British and Irish Studies

The Center for British and Irish Studies encourages students to develop programs that include a focus on British and Irish culture, history, and contemporary life from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. At the undergraduate level, the center offers a certificate in British and Irish studies for students who have taken 24 credit hours in British and Irish literature, history, and/or other fields. 

Biological Sciences

Course work and degree programs in the biological sciences are offered through the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (formerly the Department of Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology); the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; and the Department of Integrative Physiology. Students should refer to program and course descriptions listed for each department.


Several courses in information access and library research methods are offered to students who wish to explore the structure, organization, retrieval, and evaluation of information for their study and career needs. See the course descriptions under Library Research (LIBR) for more information.

Course code for this program is LIBR. 

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

The Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC) is an interdisciplinary program that provides an educational and research environment to examine the dynamical, physical, and chemical processes in the atmosphere, ocean, and land surface, and the manner in which they interact. A major theme is the establishment of a physical basis for understanding, observing, and modeling climate and global change.

Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences

The undergraduate major has two tracks—one in general astronomy and one in astrophysics/physics (see the website at

Asian Studies

The Center for Asian Studies offers a broad interdisciplinary undergraduate major in Asian studies. In addition, a number of departments offer graduate training with an emphasis on Asia.

Students planning to major in Asian studies may participate in study abroad programs with prior approval from the Asian Studies Program and the Office of International Education.

For additional information on the major program, contact Tim Weston at 303-735-5122.

Course code for this program is ASIA. 

Asian Languages and Civilizations

Undergraduate students may choose to major in either Chinese or Japanese. In either case they receive a thorough grounding in the modern language, an introduction to the classical language and literature, and a broad familiarity with the literary and cultural history of the selected area. 

Art and Art History

The Department of Art and Art History offers the bachelor of arts in art history and in studio, and the bachelor of fine arts in studio arts. 

The undergraduate degree in art history emphasizes knowledge and awareness of:

  • the major artistic monuments of the world in a historical context;
  • varied methodologies used to study art historically; and
  • artistic media and techniques.

In addition, students completing the degree in art history are expected to acquire the ability and skills to:

Applied Mathematics

The Department of Applied Mathematics in the College of Arts and Sciences offers courses and degree programs for undergraduate and graduate students. Course offerings at the undergraduate level focus on providing students with the mathematical tools and problem-solving strategies that are useful in science and engineering. The undergraduate bachelor of science degree is offered through the College of Engineering and Applied Science. 

Actuarial Studies and Quantitative Finance Certificate Program

The Actuarial Studies and Quantitative Finance Certificate Program is an interdisciplinary program provided by the Departments of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Economics; and the Leeds School of Business. The program trains students in two tracks. The Actuarial track prepares students for the actuarial profession while the Quantitative Finance track trains students for financial and economics analyst positions. The admission policies and contact information are given for each track. 


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