Degrees, Majors, and Minors

Students offered admission at CU-Boulder are admitted to one major and one degree program. After enrollment they may consider pursuing a double degree, double major, or minor.

Double Degrees

A double degree is two different degrees within a college/school (e.g., a BA and BFA from the College of Arts and Sciences), or two degrees from different schools or colleges (e.g., a BA from the College of Arts and Sciences and a BS from the College of Engineering and Applied Science). Enrolled students who wish to add a double degree program are encouraged to speak with their current academic advisor and an academic advisor in the degree program they wish to add in order to determine requirements and procedures for adding a double degree. After January 14, 2013, the requirements for CU-Boulder double degree programs have been revised to make it easier to earn some double degrees in less time with less cost. In order to earn a double degree from two colleges or schools:

  • students must meet all individual degree requirements as currently written
  • students must receive signoff approval from the academic adviser for each degree area
  • both degrees must be confirmed at the same graduation date. (The degrees must be awarded concurrently; they cannot be awarded sequentially.) 

Dual Degrees

Dual degrees are combined degree programs such as the BA/MA or the BS/MS combined five year degree programs. These programs are designed as a single integrated curriculum, not stand alone degrees; but the student is earning two different degrees—such as a baccalaureate and a master's degree—in a single integrated program of study.

Double Majors

Students pursuing a bachelor's degree in the their school or college may graduate with more than one major within the degree (e.g., economics and French) by completing all requirements for both majors. A minimum of 120 total credit hours is required for double majors.


Students earning their bachelor's degree may decide to participate in a minor program. These optional programs are offered in a number of undergraduate departments and programs including: College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and Applied Science, and Leeds School of Business.