Chemical and Biological Engineering

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. The department offers two distinct BS degree programs, one in chemical engineering and one in chemical and biological engineering. The Regents of the University of Colorado and the Colorado Commission on Higher Education approved the new BS program in the combined fields of chemical and biological engineering during the summer of 2006. The first graduates of the new program graduated in the spring of 2009 and the program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET (

Other Opportunities in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering 

At the BS, MS, and PhD levels, there are opportunities to specialize via electives, independent study, and research. The BS in chemical engineering also offers optional variations to the core curriculum that allow students to specialize in environmental, computer, microelectronic, and materials aspects of chemical engineering. If a student has an interest that is not included in the following information, special arrangements can usually be made. 

Students may carry out part of their studies in another country (see the Office of International Education section), and are encouraged to consider this opportunity, given the international nature of most large chemical and engineering corporations and international cooperation in scientific and engineering research. Many faculty members have significant international experience. 

Cooperative Education and Internships. The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers a formal Co-Op Program, where students obtain a BS in chemical engineering or chemical and biological engineering and significant industrial experience in five years. A Biotechnology Internships program is also offered for summer internships with local companies. 

Senior Thesis. The department offers this program for undergraduates with a strong interest in research. The student carries out a year-long project under the direction of a faculty member in lieu of taking CHEN 4130 Chemical Engineering Laboratory 2 (for ChE students) or CHEN 4810 Biological Engineering Lab (for ChBE students). Students must apply at the end of their junior year. 

Research Facilities

Chemical and biological engineering research facilities are extensive and modern. Nearly all research equipment is interfaced to computers for automated data collection, monitoring, and control. A full description of chemical engineering research facilities can be found in the Graduate School section. 

Course code for this program is CHEN.

Bachelor's Degree Program(s)

Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineers are responsible for producing products based on chemical processing and chemical transformations. They carry out basic research; they design, build, operate, and manage chemical processes and plants; and they supply petroleum products, renewable resources, plastics, detergents, agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biological compounds, photographic materials, microelectronic devices, and various food and other products. Today’s processes must be energy efficient, nonpolluting, and profitable. Thus, students must master inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, mathematics, statistics, computers, physics, and often biology and biochemistry. Students must learn to apply these fundamentals in the process industries. Paralleling the technical courses are studies in the humanities and the social sciences.

Program Educational Objectives

The department prepares its graduates to make significant contributions in many diverse areas. Specifically, within three to five years its graduates will:

  • be recognized as academic and industrial leaders in a multitude of chemical engineering or related fields 
  • demonstrate the relevant technical, critical thinking, and problem solving skills and creativity required to solve challenging and open-ended problems
  • work and communicate with a diverse group of individuals in interdisciplinary areas
  • exhibit high ethical standards and moral responsibility necessary to safely protect public health and the environment and be knowledgeable of contemporary issues that face modern society
  • demonstrate an interest in and the pursuit of lifelong learning and possess the versatility necessary to adapt to a rapidly changing professional environment by applying their skills to new and developing technologies.

Program Outcomes

At the time of graduation, graduates will demonstrate:

  • an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  • an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data 
  • an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  • an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
  • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
  • an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  • the appropriate written and verbal communication skills required to communicate effectively
  • the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
  • a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, lifelong learning
  • a knowledge of contemporary issues
  • an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

Options in the Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Curriculum

Curricular options have been established in fields of major importance and particular interest. To follow one of these options requires careful planning and course selection by student and advisor.

Bioengineering Option. Since all biological and medical systems involve complex chemical and physical processes, chemical engineering is a natural professional basis for biotechnology research. The department has a strong undergraduate program tailored to meeting the needs of students who are preparing for careers in biomedical engineering, biochemical engineering, or biotechnology. Modern biotechnology has been defined as “applied genetic engineering” and is of considerable importance due to recent advances in molecular biology and genetic engineering. The successful industrial application of these advances will, in large part, depend on new chemical engineering initiatives in the development of high-rate bioreactors, efficient separation and purification techniques for bioproducts, and computer-interfaced instrumentation for optimal bioprocess control. 

The courses available for this option are Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Bioprocess Engineering, and Biochemical Separations. In addition, bioengineering option students are required to complete two semesters of general biology and one semester of biochemistry. 

The department also offers graduate bioengineering technology research programs at both the MS and PhD levels. These programs are oriented toward specialization in various aspects of biochemical engineering, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, and sensory physiology. 

Environmental Option. Chemical engineers can make major contributions in the fields of pollution prevention and control, resource utilization, and environmental improvement. The environmental engineering option is designed to emphasize biological and environmental sciences, the effects of chemicals on the environment, and chemical engineering applications in environmental problems. 

