Lab. Instruction in experimental techniques of modernorganic chemistry emphasizing chemical separations and reactions of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic compounds. Stereochemical modeling and the identification of organic unknowns by spectroscopic and chemical methods are also introduced. Prereqs., CHEM 1133/1134 (formerly 1131), 1271, 1371, or CHEN 1211/CHEM 1221 (min grade C-) or equivalent. Coreq., CHEM 3311 or 3351. For biochemistry and nonchemistry majors. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 3361. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CHEM 1131 or CHEM 1133/1134 or CHEM 1271 or CHEM 1371 or CHEN 1211/CHEM 1221.