Examines how activities in organizations provide value to the purchasers of its products and services. Includes gathering information about consumers and competitors through research and information systems, applying knowledge and technology to the design of products and services, communicating information to consumers and organizational units, and pricingand distributing products and services. Also includes issues in global marketing, ethics and diversity, relationship marketing, and integrating marketing with financial analyses. Prerequisites: Requires prereq course of BCOR1020 or MATH2510 or 4510 or ECON3818 or APPM3570 or 4570 or CHEN3010 or CVEN3227 or IPHY2800 or PSCI2075 or PSYC3101 (min grade D-). Rstr to BUSN, SPPR-PRO, IAFS, or ADVT majors, students w/WBE subplan and 26-180 units.