The courses taken by students following this option include electives in environmental science and engineering. A capstone course in environmental engineering processes or environmental separations is taken in the senior year. 

Computer Option. Applications of computers in chemical engineering are widespread, and the chemical engineer who has solid preparation in computer science and engineering is in demand. Areas include computer architecture and interfacing; machine, assembly, and high-level language programming; and online real-time computing. Students in this option complete the core of the computer engineering degree program in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 

Materials Option. The need to develop new materials for a rapidly broadening spectrum of applications is one of the major technological challenges confronting applied science. Chemical engineers have the required background in chemistry and transport theory to contribute significantly in this area. This option focuses on polymeric and ceramic materials by complementing the chemical engineering curriculum with elective courses stressing the interrelationship between materials fabrication, structure, properties, and performance. 

Microelectronics Option. The manufacture of semiconductor microelectronic circuits or “chips” involves many chemical steps. In recent years, more and more chemical engineers are finding employment in the expanding microelectronics industry. Completion of this option, which includes courses in solid state and semiconductor physics and microstructure fabrication, provides specialization to help launch a successful career in microelectronics. 

Premedicine Curriculum Track. This track is offered for students preparing for medical school. Since chemical engineering already requires most of the premed courses, it is a logical choice for students who desire an engineering degree and the opportunity to pursue a medical profession. 

Curriculum for BS in Chemical Engineering (ChE)

Required Courses and Semester Credit Hours

Freshman Year 
Fall Semester

  • APPM 1350 Calculus 1 for Engineers—4
  • CHEN 1211 General Chemistry for Engineers—3
  • CHEM 1221 General Chemistry Laboratory for Engineers—2
  • GEEN 1300 Introduction to Engineering Computing—3
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3

Spring Semester

  • APPM 1360 Calculus 2 for Engineers—4
  • CHEN 1300 Introduction to Chemical Engineering (Note 1)—1
  • CHEN 2810 Biology for Engineers—3
  • PHYS 1110 General Physics 1—4
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3

Sophomore Year
Fall Semester

  • APPM 2350 Calculus 3 for Engineers—4
  • CHEM 3311 Organic Chemistry 1—4
  • CHEM 3321 Laboratory in Organic Chemistry—1
  • CHEN 2120 Material and Energy Balances—3
  • PHYS 1120 General Physics 2—4
  • PHYS 1140 Experimental Physics—1

Spring Semester

  • APPM 2360 Introduction to Differential Equations with Linear Algebra—4
  • CHEM 3331 Organic Chemistry 2—4
  • CHEM 3341 Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 2—1
  • CHEM 4521 Physical Chemistry for Engineers (Notes 1 and 4)—3
  • CHEN 3200 Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics (Note 1)—3
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3

Junior Year
Fall Semester

  • CHEN 3320 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (Note 1)—3
  • CHEN 3010 Applied Data Analysis (Note 1)—3
  • CHEN 3210 Chemical Engineering Heat Transfer (Note 1)—3
  • WRTG 3030 Writing on Science and Society—3
  • Elective (Note 3)—4

Spring Semester

  • CHEN 3130 Chemical Engineering Laboratory 1 (Note 1)—2
  • Chemistry Elective (Note 5)—3
  • CHEN 4330 Chemical Engineering Reaction Kinetics (Note 1)—3
  • CHEN 3220 Chemical Engineering Separations and Mass Transfer (Note 1)—3
  • Elective (Note 3)—3
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3

Senior Year
Fall Semester

  • CHEN 4130 Chemical Engineering Laboratory 2 (Note 1)—2
  • CHEN 4090 Undergraduate Seminar (Note 1)—1
  • CHEN 4520 Chemical Process Synthesis (Note 1)—3
  • Elective (Note 3)—3 
  • Elective (Note 3)—3
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3

Spring Semester

  • CHEN 4530 Chemical Engineering Design Project (Note 1)—2
  • CHEN 4570 Instrumentation and Process Control (Note 1)—4
  • CHEN 4440 Chemical Engineering Materials (Notes 1 and 6)—3
  • Elective (Note 3)—3
  • Elective (Note 3)—3
  • Minimum total hours for degree—128
Curriculum Notes
1. Course is offered only in the semester indicated.
2. Courses must meet humanities and social science requirements. Students should consult their advisor, the current ChE Help Guide, and
3. Electives must meet specific requirements. See the current ChE Help Guide.
4. Students may take CHEM 4511 if during the fall semester.
5. Students should consult the current ChE Help Guide about chemistry electives.
6. Alternate is CHEN 4460 Polymer Engineering.

