NRSC-2100 (4) Introduction to Neuroscience 1

Provides and introduction to fundamental concepts in neuroscience. The goal of this first course is to provide a strong foundation in neurobiology--cell biology, physiology of the neuronal membrane, interneuronal communication, neurotransmission, gross anatomy, and how the brain develops. Students will also learn principles of sensory systems functions. The recitation will introduce students to neuronal computational modeling. Restricted to students with 27-86 credits (Sophomores or Juniors). Prereqs., MCDB 1150 and 1151, or EBIO 1210 and 1230, and MCDB 2150 and 2151. Fulfills PSYC 2012 requirement for Psychology majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-86 credits (Sophomores or Juniors).