and advanced oxidation processes. Environmental UV-based decay of pollutants. Recommended prereqs., CVEN 3414 and CVEN 3424. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.