The Division of Student Affairs focuses on creating a positive learning environment that fosters successful personal development and learning both in and outside the classroom. Student learning and success are enhanced when the learning environment and community support students’ full development as people, not isolated intellects, and when students are seen as important partners in the learning experience.
A spectrum of uniquely designed services and support programs is available to undergraduate and graduate students as members of the university community. These programs contribute to creating a positive learning environment and support student development and academic achievement. Examples include housing and dining services, recreation, health care and education, personal and career counseling, and opportunities to develop leadership skills. Student Affairs works in a liaison relationship with the University of Colorado Student Government (CUSG), the Greek system, and the CU Parents Association. The division takes an active leadership role in supporting diversity on campus and in building a supportive and respectful campus learning environment. Campus and Student Affairs staffs are proud of the high ratings that students give to many services. The division continues its commitment to improving service delivery in all areas. Approximately 900 professional and highly skilled Student Affairs staff and faculty are responsible for the many programs and services available to all students during their educational careers.