BS in Chemical and Biological Engineering

The chemical engineering field has traditionally had a natural affinity and synergy with the fields of molecular and cellular biology including biotechnology, pharmaceutical sciences, tissue engineering, and medicine. These synergies have led the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering to establish this new degree track in the combined fields of chemical and biological engineering. Graduates of this new program will be trained in the traditional field of chemical engineering with foci on chemical transformations and separations; however, they will have further knowledge and ability in applying these skills to the emerging areas in biological engineering such as biotechnology, metabolic engineering, and pharmaceutical sciences. In contrast to the traditional BS in chemical engineering, students must master additional skills in biology, medicine, bioseparations, biological laboratory skills, and biological transformations.

Program Educational Objectives

The department prepares its graduates to make significant contributions in many diverse areas. Specifically, within three to five years, graduates will:

  • be recognized as academic and industrial leaders in a multitude of chemical and biological engineering or related fields 
  • demonstrate the relevant technical, critical thinking, and problem solving skills and creativity required to solve challenging and open-ended problems
  • work and communicate with a diverse group of individuals in interdisciplinary areas
  • exhibit high ethical standards and moral responsibility necessary to safely protect public health and the environment and be knowledgeable of contemporary issues that face modern society
  • demonstrate an interest in and the pursuit of lifelong learning and possess the versatility necessary to adapt to a rapidly changing professional environment by applying their skills to new and developing technologies

Program Outcomes

At the time of graduation, graduates will demonstrate:

  • an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  • an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data 
  • an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  • an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
  • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
  • an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  • the appropriate written and verbal communication skills required to communicate effectively
  • the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
  • a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, lifelong learning
  • a knowledge of contemporary issues
  • an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
  • an ability to apply engineering to biological systems
  • a knowledge of advanced biological concepts

Options in the BS in Chemical and Biological Engineering Curriculum

Premedicine Curriculum Track. This track is offered for students preparing for medical school. Since chemical and biological engineering already requires most of the premed courses, it is a logical choice for students who desire an engineering degree and the opportunity to pursue a medical profession. 

Curriculum for BS in Chemical and Biological Engineering (ChBE)

Required Courses and Semester Credit Hours

Freshman Year
Fall Semester

  • APPM 1350 Calculus 1 for Engineers—4
  • CHEN 1211 General Chemistry for Engineers—3
  • CHEM 1221 General Chemistry Laboratory for Engineers—2
  • GEEN 1300 Introduction to Engineering Computing—3
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3

Spring Semester

  • APPM 1360 Calculus 2 for Engineers—4
  • CHEN 1300 Introduction to Chemical Engineering (Note 1)—1
  • CHEN 2810 Biology for Engineers—3
  • PHYS 1110 General Physics 1—4
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3

Sophomore Year
Fall Semester

  • APPM 2350 Calculus 3 for Engineers—4
  • CHEM 3311 Organic Chemistry 1—4
  • CHEM 3321 Laboratory in Organic Chemistry—1
  • CHEN 2120 Material and Energy Balances—3
  • PHYS 1120 General Physics 2—4
  • PHYS 1140 Experimental Physics—1

Spring Semester

  • APPM 2360 Introduction to Differential Equations with Linear Algebra—4
  • CHEM 3331 Organic Chemistry 2—4
  • CHEM 3341 Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 2—1
  • CHEM 4521 Physical Chemistry for Engineers (Notes 1 and 4)—3
  • CHEN 3200 Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics (Note 1)—3
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3

Junior Year
Fall Semester

  • CHEN 3320 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (Note 1)—3
  • CHEN 3010 Applied Data Analysis (Note 1)—3
  • CHEN 3210 Chemical Engineering Heat Transfer (Note 1)—3
  • WRTG 3030 Writing on Science and Society—3
  • Elective (Note 3)—4

Spring Semester

  • CHEM 4611 Survey of Biochemistry (Note 5)—3
  • CHEN 3130 Chemical Engineering Laboratory 1 (Note 1)—2
  • CHEN 3220 Chemical Engineering Separations and Mass Transfer (Note 1)—3
  • CHEN 4805 Biomaterials (Note 1)—3
  • CHEN 4830 Biokinetics (Note 1)—3
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3

Senior Year
Fall Semester

  • CHEN 4090 Undergraduate Seminar (Note 1)—1
  • CHEN 4520 Chemical Process Synthesis (Note 1)—3
  • CHEN 4810 Chemical and Biological Engineering Laboratory 2 (Note 1)—2
  • CHEN 4820 Biochemical Separations (Note 1)—3
  • Elective (Note 3)—3
  • Elective (Note 3)—3

