A university’s intellectual reputation depends on maintaining the highest standards of intellectual honesty. Commitment to those standards is a responsibility of every student, faculty member, and staff member on the University of Colorado Boulder campus.
A student-run Honor Code was instituted on the Boulder campus in 2002. The intent of the Honor Code is to establish a community of trust in which students do not plagiarize, cheat, or obtain unauthorized academic materials. An Honor Code Council collaborates with the colleges and schools in addressing allegations and instances of academic dishonesty and in assisting to educate all members of the university community on academic integrity issues.
Breaches of academic honesty include but are not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and the unauthorized possession of examinations, papers, and computer programs.
A student accused of academic dishonesty may either accept the accusation made by a faculty member or request a hearing before a student panel, which will make a decision on the accusation of academic dishonesty. In addition to academic sanctions imposed by the faculty, students found responsible for academic dishonesty also face consequences from the Honor Code Council including but not limited to Honor Code probation, education seminars concerning academic writing and ethics, suspension, and expulsion from the university. More information about CU-Boulder’s Honor Code may be found at www.colorado.edu/academics/honorcode.
The following terms are defined here for the benefit of all members of the university community.
Cheating is defined as using unauthorized materials or receiving unauthorized assistance during an examination or other academic exercise. Examples of cheating include: copying the work of another student during an examination or other academic exercise or permitting another student to copy one’s work; taking an examination for another student or allowing another student to take one’s examination; possessing unauthorized notes, study sheets, examinations, or other materials during an examination or other academic exercise; collaborating with another student during an academic exercise without the instructor’s consent; using unauthorized technologies, such as calculators, computers, and smart phones; and/or falsifying examination results.
Plagiarism is defined as the use of another’s ideas or words without appropriate acknowledgment. Examples of plagiarism include: failing to use quotation marks when directly quoting from a source; failing to document distinctive ideas from a source; fabricating or inventing sources; and copying information from computer-based sources, i.e., the Internet.
Unauthorized possession or disposition of academic materials may include: selling or purchasing examinations, papers, reports or other academic work; possessing unauthorized solutions, instruction manuals, or texts; taking another student’s academic work without permission; possessing examinations, papers, reports, or other assignments not released by an instructor; and/or submitting the same paper for multiple classes without advance instructor authorization and approval.
In the event a degree program is discontinued, students currently enrolled in the program have a four-year period in which to complete their degree requirements. This four-year period starts at the end of the academic year in which the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) takes action to discontinue the program. No new or returning students will be admitted into a discontinued degree program. Students not completing the degree requirements in the four-year period are not permitted to receive the discontinued degree. In such cases, credits accumulated may be applied to the overall number of credits required toward graduation, but the student must seek the advice of their college or school to determine how these credits might apply to a new degree program.
In order to create the best possible environment for teaching and learning, the University of Colorado Boulder affirms its support for a responsible campus policy that addresses the inappropriate use of alcohol and other drugs.
In compliance with the federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the University of Colorado Boulder prohibits the unlawful manufacture, dispensation, possession, use, or distribution of a controlled substance (illicit drugs and alcohol) of any kind and in any amount. These prohibitions cover any individual's actions that are part of any university activities, including those occurring while on university property or in the conduct of university business away from the campus.
Information on policies, penalties, health effects, and resources available to students and staff regarding alcohol and other drugs can be found online at aod.colorado.edu. These policies are also described by various university offices in several publications:
Individual and group counseling for students with substance abuse concerns is available through Wardenburg Health Center (303-492-5654) or Counseling and Psychological Services (303-492-6766).
The Colorado Creed, developed by students in 2003, is a code of conduct, a lifestyle, by which students at CU-Boulder live. The text of the Creed is:
As a member of the Boulder community and the University of Colorado, I agree to:
Act with honor, integrity, and accountability in my interactions with students, faculty, staff, and neighbors.
Respect the rights of others and accept our differences.
Contribute to the greater good of this community.
I will strive to uphold these principles in all aspects of my collegiate experience and beyond.
For further information, go to www.colorado.edu/creed or call 303-492-8476.
Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, regardless of the medium, is illegal. In order to deter unauthorized use, the university utilizes technological solutions to curb this activity. Still, the university regularly receives notices of copyright violations and is required by law to take action. Initial action taken by the university includes a three-strike rule, which includes a mandatory educational component as well as the possibility of suspension of network privileges. The copyright website (ucblibraries.colorado.edu/copyright) provides additional resources about the legitimate use of copyrighted materials in academic and other work. Be informed and understand copyright and fair use guidelines and apply them appropriately!
