CHEM-1351 (5) Honors General Chemistry 1

Lect. and lab. Principles of chemistry and their applications are covered in a comprehensive manner (honors level) in this low-enrollment freshman course. Lectures include topics not covered in CHEM 1113/1114-1133/1134. The laboratory experience is more extensive; therefore, the CHEM 1351-371 sequence is highly recommended for well-prepared students who intend to major in chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, molecular biology, or related areas.Prereqs., one year high school chemistry; four years of high school math and/or a high score on the SAT or ACT math exam and one year of high school physics. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 1113/1114, 1221, 1251, and CHEN 1211. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.