Spring Semester

  • CHEN 4530 Chemical Engineering Design Project (Note 1)—2
  • CHEN 4570 Instrumentation and Process Control (Note 1)—4
  • Elective (Note 3)—3
  • Focus Tech elective (Note 6)—3
  • Humanities or social science elective (Note 2)—3
  • Minimum total hours for degree—128
Curriculum Notes
1. Course is offered only in the semester indicated.
2. Courses must meet humanities and social science requirements. Students should consult their advisor, the current ChE Help Guide, and
3. Electives must meet specific requirements. See the current ChE Help Guide.
4. Students may take CHEM 4511 if during the fall semester.
5. Alternate is CHEM 4711.
6. One of the following courses must be taken as the focus technical elective: CHEN 4801 (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology), CHEN 4802 (Tissue Engineering/Biomedical Devices), or CHEN 4803 (Metabolic Engineering). These courses will be taught in alternating years and should be taken in the junior or senior year as available.


Graduate Degree Program(s)

Graduate Study in Chemical and Biological Engineering

Major areas of current research interest in the chemical  and biological engineering department are applied mathematics and computers, biomedical and tissue engineering, biotechnology, ceramics processing, colloid science, environmental engineering, heterogeneous catalysis and kinetics, fluid dynamics, low gravity science, mass transfer, materials engineering, membrane and polymer science, particle technology, process control and optimization, separations, supercritical fluids, surface science and interfacial phenomena, transport in porous media, and thermodynamics.

Master of Science Degree Requirements

Admission. General criteria for regular admission to the master’s program include a bachelor’s degree with a 3.000 or better overall GPA from a college or university of recognized standing, equivalent to the degree given at this university (or college work equivalent to that required for such a degree, at least 96 semester hours of which must be acceptable toward a degree at this university); promise of ability to pursue advanced study and research, as judged by previous scholastic record or otherwise; and adequate preparation to begin graduate study in the chosen field.

A candidate for the master of science degree in chemical engineering must fulfill the following departmental requirements:

  • Thirty semester hours of graduate work, including a satisfactory thesis. Maximum credit of 6 semester hours is allowed for the completion of the master’s thesis. A nonthesis master’s degree is available and requires completion of 30 semester hours of course work.
  • A final examination as required by the Graduate School on the thesis.

It is expected that a qualified student can complete the master’s degree in less than two calendar years. A graduate student with a bachelor’s degree in a field related to chemical engineering can obtain the master’s degree in chemical engineering but may be required to make up deficiencies in background. Programs are arranged on an individual basis.

Course Requirements. The following courses are required for any MS degree plan:

  • CHEN 5090 Seminar in Chemical and Biological Engineering
  • CHEN 5210 Transport Phenomena
  • CHEN 5740 Analytical Methods
  • And one of the following: 
    CHEN 5370 Intermediate Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
    CHEN 5390 Chemical Reaction Engineering
  • Additionally, 15 of the total required credit hours must be chemical and biological engineering courses, and pass/fail courses do not count toward the degree.

A degree plan must be prepared at the beginning of the academic program in consultation with an advisory committee. The student is urged to maintain close contact with this advisory committee during the entire course of study.

The MS thesis committee must consist of three members, including at least two graduate faculty members from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering.

Master of Engineering Degree Requirements

Admission. (The standards of admission to the MS program also apply to ME degree applicants.) A 3.000 overall undergraduate GPA is required for regular admission.

ME Degree Advisor. All ME candidates should see the chemical engineering master of science degree advisor for counseling.

Requirements for Graduation. Students orally defend their written reports as specified in the ME degree description, and a comprehensive examination is administered by the student’s advisory committee on the report and course work. 

Doctor of Philosophy Admission Requirements

  • The applicant must have achieved academic competence equivalent to a master of science degree from an accredited college or university, with a GPA substantially above the minimum normally required for the degree.
  • The applicant must show the ability to perform independent research.
  • The applicant must indicate a field of specialization and obtain an advisor in the chemical engineering graduate faculty.
  • The applicant must pass the PhD preliminary examination administered by the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering.

A candidate for the doctor of philosophy degree must meet the requirements as described under requirements for advanced degrees in the Graduate School chapter. A minimum of 30 semester hours of courses numbered 5000 or above is required for the degree, including those applied toward an MS degree. These must include all five core courses listed previously.

All PhD students in chemical engineering must satisfy a communication skills requirement. This includes performing an advanced teaching assistantship and demonstrating satisfactory communication skills on the PhD comprehensive examination. Students whose primary language is English may choose to demonstrate foreign language proficiency instead of being judged on their communications skills on the comprehensive exam.

The PhD dissertation committee must consist of five members, including at least three from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and at least one from within CU-Boulder, but outside the department. A graduate faculty member of the department must serve as chair of the committee.