The University of Colorado Boulder is committed to fostering a collegial academic community whose mission requires a positive learning, working, and living environment. As a place of work and study, CU-Boulder should be free of sexual harassment as well as discrimination and harassment based upon race, color, national origin, pregnancy, sex, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or veteran status and related retaliation. Discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation are prohibited on campus and in university programs. Additionally, we strive to prevent and eliminate false allegations of discrimination and harassment. The university is committed to taking appropriate action against those who violate the university’s policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, related retaliation, and false reporting. To achieve these goals the Office of Discrimination and Harassment provides educational workshops for all members of our community, including faculty, staff, and student employees. We conduct fair and unbiased investigations and provide equitable resolutions of allegations of discrimination and harassment. We treat all individuals who seek our assistance with respect and dignity.
For information or copies of the University of Colorado Policy on Sexual Harassment, the University of Colorado Policy on Conflict of Interest in Cases of Amorous Relationships, or the University of Colorado Boulder Policy on Discrimination and Harassment, please call 303-492-2127 or visit the Office of Discrimination and Harassment website at hr.colorado.edu/odh.
"At the University of Colorado Boulder we are committed to building a campus community in which diversity is a fundamental value. People are different and the differences among us are what we call diversity—a natural and enriching hallmark of life. Diversity includes, but is not limited to, ethnicity, race, gender, age, class, sexual orientation, religion, disability, political viewpoints, veteran status, gender identity/expression, and health status. A climate of healthy diversity is one in which people value individual and group differences, respect the perspectives of others, and communicate openly.
"Diversity is a key to inclusive excellence in education. A diverse learning environment better prepares all students for the world that awaits them. CU-Boulder is committed to enriching the lives of our students, faculty, and staff by providing a diverse campus where the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and perspectives is an active part of learning." —from the Guidelines for Diversity Planning
It is the policy of the University of Colorado Boulder to adhere to the final examination schedule as published in the online at the registrar’s website (registrar.colorado.edu) each semester. While it may be appropriate not to give a final in some cases, such as laboratory courses, seminars, and colloquia, final examinations are integral parts of the instructional program and should be given in all other undergraduate courses. Unless notified otherwise in writing during the first week of classes, students should assume that an examination will be given.
In addition to the principles stated above, the following guidelines should be followed by all faculty members and administrators in order to assure fairness and the best possible educational experience for students.
While the University of Colorado Boulder is a relatively safe place to be, the campus is not a haven from community problems. Through the joint effort of various organizations on campus, CU is committed to providing ample safety resources for faculty, staff, and students.
Specific efforts to promote safety on campus include the provision of adequate lighting, police protection, educational programs, and special prevention programs, such as the CU NightRide escort services and laptop and bicycle registration programs. Emergency telephones are located on campus to provide direct access to the police dispatcher. See the university’s parking and traffic map in the Parking Services Office or Ralphie’s Guide to Student Life for exact locations of these phones.
In compliance with the Federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 and the Higher Education Amendments of 1992, 1998, 2000, and 2008, students and employees receive (at the start of the fall semester) information on campus security policies and programs, including crime rate information. In any emergency or life-threatening situation, always call 9-1-1.
Members of the university community are encouraged to report any incident of threatening or harmful behavior to the administrator closest to the situation and/or the University Police at 303-492-6666. Other resources include the Office of Student Conduct at 303-492-5550, the Ombuds Office at 303-492-5077, and the CU-Boulder Alcohol and Other Drugs Program at 303-492-5703.
Additional safety information can be found at www.colorado.edu/police and www.colorado.edu/safety.
Campuswide smoking regulations are not intended to deny smokers their prerogatives, but rather to limit the potential adverse effects of smoking on others. The Boulder campus smoking policy states:
Those employees who wish to stop smoking may call the Employee Assistance Program (303-492-6766) for information on available programs. For more information on the campus smoking policy, contact the office of the vice chancellor for administration.
All CU students receive an e-mail account from the university, which is an official means of sending information to students. Students are responsible for maintaining this CU e-mail address. The official e-mail address can be used by professors to contact students and provide course-related information. Administrative offices, such as the Office of the Registrar, use official e-mail addresses to contact students and provide important information. Students are responsible for frequently checking their official CU e-mail address. For more information on the student e-mail policy, visit www.colorado.edu/policies/student-e-mail-policy or call the IT Service Center at 303-735-HELP or e-mail them at HELP@colorado.edu. To learn more about student e-mail accounts, visit www.colorado.edu/oit/email.
The purpose of the Student Conduct Code is to maintain the general welfare of the university community. The university strives to make the campus community a place of study, work, and residence where people are treated, and treat one another, with respect and courtesy. The university views the student conduct process as a learning experience that can result in growth and personal understanding of one’s responsibilities and privileges within both the university community and the greater community. All students must follow these standards. Students who violate these standards will be subject to the actions described below. These procedures are designed to provide fairness to all who are involved in the conduct process.
Article 7, Part B, of the Laws of the Regents requires each campus to develop a student code of conduct. The Office of Student Conduct is authorized to establish and administer this policy.
Any questions regarding interpretation of this code or any of its provisions should be directed to the vice chancellor for student affairs or his/her designee for final determination. Questions regarding behavioral problems should be directed to the Office of Student Conduct, University of Colorado Boulder, 10 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309; phone 303-492-5550.
This policy governs:
All students residing in Housing & Dining Services facilities are subject to the applicable Housing & Dining Services procedures, except:
Proceedings initiated under this policy are separate from civil or criminal proceedings that may relate to the same incident. Investigations or conduct proceedings by the university are not postponed while criminal or civil proceedings are pending, unless otherwise determined by the conduct officer.
The unexcused failure of a student to appear and/or respond to the conduct process does not prevent the university from proceeding with the conduct process.
The mission of the Office of Student Conduct is to establish an ethic of care at the University of Colorado Boulder, through its preventive, behavioral, and accountability practices. Establishment of an ethic of care will assist in providing a safe, respectful, and supportive community where students, parents, faculty, and staff will be challenged to develop their critical thinking, values, connectedness to the community, sense of identity, understanding of independence and interdependence, and multicultural awareness.
An “ethic of care” model is a holistic approach to engage community members regarding their behaviors and responsibilities, recognizing that concern for self and others in a community of individuals can have a powerful impact. The Office of Student Conduct supports this holistic model in an effort to aid in student development and contribute to a positive, successful and respectful, living and learning environment throughout the university community.
The values of the Office of Student Conduct are:
It is the duty of all students involved in the conduct process to participate conscientiously. Students have a duty to discuss the incident with an investigator and a conduct officer over the telephone or in person, adhere to stated deadlines, attend scheduled meetings, and participate in all proceedings. Failure to meet these duties may result in a decision being made without the benefit of the student’s participation or may result in a student being charged with failing to comply with the directions of a university official. It is the responsibility of a charged student to seek modification of any criminal or civil restraining orders to allow for the completion of any conduct process defined in the Student Conduct Code.
The Office of Student Conduct views the conduct process as a learning experience that helps students to understand their responsibility to both themselves and their living and learning community. Individuals strive to learn from one another in an educational community that holds both mutual respect for individuals and community and self-responsibility for behaviors in high regard. Behavior that conflicts with established standards, policies, and guidelines of the University of Colorado will be referred for campus conduct proceedings.
Every member of the living and learning community must assume responsibility for becoming educated about the various university standards, policies, and guidelines. Each individual community member who works, lives, studies, teaches, does research, conducts business, or is involved in the living and learning community is a part of that community by choice. By making that choice, each community member agrees to contribute to an educationally purposeful community. It is against the basic nature of this community for anyone to demean or discriminate against another human being. A caring, educational community does not tolerate physical or psychological threats, harassment, intimidation, or violence directed against a person. Such behavior is subject to the university’s conduct processes.
Students must accept responsibility for maintaining an atmosphere conducive to education and scholarship by respecting the personal safety and individual rights of all in the university community, by conducting himself/herself in accordance with accepted standards of social behavior, and by abiding by the regulations of the university and the laws of the city, state, and nation.
Students should pay special attention to the appendices in the Student Conduct Policies and Procedures PDF at www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/studentconduct, in which specific definitions and procedures for sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking are outlined. Excerpts from the Colorado Revised Statutes regarding hazing, ethnic intimidation, and riots are also presented. Colorado law prohibits persons convicted of rioting from enrolling in state-supported universities/colleges for 12 months following the date of a conviction.